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La elegida

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Mientras esta situación se vuelve cada vez más acuciante, la disyuntiva en la que se encuentra America tampoco es mucho mejor: debe escoger entre su primer amor, Aspen, y el príncipe Maxon, quien poco a poco ha ido conquistándola.

Eso sin tener en cuenta que el príncipe debe escogerla a ella también de entre las seis seleccionadas que podrían convertirse en su esposa y que aún permanecen en palacio.
Luchas políticas, amor, violencia, dudas… America deberá tomar decisiones que cambiarán el curso no solo de su vida, sino de todo aquel que la rodea.

La elegida es el tercer libro de la serie La selección.

Fecha de lanzamiento8 may 2014
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La elegida

Kiera Cass

Kiera Cass se graduó por la Universidad de Radford en Historia. Creció en Carolina del Sur y en la actualidad vive en Blacksburg, Virginia, con su familia. En su tiempo libre le gusta leer, bailar, hacer vídeos y comer cantidades industriales de pastel.

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  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    I've been waiting for this book ever since I finished The Elite last year. I love this trilogy. It's a fun twist of the Bachelor but set in the future and it's the Prince that must choose a wife. This is the conclusion when Maxon decides which Elite he picks. Of course from the beginning you had to know it would be America because why have a strong character like her not to be picked. Or was she? America becomes a stronger person as the story progresses, she stands up for what she believes in and helps Maxon become a stronger person and learn who he really is. There are more rebels too. Now that all three books are out, I would read them all at once. Since there is a book 4 and 5 coming does that mean this has changed from a trilogy to a series? This book sure ended like it was the end of a trilogy.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Despite her unconventionality, America has made it to the last group of contenders. Maxon's father is adamantly opposed to her as the next princess, but Maxon's mother seems to be sympathetic. The biggest push and pull of this book is the refusal of either America or Maxon to admit how they feel to each other - and neither is willing to commit without knowing for sure how the other feels. It's lame. There is a serious end to the book.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    “Don’t worry. The best people all have some kind of scar.”I really am glad I gave this series a chance after not loving book one. I am really enjoying it.While I am reading, I will type or write down notes. During The One, I had wrote down that I loved the relationship between America and her father. I did not know at the time where the story with her father was going to go. I had a great bond with my father and he passed away while I was still young. So, the story between America and her father really touched me in a way it may have not others who read this one.I also loved the development of the relationship between Maxon and America. I also love how strong a female character America is as she does not allow others to dictate how she acts and thinks.Great series so far!
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    This review is full of spoilers.

    This book was not as good as the first one, but much better than the second. I really liked that the back and forth between Aspen and Maxon came to an end pretty early on. As I've said in my review of The Elite, I was not a fan of the love triangle. I still found the love story plot a bit tired. Maxon was selfish and obnoxious dating 3 people at once, although I do know that is the basis for this series. The thing that got me though was the childish games that America and Maxon played with each other. Who cares who says I love you first? Page after page of back and forth monologues about how she loves him but can't or won't say it unless he says it first, and then the arguments over who should say it! For Heaven's sake just someone say it and be done with it!

    As far as the political aspect, I thought it was amazing! I liked the way the northern rebels' story line played out and I absolutely loved the scenes with the Italians. This book had a feel that danger was right around the corner, but unlike the previous book, it felt important, and worth the risk.

    I also really enjoyed seeing the family dynamic in the Singer household and was genuinely sad when the father died. I did not, however like the 180 Celeste's character pulled. I think she started out too extreme and had to come too far too fast to make it believable. I did like her after said unbelievable character change.

    I think that the ending was rushed and a little bit of a cop out, but I saw it coming. Too much setup had been laid out for the Aspen reveal not to touch on it, and the king had to die to tie this up nicely. I didn't see the queen's death coming though, and was upset about that. I really liked her, she seemed like quite a lady.

