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Cartas Vivas (Live Sent Spanish): Usted es una carta enviada por Dios: ¡Demuéstrelo!
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Cartas Vivas (Live Sent Spanish): Usted es una carta enviada por Dios: ¡Demuéstrelo!
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Cartas Vivas (Live Sent Spanish): Usted es una carta enviada por Dios: ¡Demuéstrelo!
Libro electrónico280 páginas4 horas

Cartas Vivas (Live Sent Spanish): Usted es una carta enviada por Dios: ¡Demuéstrelo!

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Our everyday lives are more than just a story being written.
God created each one of us to receive and send a message—intentionally — into the lives of the people we do life with daily. That’s how love is demonstrated, how relationships happen, and how people find the abundant life as they are intended to find it.
Pastor and speaker Jason C. Dukes helps readers see how giving yourself away in the daily means being to other people the letter of God’s love that has been written on our hearts.
Our community needs us, and our world needs us . . . to live sent.
Fecha de lanzamiento1 jun 2011
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Cartas Vivas (Live Sent Spanish): Usted es una carta enviada por Dios: ¡Demuéstrelo!

Jason C. Dukes

Jason C. Dukes is a learner, dreamer, and teacher. Raised in New Orleans, Louisiana, Jason has been on an amazing journey for the last five years while planting Westpoint Church in the Orlando, Florida, area. Westpoint’s local community of faith focuses on being the church, doing life together, and giving herself away; and emphasizes “living sent”—being a letter from God communicating His love and hope in the message of our daily lives among all whom we encounter. Jason has also been involved with the creation and launch of the Restoration Concept, House Blend Cafe, the Reproducing Churches network, and the Church of West Orange. Jason and his wife, Jen, have five children and live in Orlando.

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