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Maní y los Sentimientos GRANDES: Una Guia para los Niños
Maní y los Sentimientos GRANDES: Una Guia para los Niños
Maní y los Sentimientos GRANDES: Una Guia para los Niños
Libro electrónico27 páginas15 minutos

Maní y los Sentimientos GRANDES: Una Guia para los Niños

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Información de este libro electrónico

Maní es un niño con sentimientos realmente GRANDES. Esta guía interactiva invita a niños de 3 a 12 años acompañar a Maní en el viaje hacia la regulación emocional utilizando técnicas

Fecha de lanzamiento31 oct 2021
Maní y los Sentimientos GRANDES: Una Guia para los Niños

Jenifer Trivelli

Since she was young, Jenifer has been interested in how people get wired to do the things they do, and what guides them towards well-being. That curiosity (and many chance happenings) led her to a graduate degree in counseling and completed training in youth and adult yoga certification programs. Jenifer is a Trauma-Sensitive HeartMath Certified Practitioner. She has coached parents and facilitated yoga for kids in schools (public and private) and in her community since 2007. A social-emotional educator at heart, she offers her blend of neuroscience, attachment theory, and somatic practices for trauma resolution and resiliency to educators and organizations that serve children. Jenifer contracts with non-profit and private organizations to provide behavior consultation, coaching, and training.In 2014, Jenifer authored her first book for kids, Peanut and the BIG Feelings. Jamie's Gift: A Young Teen's Guide to Fears, Worries, and Other Life Challenges (Like Being Irritated By Other People) soon followed; a collaborative project with a local teen. In 2019, she developed a resiliency curriculum for adolescents called TIME:IN, and has been a featured writer in two Oregon print magazines.

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