Runner's World España

Rutina para no lesionarte

CREAR NUEVOS HÁBITOS DE CARRERA no tiene por qué significar volver a empezar. Pulsar el botón de reinicio en tu forma física, de entrenamiento y de rutina hará que aumentes tu potencial. Os quiero contar mi historia para que entendáis de lo que os hablo. En 2018, no pude correr durante tres meses después de sufrir fracturas por estrés

Estás leyendo una previsualización, suscríbete para leer más.

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Camille Herron
CAMILLE HERRON has been hoovering up ultrarunning records since she exploded on to the scene in 2015. But even by her prolific standards, her feat at this year’s Further event, organised by her sponsor, Lululemon, is extraordinary. Her initial goal?
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Give Your Self The Edge Out Run The Sun
Congratulations, people, you survived the winter. That big burning ball is back in the sky – every now and then at least – and it’s time to peel off the gloves and Gore-Tex tights and start slipping into shorts, shades and singlets. Substitute cold-w
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Breathe In The Benefits
LOOKING FOR A BOOST? There are several known ways to improve running efficiency. Most of them, alas, involve hard work: lifting heavy weights, running up hills, doing plyometric exercises. But here’s another one that sounds far more relaxing: doing s

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