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El Tren Especial Desaparecido
El Tren Especial Desaparecido
El Tren Especial Desaparecido
Audiolibro53 minutos

El Tren Especial Desaparecido

Escrito por Arthur Conan Doyle

Narrado por Andrés Morales

Calificación: 0 de 5 estrellas


Información de este audiolibro

"El tren especial desaparecido" es un relato corto escrito por Arthur Conan Doyle. La historia se centra en un misterio intrigante: la desaparición inexplicable de un tren especial durante su trayecto. El tren, que transportaba pasajeros importantes y valiosas mercancías, se desvanece sin dejar rastro en una línea ferroviaria entre Liverpool y Londres. A medida que la investigación avanza, se revelan sorprendentes detalles que desafían la lógica y mantienen al lector en suspense.

Este relato destaca la habilidad de Conan Doyle para tejer historias llenas de intriga y misterio, características que han hecho de su obra una referencia en la literatura de detectives.

Su título original "The Lost Special" fue publicado por primera vez en agosto de 1898 en la revista "The Strand Magazine".

Este audiolibro está producido con un diseño sonoro y dramatización que brinda una mejor experiencia y emoción al oyente.

Fecha de lanzamiento23 may 2024
El Tren Especial Desaparecido

Arthur Conan Doyle

Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle was a British author and physician best known for his creation of the characters of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson, penning four novels and fifty-six short stories about the crime-fighting duo. Born in 1859 in Edinburgh, Doyle was the son of a confirmed alcoholic and his family was often scattered among different houses as young Arthur grew up. Thankfully, Doyle had rich uncles to support him and he was given a fine education and, after receiving his medical degree, he was hired on as a ship's surgeon aboard the SS Mayumba. Returning to England, he set up a medical practice and continued to study various subjects including botany, ophthalmology and?fiction writing. He penned a number of short stories during this time and, after his medical practice failed, Doyle had even more free time to write. In 1886, Doyle created the characters of Holmes and Watson for the short story A Study in Scarlet. His new hero proved to be enormously successful and he began publishing Holmes stories in The Strand magazine on a regular basis. Doyle soon tired of Holmes, however, and he famously killed off Holmes and his arch nemesis Professor Moriarty by having them both plunge to their deaths off the Reichenbach Falls. Holmes fans across the world were devastated by the loss of their favorite detective and pestered Doyle to return to Baker Street and create more stories. Doyle finally relented, writing The Hound of the Baskervilles in 1901 and, in 1903, resuming the Holmes series of short stories with The Adventure of the Empty House, in which it is revealed that only Moriarty was actually killed at the Falls. He would continue to write Holmes and Watson stories until the late 1920's. Apart from the Holmes fiction, Doyle was enormously prolific as a writer, penning an entire science fiction series about Professor Challenger as well as plays, romances, historical novels, poetry and non-fiction as well. Doyle died of a heart attack at the age of 71 on July 17, 1930 in Sussex.

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