    If someone liked the first two books, I think that they would really enjoy this wrap up of the series.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    I read book one then skipped to book 3. I liked the strength and determination of America and found the rebel subplot added an extra level of interest. A quick and enjoyable read.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    I enjoyed the first book in this trilogy, then became really annoyed with the main character by the second book, but since I had read that far I felt like I had to finish the series. I admit to enjoying the occasionally romance story, but I want a strong and determined female character, not one that defines herself by the man she loves. Reading this series was like watching a fish flop on the dock. Every other page the main character was changing her mind about who she loved, sabotaging her own chances at the Selection and quite accidentally helping the rebel forces with each move. By the last book in the series , I was far more interested in the rebellion and how Maxon would fair than I was in fickle-hearted America.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    The One is about a 17-year old girl who gets selected by the king himself to become the Queen of Illea and the beloved Prince´s Wife, but there are also 35 other girls who want the same thing. America Singer never actually wanted to become the prince´s Wife or The Queen at first but after meeting the Prince and knowing him better she slowely started falling in love with his personality and looks. The prince´s name is Maxon. In this book, the story continues wiht only 5 peope left in the selection and with America singer and prince Maxon being in Love and wanting to get married, but alot of things seem to happen between them and thats when their Relationship seem to be on the edge of a cliff. Also Maxon´s Father , the King of Illea, doesnt seem to like the attitude that America is given towards the Selection. He tries everything to stop them from getting married and ending the selection. There are also the Rebels who attack the Kingdom and are trying to stop the Selection and are trying to kill the Royal Family. The civilization live in castes, that means that if you are a One that means you belong to the royal Family. A two means you are a Celebrity : professional Model, actor, MTV-singers and you are a from wealthy families, also there are officers of any policing, militiary, firefighting, or guardian posititon assigned to by Draft. The threes, which are Educators of any kind. The Fours who are Farm, hotel, restaurants, shop owners, also head chefs, jewelers or real estate Agents. Fives which are professional muscians, singers, dancers and other things that have soemthing to do with Art. America is a Five, so a singer. Sixes which are secretaries, house keepers, cooks. Seven are gardeners, construction wokers, gutter andpool cleaners. Last but not least, there are the Eights : which are mentally or physcally disabled, criminals, runaways or homeless. America and Maxon are trying to put a stop to the castes. In the End, The King and the Queen get killed by the rebels. Maxon gets shot in the chest but survives and America gets married to maxon ; becomes the Queen of Illea and ends the caste system. The ENDI rated the book with four stars because, it shows how you might live if this Caste system existed, and what it would be like if the Selection was real. It also shows the live of a girl who gets selected to marry a prince with 35 other girls, she gets to experience the live of a princess and the otehr things that the book has to offer. The only downer part was that as much as i liked the book, it had alittle to much lovey-dovey parts which were alittle to cheesy and not my thing type. My favorite character in this book was the Queen of Illea (eventhough she wasnt in the book so much) because she was nice and she forgave other people no matter how many mistakes they made, gave the contestants courage, and showed that even a lower caste could become a queen. My second favorite character was the main character herself, America Singer because she was so different from the other contestants: she wore simple things instead of the other girls, never wore alot of make-up and was alot more natural with her looks and towards the prince. She treated her maids nicely, protected them, trusted them and always helped them when they needed it. She never wanted much or needed much, and she didnt care about the money or the fame, as long as she had her love by her side , she was happy. I enjoyed the whole series very much and i recommend it to those who like love, Royal, Fantasy, Action books.