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El día de Sarah en el kínder: Sarah's Day in Kindergarten
El día de Sarah en el kínder: Sarah's Day in Kindergarten
El día de Sarah en el kínder: Sarah's Day in Kindergarten
Libro electrónico24 páginas39 minutos

El día de Sarah en el kínder: Sarah's Day in Kindergarten

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Sarah and Jimmy are partners. They do many things together. At the art class, they draw their best friends. Who is Jimmy drawing and who is Sarah’s best friend?
Fecha de lanzamiento1 feb 2019
El día de Sarah en el kínder: Sarah's Day in Kindergarten

Robin Wells

When Robin Wells sold her first romance novel in 1995, her family celebrated at a Chinese restaurant. Robin's fortune cookie read, "Romance moves you in a new direction." And it certainly has! Robin has since written sixteen critically acclaimed novels that have been translated into eighteen languages. Her books have won the National Golden Heart Award, two National Readers' Choice Awards, the Award of Excellence, the Golden Quill, and the Holt Medallion. Robin's latest book, Still the One, was nominated for a Rita Award, the highest award the National Romance Writers of America gives an author, at the RWA national conference last July. Robin was born in Waco, Texas and holds a B.A. in liberal arts from the University of Oklahoma. Before becoming a full-time writer, Robin worked as an advertising and public relations executive for a major hotel chain. She loves working with new writers and teaches a course called "How to Write a Novel" at Southeastern Louisiana University's Mandeville campus. Robin lives with her husband, two daughters and a very spoiled dog named Winnie the Poohdle in Mandeville.

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    El día de Sarah en el kínder - Robin Wells

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