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El mapa de los buenos momentos (The Map of Good Memories)
El mapa de los buenos momentos (The Map of Good Memories)
El mapa de los buenos momentos (The Map of Good Memories)
Libro electrónico31 páginas11 minutos

El mapa de los buenos momentos (The Map of Good Memories)

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Winner of the 2017 New York City Big Book Award. Some say that we always return to the places where we embraced life, where we were happy. Zoe, a girl who must flee her city with her family because of the war, remembers them before she leaves.

Zoe had lived in the city since she was born. She knew every building, every park, every corner of the city. But the war broke out and she, like many others, had to say goodbye to her home and leave without knowing when she might return. Zoe has so many good memories of her city… Her grandparents' house, a shelter full of dreams and games, her old school, where she met her friends and loved learning new things. Not to mention the downtown park, where She’d spent many Sunday mornings there, playing on the swings, listening to people playing music, and riding her bike.

Almost about to leave, Zoe spread the map of the city on a table and and started to mark all the places where she was really happy, with the certainty that they will always accompany her.

Ganador del premio New York City Big Book Award en 2017. Dicen que siempre volvemos a los lugares donde amamos la vida, donde fuimos felices. Zoe, una niña que debe huir de su ciudad con su familia por causa de la guerra, los rememora antes de partir.

Zoe lleva toda la vida viviendo en la misma ciudad. Se conocía cada edificio, cada parque, cada rincón. Pero la guerra estalló y, como muchos otros, tuvo que decirle adiós a su ciudad y marcharse sin saber cuándo podría volver. Zoe tiene tantos buenos recuerdos de su ciudad… La casa de los abuelos, su pequeño refugio lleno de sueños y juegos, su antigua escuela, ahí donde conoció a sus amigos y aprendió que le encantaba aprender cosas nuevas. Por no hablar del parque del centro, que tanto la vio divertirse entre columpios, artistas ambulantes y paseos en bicicleta.

A punto de partir, Zoe extendió el mapa de la ciudad en una mesa y dibujó su «mapa de los buenos momentos», señalando todos los lugares donde fue realmente feliz, con la certeza de que siempre la acompañarán.

EditorialCuento de Luz
Fecha de lanzamiento14 mar 2017
El mapa de los buenos momentos (The Map of Good Memories)

Fran Nuño

Fran Nuño was born in Bilbao in 1973, and currently lives in Seville, Spain. He is a writer, cultural promoter, and bookseller-editor. Author of over forty books—almost all of them children's literature—among which there are novels, stories, poetry, theater pieces, manuals, and picture books. He has received several awards and mentions, both for his literary work and for his work in favor of reading. He won the Gold Medal for Best Illustrated Album in Spanish at the Moonbeam Children's Book Awards 2013 for Fairground Lights (Cuento de Luz) and was awarded Best illustrated album for all ages at the New York City Big Book Award 2017 for The Map of Good Memories (Cuento de Luz). His work has been translated into Galician, Valencian, Catalan, English, German, Portuguese, Arabic, Mandarin, and Korean.

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    El mapa de los buenos momentos (The Map of Good Memories) - Fran Nuño

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