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Better than the second one. I'm still not sure where she went from being in love with both to deciding she wasn't in love with Aspen anymore. Pretty sappy, but I know there are a lot of people who want that.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Can you guess who he picks? A must read for any fan of the series. You will keep guessing up to the last page. Drama, romance, trust, war...all in a full-blown reality show in book form. I enjoyed seeing the characters mature into themselves and make decisions. Loved every book in the series and especially the covers!
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    America Singer and three others are left and she is getting nervous. About everything like who she really loves Aspen or Prince Maxon. When two Northern Rebels get into the castle and they request to talk to Maxon and America alone. They purposefully wait till the king is gone on work to talk. Because they know he is much more understanding. They tell America that see has to win if they wan t to keep the Soutern Rebels from winning and the Southern Rebles are just trying to scare the girls so they will stop the Selection from ending. And in the end America Singer becomes the princess of New Asia with Prince Maxon. What I loved about The One is that it is a charming love story. And is about courage and bravery and about who you really love. And it is also filled with action and drama. Plus It is the third book in the series. The books are The Selection, The Elite, The One, The Prince & The Guard. The Prince & The Guard is the story from Maxon the prince and from Aspen the guard.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    The book was the perfect way to end this series.America Singer has finally made it to The Elite, the best of the best, and now has to really fight for Prince Maxon. She has figured out that she has feelings for Prince Maxon, done some terrible things to hurt him, and now must win back his trust. While The Selection is going on, the entire country is in turmoil. The palace is being attacked almost daily and the King has no idea what they want. America and Maxon see the trouble of the nation and know something must be done all while trying to fix things between them. In the end, will Maxon choose America to be his princess bride?Overall I enjoyed this book/series. The story moved along at a really good pace that I wasn't bored to tears or left wondering what was going on. I liked how the characters actually developed and grew along the way. It was nice to see them do that over three books, not just during the last book within the last 50 pages.This was one of the more enjoyable reads of 2014 so I give this 4 out of 5 stars.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    It's been so long since I've read this, that I don't have a lot to say about it (sorry).[MAJOR SPOILERS THROUGHOUT]I can say that a heck of a lot of people died while I was waiting for my mom at the chiropractor. And it was my birthday. I mean, geez. Right when I started reading, they started dropping like flies. It was ridiculous.And it kind of annoyed me that Cass didn't tell us whether Kriss survived or not until she appeared at the wedding.Also, I just wanna say that I called the deaths of both America and Maxon's fathers. I'm really sad that Amberly died and that she'll never get to embrace America as a daughter. 3This is kind of random, but there were a couple of times when Cass said something like "She held her back", which I read as physically restraining someone, but was meant to mean returning a hug. I don't know if that misunderstanding was my fault or hers...Anyway, I'm super happy that America and Maxon ended up together and I am (was) excited to continue the series!
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    I started this and finished it within a few hours.

