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La Isla Misteriosa
La Isla Misteriosa
La Isla Misteriosa
Audiolibro5 horas

La Isla Misteriosa

Escrito por Julio Verne

Narrado por Jose Duarte

Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas



Información de este audiolibro

Fonolibro se enorgullece en presentar el audiolibro La Isla Misteriosa, es una de las novelas más completas de Julio Verne y la obra en que hace su reaparición el inolvidable personaje del Capitán Nemo
Durante la guerra de secesión de América, cinco prisioneros consiguen evadirse utilizando un globo aerostático, en el que sobrevuelan el océano en momentos en que se desarrollaba un terrible huracán, siendo sus tripulantes arrojados en una isla desconocida.
Para poder subsistir, los náufragos se ven obligados a afrontar su nueva realidad, sin más recursos que sus propias habilidades. Afortunadamente, cuentan con el liderazgo del ingeniero Ciro Smith quien con su sabiduría científica y técnica y, la aplicación de sus vastos conocimientos en los problemas prácticos, logra transformar en su provecho los tres reinos de la naturaleza, en una suerte de colonización de la isla, bautizada con el nombre de Lincoln.
En aquel rincón olvidado del mundo, una serie de hechos inexplicables, los induce a creer en la existencia de un ser omnisciente, que constantemente les observa y auxilia en las dificultades. Pero, el enigma se desvela, al descubrir que se trata del famoso Capitán Nemo, resultando el genio de la isla y el poderoso benefactor a quien le agradecerán eternamente, el haberlos salvado de una muerte trágica e inminente.
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Fecha de lanzamiento6 may 2019

Julio Verne

Julio Verne (Nantes, 1828 - Amiens, 1905). Nuestro autor manifestó desde niño su pasión por los viajes y la aventura: se dice que ya a los 11 años intentó embarcarse rumbo a las Indias solo porque quería comprar un collar para su prima. Y lo cierto es que se dedicó a la literatura desde muy pronto. Sus obras, muchas de las cuales se publicaban por entregas en los periódicos, alcanzaron éxito ense­guida y su popularidad le permitió hacer de su pa­sión, su profesión. Sus títulos más famosos son Viaje al centro de la Tierra (1865), Veinte mil leguas de viaje submarino (1869), La vuelta al mundo en ochenta días (1873) y Viajes extraordinarios (1863-1905). Gracias a personajes como el Capitán Nemo y vehículos futuristas como el submarino Nautilus, también ha sido considerado uno de los padres de la ciencia fic­ción. Verne viajó por los mares del Norte, el Medi­terráneo y las islas del Atlántico, lo que le permitió visitar la mayor parte de los lugares que describían sus libros. Hoy es el segundo autor más traducido del mundo y fue condecorado con la Legión de Honor por sus aportaciones a la educación y a la ciencia.

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  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Las voces no son buenas para los personajes lo cual afecta a su carácter.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Excelente obra con una narración, .uybuena, gracias a todas las personas que participaron en la obra, estuvo muy entretenida en estos tiempos de la pandemia del 2020
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    This edition is unabridged, and has a lot more in it than I was previously aware.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Two men and a boy arrived on a strange island. Mysterious things happened to them there. Will they see their homes again?I was surprised at the end. I thought they were strong people.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Este audiolibro está incompleto. Me di cuenta porque al tiempo que escuchaba iba leyendo, le faltan por lo menos los capítulos 20, 21 y 22 de la primera parte.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    I won a copy of this from a spelling bee in 7th grade English class. It's a continuation of Capt. Nemo's story. There is a cheesy movie too with some nice Ray Harryhausen special effects.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Whlle not as well known as some of his other novels (20,000 Leagues under the Sea, Around the World in Eighty Days) this is thought by many to be Jules' Verne's masterpiece. It is the story of five northern prisoners during the civil war who plot their escape by hijacking a hot air balloon, which they crash land on an island. They are a diverse group of men - a sailor, a former slave, a journalist and an engineer with his protégé. It is this diversity which provides the meat of the tale. It is not a book for those who want the action to move quickly nor those who dislike detail. Verne described in minute detail every engineering feat of the group, from several tries at a safe abode to utensils used in their everyday lives. Each event in the men's story is similarly narrated. It is a fascinating tale and one that should be included on everyone's reading list. Just make sure you have a good chunk of time to devote to it!
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    I read this around the age of 10. It was transporting! A seminal work by one of the world's sci-fi pioneers.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    This was a very entertaining adventure novel, even if Verne's castaways were implausibly gifted with just the right skills and knowledge necessary to survive.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    A tale replete with suspense, action, mystery, and fulfillment. I was very impressed at what this novel had to offer and I think it's among Verne's better portions of his work. There is a great surprise too, which I will not reveal for the reader. Overall, the plot was good, the characters likeable, and I felt a strong willingness to embark upon the journey and see it to it's end.3.75 stars- worth it!
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I obviously have not read enough Jules Verne. I was pleasantly surprised with this book. Now I have to start reading more of Verne's works. I like him better then H. G. Wells. Wells' stories were often more dreadful, hopeless and too "Victorian England". Verne writes with a timeless flavor of optimism and possibility.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Great escape reading. Loved the imagery and adventure!
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Mildly entertaining, but there was much wrong with the book.... wrong science (but tis ok as it was the science of the time), but mostly the writing style. It seems that Verne has certain phrases he will use ad nauseum until the reader wants to throw the book at his grave. That really was the issue with me. Bad chronology as well that could have been easily fixed by eliminating certain dates. Enjoyable, but ponderous.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Originally published in 1875, this novel is noticeably dated, but it's still a good read.
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    I listened to the audio version of this book on a road trip. And while interesting and entertaining. it was just so dang long. Not as good as Jules Vern's Journey to the Center of the Earth. I know long and wordy was the style back 150 years ago when this was originally written as there were few other choices for entertainment, and I have to say some of the vocabulary was quite interesting and educational. How these colonists managed all this time on this Mysterious Island while never once having an argument is the true mystery of the story to me.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    This a book I'd recommend to just about anyone!
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    The first half is REALLY slow, but then it gets more and more exciting. It's one of Verne's lesser-known works, worth investigating.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    This was my first tread into Jules Verne. I was rewarded with a good read. The only complaint was that there was a lot of detail put into all the different mechanisms they had to make. However, it was still interesting to learn such things from the way to build many things from raw resources to how to create makeshift items to help with survival.

