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Una apasionante historia de amor. Por el autor de El cuaderno de Noah.

Durante toda su vida adulta, Taylor siempre ha buscado mujeres que necesitan ser rescatadas y a las que él abandona cuando la crisis ha pasado y la relación que con ellas empieza a ponerse seria.

Cuando una tormenta feroz llega al pueblo donde vive Taylor, Denise Holton tiene un accidente. Su coche derrapa y se sale de la carretera. La joven viajaba con su hijo de cuatro años, un niño con dificultades de aprendizaje severas y por el que ella lo ha sacrificado todo. Taylor la encuentra inconsciente y sangrando, pero no así a Kyle. Cuando Denise despierta, la terrorífica realidad se hace patente: Kyle ha desaparecido. La búsqueda del niño hace que Taylor y Denise se acaben por conocer y establecer un vínculo muy fuerte.

Taylor se verá arrastrado a la posibilidad de ser él el rescatado en esta ocasión: rescatado de una vida sin amor…

Fecha de lanzamiento15 ene 2014

Nicholas Sparks

Nicholas Sparks nació en Estados Unidos en la Nochevieja de 1965. Su primer éxito fue El cuaderno de Noah, al que siguió Mensaje en una botella, que han sido llevadas al cine, al igual que otros de sus éxitos como Noches de tormenta, Querido John y La última canción. Es autor de más de 20 novelas que han sido traducidas a más de 50 idiomas y publicadas en 25 países.

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Calificación: 3.750301621230398 de 5 estrellas