    I am super reader.

    I am AWESOME.

    Of course, the quality of the book itself should get some credit too.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    This is the final book in the selection series. America is one of the few remaining Elite. She and one of the other Elite, Celeste (the mean girl) become best friends. America is in love with the prince, Maxon. The King disagrees with America marrying Maxon. So, Maxon and America decide that they need to get the people to love her and the king will love her. The king announces a party in which the Elite have to invite two people. America invites a friend, Georgia, and the princess of Italy, Nicolette. They talk and the king receives a note saying that the Italians would appreciate it if America and the royal family would visit them. America is then told that her Father was dead. She goes home for four days and mourns her dad. When she returns to the palace the Maxon tells her he intends to marry her. Aspen (her old lover) is jealous, and the prince sees him hugging her. The prince tells America he will not marry her. Then the day of the announcement of who the prince will marry ,rebels attack. Maxon gets shot in the arm, his parents are dead and Maxon tells America how much he loves her and that if they make it through the rebels he will marry her. In the end Maxon marries America, and they live happily ever after. I love the selection series. I went every day to the library waiting for this book. It had a pretty fast beginning and a pretty slow ending. I love the tempo of the book. I love the intesity. I enjoy the way the book expresses her feelings. I like the way it makes me think about my future.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    This book. OHMYGOD I'M OBSESSED. I literally was yelling "JUST TELL ME ALREADY!" in my family room and my mom turns and gives me this look like 'are you insane?'. Then she asks me "Are your characters not doing what you want them to?". Well, obviously... and I'm impatient. This series is really original. I loved it.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Well well well this series took a turn for the better. In this installment of the selection series, we reach the episode of The Bachelor where the dude is torn between two girls and the way he wants to make his choice is to see if he can get one of the girls to bite the bullet and tell him she loves him first. America being the spicy one with no intentions of showing her cards first is reluctant to play Maxon’s game. One thing that The Bachelor never really does is show the camaraderie between the ladies and in this one, the final four become better friends. Oh, and I finally got over what makes America unlikable.Once I remembered that I tend to judge people based on who they liked I just ignored it. Since I don’t like Maxon (still don’t) I didn’t like America. There’s something about him that rubs me the wrong way but hopefully he grows on me like America did. But seriously, I started enjoying this book a lot more after I got over how corny Maxon could be.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    This was a good conclusion to the story either a HEA. But yet there are several more books. America was a bit less wispy washy I'm this book which made me happy. Again the story kept me on the edge of my seat needing to read until all hours of the night. Moving on to the next.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    America still made some really ridiculous decisions in this book but I did love how the series ended! Was looking forward to reading the next book but after reading reviews and learning is about their daughter I think I'll pass. I loved this series and don't want it ruined.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Great ending to the series. I thought it was better paced then the previous two. Loved the endings for each of the characters.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I wanted to read The One because I enjoyed the other two. The selection process has been hard, and I have seen a lot of change in America. The love triangle and some of America's lack of decisiveness when it comes to her preferred man has been on my nerves a bit, but the first two were still addicting to me and I grew to like Maxon more and more, and saw the desire to be a princess and future queen bloom in America and then see the ideas for chance that she had. The One didn't let me down, and I really enjoyed her journey. There were so many times when I thought that her rash decisions, or her strength and desire for justice to be done were going to the the end of her quest to the crown. I also loved the tension between the two of them. America and Maxon both kept some secrets and didn't want to fully express their feelings, and while I understood where they were coming from and their reasonings, it was still hard because I just wanted them to be together and happy. America had some big losses in this one, but she's grown a lot, and amassed quite the fans and followers. As well as making friends with her maids as well as some other unexpected people who make a return appearance. The friends that she made within the other Elite were unexpected to me, and some sage wisdom from the queen helped to actually bring them together, which in some ways, made their quest even harder but others easier, because they had someone who understood them on their sides, and closest to ever walking in their shoes. The ending wrapped things up in the way that I'd hoped, and brought about some changes that I wasn't quite expecting but it gave me a lot of hope for America, Maxon, Aspen, and the others that I came to care about. Bottom Line: Good ending to addicting series.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    This is the third book of the Selection trilogy. The field has been narrowed down to four girls. America has decided that she is a serious competitor and decides to fight for Maxon's affections. I have to admit I highly enjoyed this trilogy. I liked the author's writing style, pacing, and character development. I look forward to reading more by Kiera Cass.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Thought it ended abruptly. Still ok.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    excellent ending to a three book series. thank you for magical world I lived in for weeks. I am proud that I could even share this with my teen too. finally a great wholesome read.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    A dramatic end to a dramatic trilogy. A pleasant read with a few problems. We end the trilogy with a whirlwind of action, drama and tragedy and then quickly jump to a fairy-tale finish. All those loose ends were tied up too quickly and easily for them to be believable.I'm happy about the final main couple but the relationship I really appreciated was between America and Celeste. It showed real growth and real emotion.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    I was not expecting to cry in this book. But I did a couple of times. After I cried the first time, I had to put put the book down for a few days. Because I couldn’t (or did not l) believe what had just happened. The second time was happy tears for Mer. Well worth the time to read this book. I’m really looking forward to book 4 now.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    America and Maxon were pretty annoying in this book. Because neither of them wanted to be the first to say 'I love you' out loud. If one or the other had been brave enough to just speak the words, a whole lot of trouble could have been saved. I figured after the last book that the only way America was going to be able to regain Maxon's trust was to tell him the truth about Aspen. Because of that ultimatum, I can't help that feel that she doesn't deserve him. Then again, selection or no selection, he was cheating on her with all these other girls, making me wonder how she could trust him. Maybe they do deserve each other.

