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Adolescent lives through the COVID-19 pandemic: Experience and Resilience
Adolescent lives through the COVID-19 pandemic: Experience and Resilience
Adolescent lives through the COVID-19 pandemic: Experience and Resilience
Libro electrónico193 páginas2 horas

Adolescent lives through the COVID-19 pandemic: Experience and Resilience

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Six adolescent leaders draw us near to the experience, in terms of mental health, of more than seventy Colombian young people during the COVID-19 pandemic. Their longings, difficulties, transformations and perspectives are narrated and portrayed in the pages of this book. The different strategies with which they faced emotional stress, caused by the current health crisis, manifest the resilience of the Colombian youth. Each story and photograph invites us to broaden our perspective and create empathy with different life experiences. The BRiCs Study's Participatory Arts-Based Project aimed to involve this group of adolescents through artistic workshops and personalized counselling in order to strengthen their creative and investigative skills, along with their sensitivity regarding mental health. This project lasted six months and was led by two young artists and a health professional, who provided the team with the tools to interview, portray and narrate the experience of Colombian youth.
Fecha de lanzamiento31 mar 2022
Adolescent lives through the COVID-19 pandemic: Experience and Resilience

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    Adolescent lives through the COVID-19 pandemic - Alejandro Castillo Garavito

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