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Sigue intentándolo con Abby (Keep Trying with Abby): Un libro sobre la persistencia (A Book about Persistence)
Sigue intentándolo con Abby (Keep Trying with Abby): Un libro sobre la persistencia (A Book about Persistence)
Sigue intentándolo con Abby (Keep Trying with Abby): Un libro sobre la persistencia (A Book about Persistence)
Libro electrónico23 páginas3 minutos

Sigue intentándolo con Abby (Keep Trying with Abby): Un libro sobre la persistencia (A Book about Persistence)

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¡Ser persistente significa no rendirse! Abby y la pandilla de Sesame Street ayudan a los niños a aprender que pueden resolver problemas y cometer errores siempre que sigan intentándolo.

Being persistent means not giving up! Abby and other friends from Sesame Street help kids learn that they can solve problems and make mistakes as long as they keep trying.

Fecha de lanzamiento1 ene 2024
Sigue intentándolo con Abby (Keep Trying with Abby): Un libro sobre la persistencia (A Book about Persistence)

Jill Colella

Jill Colella earned a master’s degree at the University of Maryland in English literature, specializing in Vietnam War narratives in film and literature. Ms. Colella, the daughter of a Vietnam veteran, founded The Children of Vietnam Combat Veterans Project in 1997 to speak to the specific concerns of families of veterans. She is the author of After Vietnam: War Stories from a Veteran’s Daughter, a memoir of the effects her father’s service in Vietnam had on her family life.

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    Sigue intentándolo con Abby (Keep Trying with Abby) - Jill Colella

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