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  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Rescue is one kind of book which I cherish reading when I wish to take a break after reading a long one.The book is like a breather and feels at home.The characters and the episodes in the book are elucidated perfectly.The books allows one to ease off from a continuously reading thriller/suspense/killer ones.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    The plot is fabulous. Even the language is lucid. All in all it really pulls so many strings of your heart you never knew existed! Loved it!
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    I'm a fan of Nicholas Sparks for heartwarming, redemptive love stories. This wasn't his strongest - it veered into sappy and lacked the emotional intelligence of many of his others. Still an easy read that is a step above many romantic novels
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Even though the concepts of his novels may be a bit similar, this one is still an interesting page-turner you can't put down. I've always enjoyed reading his works, and this one's no disappointment even though parts are quite generic/predictable.Four out of five.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I thought this book was pretty good. I always found myself wondering what was going to happen next. The beginning was very interesting and was a great attention grabber. It starts out in the middle of Denise's car accident and immediately I wanted to continue reading. This was when Denise met Taylor for the first time, which was very unconentional and I liked it. It proves a person can meet new people where ever they go. Anyway as the book moves on, Taylor and Denise get closer, but then Taylor starts ignoring Denise, causing there to be tension and conflict. But, by the end of the book Taylor and Denise have never been happier, which is why they got married. My favorite part of the book, was the unexpected part when I found out that Mitch died in the fire. This was also the saddest part, it brought me to tears, but I felf it was a good twist in such a predictable book. This then brings to the only negative I have for the book and that has to do with how the book was so predictable. I could predict how the book would right from the beginning. Man meets woman, they fall in love, something happens to make them grow apart, and because love always prevails, they end up back together in the end. Throughout the entire book, this is the only negative thing I found, the rest of the book I found pretty good. All in all, I felt this book was worth my time to read it and would most definetely reccomend this book to others!
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I've always enjoyed reading Nicholas Sparks. His stories about romance delve deeper into the characters than many other romance novels I've read making them more interesting and more real.The Rescue is a story about Denise Holton and her young son, Kyle, who move from Atlanta to her mother's old hometown of Edenton. Kyle has speech problems, both in verbalizing and processing speech, and in order to be able to afford to stay home during the day and work with him, Denise sees no other alternative but to move to the small town.When Kyle goes missing after an automobile accident, Taylor McAden, a volunteer firefighter, finds the boy in a duck blind in the swamp and thus begins the relationship between Taylor, Denise, and Kyle.Taylor is not without his own problems and secrets and many wonder if this is a relationship that can go the distance.An enjoyable, quick read.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    The Rescue involves a young woman's four year old son running away from a car wreck during the worst storm of the year. Once the woman regains consciousness and realizes her son is missing, a fire crew is already at the scene ready to help. A certain man, about the woman's age, finds her son hours later hiding away in the woods. Since the man is now her hero, she must find some way to thank him. The Rescue slowly evolves into a twisted love story with turns you won't see coming. The book seems to be intended for an audience of any age. The novel was enjoyable and I would recommend it to anyone.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Another great book from Nicholas Sparks. I really didn't feel this was one of his better books, however. Still a great story without that sappy sickness of a dime-store romance. A whopper of an ending, but not so much of the beautiful North Carolina seascape settings which is one of the things I love about his books. Definitely worth the read if you are a Sparks fan.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    The Rescue is another wonderful, heart warming and heart breaking story from Nicholas Sparks. This book starts out with a woman traveling with her small child and I will let him take it from there, I do not want to spoil anything. As always a wonderful book
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I think this is one of the better books by Nicholas Sparks. I found the story interesting and compelling with characters that were easy to relate to and care about. There was the requisite amount of drama and emotion as well as a plot that fit together nicely.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    While driving in heavy rain storm, Denise Holton, a single mother, crashes her car on the edge of a swamp. She wakes up to find that her little boy Kyle is missing. A volunteer firefighter Taylor McAden rescues her and leads the search for the missing child. Our hero finds Kyle and this leads the child to bond to Taylor. The two soon fall in love, but our hero has a flaw that does not allow him to maintain a lasting, loving relationship. THE RESCUE is a well written love story that revolves around the three main individuals. We have our flawed hero dealing with his demons, a mother who has devoted her life to her son and a child with a learning disorder. The character's are developed and believable. You will find it to be a fast read as well as you get caught up in the story. If you liked Sparks' other books, then this one is a must read.
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    I almost gave up reading this book 10 pages before the end-it was that monotonous. However,I kept reading, and am glad that I did because those last 10 pages were EASILY the best part. Cried like nobody's business. Not my favourite Sparks creation, but it definitely hit a soft spot (it is also based on very personal events from the author's real life, if that's a selling point at all for you).
