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Short Stories Using High Frequency Words
Short Stories Using High Frequency Words
Short Stories Using High Frequency Words
Libro electrónico79 páginas24 minutos

Short Stories Using High Frequency Words

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In my job as substitute teacher and teacher of after-school, I help the children with their homework’s. One of the most difficult homeworks for first, second, and third graders is to write short stories using high-frequency words.

The teachers give them the words, and they must write the stories using that words. This book is a collection of some of these short stories. It will also a pleasure to read of benefit for the young students and teachers.

Fecha de lanzamiento4 jun 2020
Short Stories Using High Frequency Words

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    Short Stories Using High Frequency Words - Hadamilka Vásquez Olivero de Ortega


    A Mischievous Child

    High-frequency words










    The other day, I had an unusual and strange idea.

    We would have a guest at home for one week. He was a friend of my father; I began to think what would happen to him? If I put behind his bedroom door, a skeleton’s design in bright white color. It could move when he opens the door.

    It would be better if the light in the room was off.

    When our guest arrived, it was very late at night.

    I was sure he would go directly to the bedroom, Mom and Dad had prepared for him.

    I was in my bedroom when suddenly I heard a shout coming from his room. Mom and Dad went quickly to see what happened. After that they came to my room, when I saw the door was opening, I closed my eyes, trying they saw I was sleeping, but they called me and made me to go their friend’s room to apologize him.

    Every day, we learn from our behavior, and that night, I learned to do the right thing and not be a mischievous child.


    The Pie

    High-frequency words







    One day, my so-happy mother sat over a pie that she made for all the family as dessert, but she forgot where she had placed it. It was on a chair because there was not room on the dining table. Poor Mom for the big mess in the kitchen! I will help you clean it

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