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La Gallina Enojada
La Gallina Enojada
La Gallina Enojada
Libro electrónico25 páginas4 minutos

La Gallina Enojada

Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas



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Información de este libro electrónico

This memoir relives an unforgettable and significant experience I had as a child and vividly still remember.

This book can be use in different ways:
Read aloud at home, school other group setting
Used as a mentor text for lessons in the classroom using multiple strategies

For preschoolers, the primary educators (parents) can use it as language acquisition development in preparation of formal literacy instruction. Student already in school will find it and enjoyable way to hone reading and writing skills.

Im sure you'll find your own ways to use this book.
Fecha de lanzamiento10 jul 2012
La Gallina Enojada

Mabel Morales de Ramos

Mabel is a Spanish language teacher with over 20 years experience teaching elementary level. She taught Spanish as a Modern Language. She also taught all subjects in Spanish as a first language. For the past 14 years she has been teaching in a Language Immersion Program in central Indiana. She holds a Masters of Arts for Teachers from Indiana University (IUPUI) and a Master degree from the University of Salamanca in Spain. She completed her Bachelor and Associate of Arts in Elementary Education at the University of Puerto Rico. Mabel is a lifetime member of the prestigious Sigma Delta Pi Hispanic Honor Society (S??). She is also member of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (ATTSP) and the National Network for Early Language Learning (NNELL). Mabel lives in Indianapolis with her husband and three children. She enjoys reading, traveling and spending time with her family.

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    La Gallina Enojada - Mabel Morales de Ramos

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