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Aprecio con Beto y Enrique (Caring with Bert and Ernie): Un libro sobre la empatía (A Book about Empathy)
Aprecio con Beto y Enrique (Caring with Bert and Ernie): Un libro sobre la empatía (A Book about Empathy)
Aprecio con Beto y Enrique (Caring with Bert and Ernie): Un libro sobre la empatía (A Book about Empathy)
Libro electrónico23 páginas3 minutos

Aprecio con Beto y Enrique (Caring with Bert and Ernie): Un libro sobre la empatía (A Book about Empathy)

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¡Los niños aprenderán todo sobre la empatía con los mejores amigos Beto y Enrique! Descubrirán cómo pensar acerca de los demás, demostrarles que los aprecian y ayudar a quienes los rodean.

Kids will learn all about empathy with best buddies Bert and Ernie! They will discover how to think about others, show that they care, and help those around them.

Fecha de lanzamiento1 ene 2024
Aprecio con Beto y Enrique (Caring with Bert and Ernie): Un libro sobre la empatía (A Book about Empathy)

Marie-Therese Miller

Marie-Therese Miller writes nonfiction books for children and teens. Her most recent books include Handling Depression, Crayola Our Colorful Earth: Celebrating the Natural World, It's All Art: From Drawing to Dress-Up with Sesame Street, and A Dog's Best Friend: A Sesame Street Guide to Caring for Your Dog. Miller earned her PhD in English from St. John's University, where her academic focus was James Thurber and humor. She teaches Children's and YA Literature at Marist College. Miller and her husband, John, have five children and a grandson.

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    Aprecio con Beto y Enrique (Caring with Bert and Ernie) - Marie-Therese Miller

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