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Nadie lo conoce: (Gotland 3)
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Nadie lo conoce: (Gotland 3)
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Nadie lo conoce: (Gotland 3)
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Nadie lo conoce: (Gotland 3)

Calificación: 3.5 de 5 estrellas



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El comisario Anders Knutas, tras la resolución de su anterior caso, en el que estuvo personalmente implicado, está agobiado y deprimido. Por desgracia, no va a poder disfrutar todavía de su merecido descanso. En efecto, un grupo de arqueólogos está excavando en un viejo poblado vikingo, aprovechando que es verano en Gotland. Pero un grave peligro, del que no tienen idea, se ciñe sobre el grupo. Todo empieza con el descubrimiento, por parte de dos niñas que pasean por el bosque, del cadáver decapitado de un caballo. Parece ser que el asesino, obedeciendo a un antiguo ritual, ha torturado al animal antes de llevarse su cabeza y su sangre. El asunto adquiere tintes realmente dramáticos cuando desaparece Martina, una estudiante de arqueología holandesa. El verano del comisario Knutas no ha hecho más que empezar...
Fecha de lanzamiento15 feb 2011
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Nadie lo conoce: (Gotland 3)

Mari Jungstedt

Bestselling author Mari Jungstedt and award-winning author Ruben Eliassen are the duo behind the dark and dramatic Canary Islands Series. Jungstedt is one of Sweden’s most beloved authors. She has published twelve books in her popular Gotland series, which is available in more than twenty countries and has been filmed for German television. Eliassen has published seven books in the award-winning Phenomena series, whose movie rights have been sold to an American film company.

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  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    Scandinavian crime fiction. Mari Jungstedt. Set in Sweden. The third mystery in a series (the first I've read). Inspector Anders Knutas. Above average prose. But the personalization of Knutas is so spartan that he is no better developed than the other police or technicians. Other books by the author are probably not worth reading.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    The third book in Jungstedt's series set on the island of Gotland. A horse is found murdered, then later a young woman -- are the two connected? And if so, how? These, and others, are the questions that Inspector Anders Knutas must answer. Jungstedt's novel is a gripping mystery -- it took me all of three days to read it. The plot is strong, and though we're given hints and insight into the murders and murderer, then signs only become clear when Jungstedt wants them to. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, as I have her others. I can't wait for the rest to be translated into English.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Inspector Knutas is back in action, and so is the journalist Johann Berg, whose relationship with a woman who lives on Gotland grows more complex. This time, the series of crimes starts out with the beheading of one of the local Gotland ponies and conrinues with a murder at an archaeological site. My favorite of this series, so far -- fortunately there are several still waiting to be translated into English.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Note to self: put Gotland on my list of dangerous places never to be visited! (My list includes St. Mary Mead, and Midsomer and neighbouring villages - what does yours include?)For a summer vacation spot, the small island of Gotland is very perilous. In this, the third in Mari Jungstedt's Anders Knutas series set on this island, the author continues strands begun in the earlier novels. For example, the story of journalist Johan Berg and Emma who have now progressed to having a baby.The main story was well told and the elements came together quite well. The interaction between the police investigation led by Knutas and the press, represented by Berg, is a bit formulaic and predictable, with Berg releasing details ahead of when the police want to. I didn't come away feeling that I knew Knutas much betterthough. There was a little humour with someone from Knutas's past joining the investigation team and insisting on calling him "Knutie". You could feel the thunder in the air!Another aspect I found interesting is that when some of the interviews need to be conducted in English, Knutas has to use another team member to conduct the questioning, because his own English is inadequate. This adds to his level of frustration with the lack of progress in the investigation. As his own family go off to the mainland for their summer holidays and he has to stay behind Knutas becomes even more frustrated.So, this is a good read, but make sure you read the earlier novels first to get the best out of the continuing stories.