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El baile de las abejas (The Dance of the Bees)
El baile de las abejas (The Dance of the Bees)
El baile de las abejas (The Dance of the Bees)
Libro electrónico39 páginas2 minutos

El baile de las abejas (The Dance of the Bees)

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Enter the world of bees and discover their wonderful powers. A beautiful hymn to nature featuring haikus, set in a quiet corner of Japan.

It was summertime when an old lady and her granddaughter decided to spend more time together and make the most out of it by walking through the countryside through the countryside. Grandma was passionate about nature and she enjoyed feeling surrounded by trees and animals, but what she liked the most was watching bees. The little girl enjoyed listening to her grandmother tell her about the amazing life of bees and their extremely important mission for life on our planet. Not a day went by that they did not visit the bees and the girl always learned something new, like that day when she discovered what the dance of the bees was. With each passing day, their bond grew stronger and stronger, and all thanks to those little insects.

But after the years, the little girl, now a woman, returns with her son to the place where her grandmother's house was and, thanks to the dance of the bees, they will discover something that they will never be able to forget.

Adéntrate en el mundo de las abejas y descubre su maravilloso poder. Un canto a la naturaleza y una bella historia con haikus que pudo ocurrir en algún lugar de Japón.

Era verano cuando una abuela y su nieta decidieron pasar más tiempo juntas y aprovecharon para pasear por el campo. La abuela era una apasionada de la naturaleza y disfrutaba de sentirse rodeada de árboles y animalitos, pero lo que más le gustaba es observar a las abejas. La pequeña disfrutaba de escuchar a su abuela contándole la asombrosa vida de las abejas y su misión tan importante para la vida en nuestro planeta. No había día que no visitasen a las abejas y la niña siempre aprendía algo nuevo, como aquel día en el que descubrió qué era el baile de las abejas. Cada día que pasaba su vínculo se fortalecía más y más, y todo gracias a esos pequeños insectos.

Pero pasados los años, la nieta, convertida ya en mujer, regresa con su hijo al lugar donde estuvo la casa de su abuela y, gracias al baile de las abejas, descubrirán algo que nunca podrán olvidar.

EditorialCuento de Luz
Fecha de lanzamiento15 abr 2021
El baile de las abejas (The Dance of the Bees)

Fran Nuño

Fran Nuño was born in Bilbao in 1973, and currently lives in Seville, Spain. He is a writer, cultural promoter, and bookseller-editor. Author of over forty books—almost all of them children's literature—among which there are novels, stories, poetry, theater pieces, manuals, and picture books. He has received several awards and mentions, both for his literary work and for his work in favor of reading. He won the Gold Medal for Best Illustrated Album in Spanish at the Moonbeam Children's Book Awards 2013 for Fairground Lights (Cuento de Luz) and was awarded Best illustrated album for all ages at the New York City Big Book Award 2017 for The Map of Good Memories (Cuento de Luz). His work has been translated into Galician, Valencian, Catalan, English, German, Portuguese, Arabic, Mandarin, and Korean.

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    El baile de las abejas (The Dance of the Bees) - Fran Nuño

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