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Liam Larkin se ha exiliado a Nueva Zelanda a consecuencia de las luchas de los irlandeses por la independencia. Los Hubble, en cambio, son probritánicos.
Galipoli será el sangriento escenario en que la nueva generación de las dos familias vuelva a encontrarse. Rory Larkin se convierte en un héroe luchando bajo bandera británica contra los turcos. En esa misma batalla, los Hubble pierden a dos de los suyos.

Dos familias rivales; dos posiciones enfrentadas. El Alzamiento de Pascua de 1916.

El conflicto entre irlandeses y británicos es el telón de fondo de esta historia de traiciones, matrimonios tumultuosos y adulterios en la que Uris se vale de escritos de Winston Churchill para presentar el trasfondo histórico y político del nacimiento de la República de Irlanda.
Fecha de lanzamiento15 abr 2014
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Leon Uris

<p>Internationally acclaimed novelist Leon Uris ran away from home at age seventeen, a month after the attack on Pearl Harbor, to join the Marine Corps, and he served at Guadalcanal and Tarawa. His first novel, <em>Battle Cry</em>, was based on his own experiences in the Marines, which he revisited in his final novel, <em>O'Hara's Choice</em>. His other novels include the bestsellers <em>Redemption, Trinity, Exodus, QB VII,</em> and <em>Topaz,</em> among others. Leon Uris passed away in June 2003.</p>

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Calificación: 3.6260870678260866 de 5 estrellas

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  • Calificación: 1 de 5 estrellas
    This book is set around the Irish-English conflict, which is over religion, I think? The plot and characters are unfamiliar and I guess I should listen to the prequel, Trinity, which receives rave reviews. This one is a slow read, and since it's really a listen, there is not much motivation to go past an hour or so; cut one's losses and go on to something that's interesting. The story is unfamiliar and without some background in Irish politics, it's not worth going over, so I quit--did not finish. The book began to sound like Charlie Brown's teacher...wah-wah, wah-wah, ;wah-wah! Didn't even get to know the characters enough to want to skip to the end and see how it came out. After three tries to read/listen, I gave up and went on to other things, like washing the dishes.
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    I read and loved Uris' Irish masterpiece, Trinity, so when Redemption came out, I couldn't wait to grab hold. Very disappointing. Half the book was "flashback theater" of Trinity, then the next half was set on Gallipoli. The last few pages wrapped it all up, almost like an after thought. Uris is a powerful writer, but Redemption was a sorry sequel to Trinity. Pass this one by.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I liked this better than Trinity, the predecessor that was published nineteen years before this book. In that time, it seems as though Uris learned something about dynamic characters, as this book, unlike the first, actually featured a few. In general, the characters in this book were just more likable, and that made it a better read, at least for me.Like the first book, this one dealt with a turbulent slice of history. This one took the setting largely away from Ireland, though, placing it in Gallipoli during the early days of World War I as English and colonial troops dug in against the Turks after a botched invasion attempt. It was really interesting to me how the characters interacted in relation to their different backgrounds, and how the situation changed each of them. Granted, some of the character transformations were perhaps a bit unrealistically abrupt, but not entirely unbelievable for all that.There was a fair amount of filler, recapping or rehashing events from the first book, that probably could have been cut. I suppose it was probably necessary in order to make this book make sense even for those who didn't read Trinity, and it did, in some instances, provide some additional insight, so I can't knock it too much.