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    my favorite Nicholas Sparks novel...I couldn't put this one down
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Nicholas Sparks is the best romance writer out there. This is one of his better books.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Love the small-town stories of Eastern North Carolina!
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Another Nicholas Sparks love story. Predictable but still tugs at the heartstrings!
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    The Rescue by Nicholas SparksTaylor is a volunteer fireman in a small North Carolina town. Denise is a single Mom to a learning disabled child. Her whole world revolves around her son Kyle. She meets Taylor when she is in an auto accident leaving her injured and Kyle missing. Taylor is part of the rescue team in search of Kyle. Soon their lives will connect in many ways, and life may never be the same.A fantastic emotionally charged story with likable characters and believable plot. Denise is struggling but knows what she would like in life. Taylor has inner demons to confront if he wants to live a happy life. Kyle is extremely lovable, I wanted to see him happy in every way possible.Overall I found The Rescue very enjoyable. It has all the feels, a truly memorable read. I highly recommend to Nicholas Sparks fans and those who love a great heartfelt read.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    A bit mundane, but he can spin some heart wrenching yarns
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Tear Jerker!!!
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    Esperaba más del autor ,no es su mejor libro .
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Inhaltsangabe:Ein verheerender Stum über North Carolina wird für Denise Holton zum Verhängnis. Sie kommt gerade mit ihrem 4jährigen Sohn Kyle aus Atlanta zurück, als ein verschrecktes Wildtier sie zu bringt, von der Straße zu weichen. Sie erleidet einen Unfall und wie durch ein Wunder wird sie von Taylor McAden gefunden. Er ist bei der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr in Edenton und sollte eigentlich umgestürzte Strommasten kontrollieren.Der 4jährige Kyle leidet an einer Störung, die dem Autismus ähnelt. Er kann Worte nicht in den Zusammenhang bringen und so erweist sich die Suche nahm ihm als schwierig, als er nach dem Unfall plötzlich verschwunden ist.Schließlich findet Taylor den kleinen Jungen und dadurch wird ein zartes Band der Freundschaft geknüpft. Erst scheint nicht klar zu sein, warum sie sich so gut verstehen und Denise‘ Herz wird berührt. Sie verleben einen wunderschönen Sommer voller Liebe und Zärtlichkeit – bis die Sprache aufTaylors Vater kommt. Taylor war 9 Jahre alt, als der Vater bei einem Brand ums Leben kam. Für ihn war es damals so schlimm, das er sein Leben lang nicht mit irgendjemanden über das Ereignis gesprochen hat.Dieses Trauma schiebt sich immer mehr zwischen das Liebespaar, bis es zum endgültigen Bruch kommt. Ein weiteres schreckliches Ereignis ereilt ihn und er muß sich den Tatsachen stellen. Wird Taylor das Trauma je überwinden können?Mein Fazit:Einfühlsam und sensibel beschreibt Nicholas Sparks die Geschichte um Taylor und Denise. Sie ist ergreifend und erscheint so lebensnah, als wäre es eine Biografie. Ich habe das Buch verschlungen und kann es nur wärmstens weiter empfehlen!Anmerkung: Die Rezension stammt aus September 2004.Veröffentlicht am 05.10.15!
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Have read all Nicholas Sparks books - He never disappoints! Taylor doesn’t know that this rescue will be different from all the others, demanding far more than raw physical courage. It will lead him to the possibility of his own rescue from a life lived without love and will require him to open doors to his past that were slammed shut by pain. This rescue will dare him to live life to the fullest by daring to love.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Well, Nicholas Sparks always makes me cry—in a good way. This is a great tale. The human nature of people shows through in his writing. Nicholas Sparks has certain trademarks that always keep his readers coming back for his next creation: love, tragedy, a heart-tugging middle and an ending that leaves you satisfied. Denise, the main character, has a young son, Kyle. I instantly fell in love with this speaking impaired child, and loved the way Denise communicated with him. She is a single mom, who is in a car accident. When Taylor, a handsome firefighter happens by the accident site, the story really takes off. Taylor searches for Denise’s missing son, and refuses to give up until he is found. You think this is the ”rescue” the title implies, and it is—but then later you discover who is really the one who needs rescuing.A romance develops between Denise and Taylor, however, both are fighting demons of their pasts and struggle to make their relationship work. This story was one of those hard to put down books. When you think things are going to calm down...something unexpected happens—which is why I spent the wee hours of the morning reading it. It was well worth the lost sleep. I highly recommend this book. If I could give it 10 stars I would
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    By most people’s standards, Taylor McAden is an amazing man. He always gives it his all on his volunteer firefighting/lifesaving job, often risking his life in the process. He always helps out with his best friend Mitch, his wife Melissa, and their four sons.Denise Holton certainly thinks he is great. After all, Taylor was the one who rescued her from a car accident one stormy night, then found her son Kyle, who had wandered off into the swamp afterward. But it is more than that. It’s the way Taylor treats Kyle just like a normal boy in the days that follow the accident. Kyle, whose learning disability causes him to speak far below the normal level for kids his age, whose disability was the reason Denise gave up her teaching job and devoted herself full-time to helping Kyle learn. And it’s also the way Taylor McAden looks at her like no one has looked at her before.But after a few blissful months, things seem to go sour. Taylor has childhood demons that haunt him and prevent him from making a real commitment to relationships. And it is only through more tragedy that Taylor can learn to let go of his guilt and take the next step forward with Denise and Kyle.THE RESCUE is beautiful and made me cry numerous times, every time I read it. If you’re looking for a book that will stir your emotions and cause you to appreciate romance more, this is it.