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Una pijamada difícil: A Tricky Sleepover
Una pijamada difícil: A Tricky Sleepover
Una pijamada difícil: A Tricky Sleepover
Libro electrónico43 páginas16 minutos

Una pijamada difícil: A Tricky Sleepover

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All the girls in class are talking about Kayla’s party. It will be Jasmine and Annie’s first sleepover and they have mixed feelings, so when Jasmine overhears a conversation about a plan to play tricks on her and Annie, things take a turn for the worse. But sometimes what you hear isn’t what you think. Will Kayla and her friends play tricks on Annie and Jasmine? What tricks do Annie and Jasmine have up their sleeves?

These relatable books with simple sentences and illustrations in every chapter, make them the perfect first chapter books for young readers.

• Addresses social and emotional concepts

• Realistic fiction

• Back matter

Fecha de lanzamiento27 mar 2019
Una pijamada difícil: A Tricky Sleepover

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    Una pijamada difícil - Meg Greve

    Cover: Una pijamada difícilTitle: Una pijamada difícil

    © 2017 Rourke Educational Media

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the publisher.

    Edited by: Keli Sipperley

    Cover layout by: Renee Brady

    Interior layout by: Jen Thomas

    Cover and Interior Illustrations by: Sarah Lawrence

    Library of Congress PCN Data

    Una pijamada complicada / Meg Greve

    (Libros por Capítulos para Principiantes de Rourke)

    ISBN (hard cover English)(alk. paper) 978-1-63430-368-2

    ISBN (soft cover English) 978-1-63430-468-9

    ISBN (e-Book English) 978-1-63430-564-8

    ISBN (soft cover - Spanish) 978-1-68342-249-5

    ISBN (e-Book - Spanish) 978-1-73162-055-2

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016956677

    Estimados padres y maestros:

    La ficción realista es ideal para que los lectores hagan la transición de libros ilustrados a libros por capítulos. En los Libros por Capítulos para Principiantes de Rourke, los jóvenes lectores conocerán personajes que son como ellos. Se sentirán atraídos por el entorno familiar de la escuela y el hogar, y por los temas familiares de los deportes, la amistad, los sentimientos y la familia. Los pequeños lectores se identificarán con los personajes a medida

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