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Libro electrónico124 páginas36 minutos


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A young man finally comes of age after a journey at once holy and intensely profane. These (literally) pointless verses are a scattered confession of the overwhelming feelings of an angel waiting to be a demon wanting to be an angel again.The quest begins with a bitter heartbreak but then precipitates into a photograph cascade. Recollections of abuse, debauchery, tenderness, envy, ecstatic pleasure and unbearable yet ordinary pain, all vivid and fleeting, like the evaporating fumes of a hit of poppers.This boy is ultimately liberated into the creature that he is, both proud and bewildered by his own nature. A nature all too familiar to the altar boys of Sodom and sin.
Fecha de lanzamiento29 sept 2020

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    Unicorns - Christian Garavito

    © Derechos de edición reservados.

    Letrame Editorial.

    © Christian Garavito

    Diseño de edición: Letrame Editorial.

    Fotografías: Giancarlo Fajardo

    ISBN: 978-84-18512-70-4

    Ninguna parte de esta publicación, incluido el diseño de cubierta, puede ser reproducida, almacenada o transmitida de manera alguna ni por ningún medio, ya sea electrónico, químico, mecánico, óptico, de grabación, en Internet o de fotocopia, sin permiso previo del editor o del autor.

    Letrame Editorial no tiene por qué estar de acuerdo con las opiniones del autor o con el texto de la publicación, recordando siempre que la obra que tiene en sus manos puede ser una novela de ficción o un ensayo en el que el autor haga valoraciones personales y subjetivas.

    «Cualquier forma de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública o transformación de esta obra sólo puede ser realizada con la autorización de sus titulares, salvo excepción prevista por la ley. Diríjase a CEDRO (Centro Español de Derechos Reprográficos) si necesita fotocopiar o escanear algún fragmento de esta obra (; 91 702 19 70 / 93 272 04 47)».


    To Cristian, I’ve given it all, just as you said. I hope you like it.

    To Gian, that thing we can’t explain makes us infinite.

    To Ivo, we will dance.

    To Juan, your love rocked my world, even if you can’t believe me, thank you.

    To Camilo, you are definitely GODTOUCHED.

    Thank you for your greatness.




    About what is written in these pages

    Not everything is true

    Not everything is false

    There are some things I felt in a moment

    And some others that I never felt at all

    And a few more

    I’m still carrying around.

    From my mother tongue

    I wrote this book in English

    because I have something to hide.

    My heart speaks a different language than my mind.

    So I tried to make it universal

    Not as personal as Spanish

    Even if I don’t relate to it that much.

    In the end I don’t know what language I speak.

    I am a fucking unicorn

    I am a magical being that never existed

    I am strange

    And I’ve always had a dick in my head

    Figuratively and relatively speaking

    I guess in the end

    all of this

    is about dick

    And ass

    And sex

    And being gay.


    Juan is leaving



    Winnie the Pooh


    Now that you are gone, I know I needed you the most

    But in the long term you are just bad health

    And this Winnie the Pooh relationship will only destroy us

    Go and be the bee you are meant to be

    Thanks for the sweet treats

    They kept me warm in the winter

    But summer is here and I’d rather be drinking iced tea.

    The devil is out tonight

    The devil is out tonight

    The devil is a metaphor for what I am capable of

    The devil lives tonight

    Everybody’s screaming outside

    A woman lost her dog and she calls it by its name

    She won’t

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