    Aspen was just as bad. He was a prideful, controlling jerk. In the first two books he abandoned America because he was to prideful to be with her, then changed his mind and tried to hang on to her when it would've been better for her if he'd let her go. Then in this book for some bizarre reason he decided not to bother telling America that he'd fallen in love with someone else (and I honestly think that Lucy deserves someone better) until he tried to do so at a time when she was upset, and didn't let him, but then when he saw America and Maxon in the same bed (though not sleeping together) he still reacted with the kind of anger that one would expect from a newly dumped boyfriend.

    In other words, I hate the three main characters. They're all such hypocrites. Kiera Cass needs to work on her character building. That said, her stories are very, very good. If it weren't for the hateable characters I think that this would be an amazing series. The ending was sort of weak. The only way to end this series with this book was to kill the king, otherwise it would have had to keep going and going until Maxon and America were able to get out from under his thumb, but it was a pretty clean ending to Clarkson's messy storyline that would have shown more depth to the two lovebirds if they'd had to be strong and stop letting him control them. The other thing I didn't like was the killing of Queen Amberly. Cass could've done so much with her character in the end chapters, but she chose to just kill her. That was very frustrating. And for her to kill off Anne (and with such an off-hand 'oh by the way, nobody cares about her Anyway' type of attitude) cleaned up Lucy and Aspen's love story more than I thought was necessary. America's father was another one. His death did have some plot-points with Maxon realizing his feelings for America (y'know, finally,) but there could've been another way to do that...and there was really no point in him being a rebel other than for America to recognize the star Kris was wearing marked her as a rebel, and, given the fact that America had just become friends with Georgia, there was already a much easier way for America to realize that.

    Another problem was Celeste. She'd been so mean in the first two books and suddenly she's being nice. That was a little bit too abrupt. I feel like she needed have been little clues that she wasn't as nasty as she was letting on in earlier books so that her sudden niceness wouldn't have felt so out of character. Then she has a freaking ton of character growth and then...she dies. Seriously? That is not what you do with a character who has just had a boatload of character growth.

    Okay, okay, just one more complaint. Both America and Maxon needed to prove themselves to each other (at least in my mind, with aforesaid approved cheating with the selection,) but only Maxon proved himself to America by saving her life, and realistically, because America had accepted that the selection, with it's sort of cheating was the way she was going to have to win Maxon, she really needed to prove herself to him even more than he needed to prove himself to her. For this reason I think it would have been more powerful if she had leaped in front of a gun to save Maxon, rather than the other way around. Plus, for all that she is a weak person when it comes to being honest, when it comes to being brave, America is very, very strong, so the fact that she just sat there while the rebel pointed the gun at Maxon felt out of character.

    Okay, so Kiera Cass needs to really work on making her characters more likeable, and on making her endings stronger. Other than that her stories are very good. Honestly because of the weak ending I'm trying to decide between giving the book two stars or three. Oh well I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and give her three because I was listening to it as an audiobook and the narrator was very good.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    My. Somehow, this book broke through my cynical nature and I really really enjoyed it! I'm a little surprised myself.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Sweet sweet book. Enjoyed my ride through these three works. Wanted exactly how I thought it would.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Have I mentioned how I loved this series?! I loved how even though I thought I knew how things would turn out, there were still a few twists, and I was happy with the end result! I loved the development of the relationship between America and Celeste. I liked the significance of America's relationship with her father and the letter. I loved when started taking a more political role and how she set up the meeting with the Italians and the Northern rebels.

    The whole series was a fun read. I read the three books in two days. They weren't deep and probably won't stay with me forever, but I enjoy page-turners, and these definitely fit the bill for some enjoyable summer reading!

    Would I recommend these books for my BFF? Yes!
    Would I recommend them for my teenage daughter? Yes! And have.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Who will America choose - Aspen? Maxon? Who are the rebels? Will the selection end with a choice and a wedding? The trilogy wraps up in this volume. We read The Selection in book club at the end of the school year and the 7th grade girls loved it. This volume was a satisfying conclusion to the series.