    The story begins with 5 prisoners; an engineer, a sailor, a reporter, a servant, and a young man along with a very bright dog; traveling in a hot air balloon to escape imprisonment during the Civil War. They are thrown onto an island that isn't listed on any maps and well out of the way for any ships in the Pacific to go by. They even go on a short trip to a close but un-useful island to help a castaway. For four long years these escapees have to start from nothing to make themselves a civilized dwelling. They create everything from a house in granite rock and a garden and an animal farm to any mechanism they might need to create something to survive with. They spend their days working and building and creating all the necessities as well as some wants. They build two ships and at the last second when they fear death, they are saved. There are references to 20,000 leagues under the seas and captain Nemo as well as historical things.

    The story is long but with all the details you learn not only to feel like you know the islanders but also enough to see their surroundings and feel their anxieties. There is adventure, camaraderie, pirates, survival, and many other things all wrapped up in this amazing classic.
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    I was quite disappointed in this work.First of all, the book is too long. Verne may be many things, but "concise" is surely not one of them, at least as far as this work goes. Next, while the basic story line is excellent (castaways on an unknown island), Verne's characters are incredibly formulaic and shallow. So to with their various adventures on the island and their inevitable escapes from peril. While some aspects of the book show Verne's effort at displaying his wide ranging scientific knowledge of the day, many aspects of the ending are simply ridiculous. An excellent book for children or young adults. However, if you are looking for depth of character or any degree of sophistication, better go elsewhere.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Most of the time you are not aware that this book was first published in 1874. That is how well it was written. In the end you kind of miss having the characters around. Nonetheless it is quite interesting how a small island, midway between South America and Australia, is so rich in plants, animals and minerals. The “colonizers” are able to make nitroglycerin (remembering we are in a deserted island in 1800´s), iron-wires and a telegraph. They find all sorts of plants, medicinal herbs and even tobacco. Not to mention the fauna, jaguars, kangaroos, orangutans (one is tamed!), and even a freshwater dugong. How did it get there? Mystery. Leaving that aside, this book made me wonder how dependent we are on technology and how ignorant we are about it. Most engineers today would not be able to construct what Cyrus Smith was able, only with bare hands and with the knowledge in his head (without books, internet or specialized tools).
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    A sequel to "20,000 Leagues..." the book postulates a long balloon ride from Libby Prison in Richmond (1865) to a south seas island. One character, an engineer, dominates/leads the others and they all create an idyllic life on a the island. Originally published in 1874, republished many times over, the amount of research to create pottery, nitroglycerine, build a boat, domesticate animals, etc., was amazing. The writing style also reflects the times as does the attitude toward slavery and class. As I missed the opportunity in high school, I'll read some more Jules Verne.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Verne's second Nemo novel isn't as satisfying as the first, mostly due to it's pacing, but it's a grand adventure in it's own right: exciting, supense, with a large does of humor.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    This is a 2001 translation of the book published first in 1874. To the extent that the book is science fiction or fantasy the book disappoints. But much of the book tells of the stranded group on the island working out their existence, a la Robinson Crusoe, and that part of the book is fairly fun reading. Most of the time things work out very well, and most of the efforts of the group dropped on the Pacific island succeed and when they are really up against it a deus ex machina comes to their aid. This is the fifth Jules Verne book I have read and I think I have read as much of his work as I need to.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    This is a great book and still very readable after all these years. It's totally unbelievable but good fun and adventurous anyway. 5 men and a dog are stranded on an unknown island and proceed to colonise it in, quite frankly, ingenious ways. There is also a 'mystery helper' who aids them in their times of strife. For those 'PC' people, I suppose the fact that there was a master and a 'slave' (who, incidentally loved and admired his 'master') didn't sit too well but this book is not to be taken seriously. In those days there were 'masters' and 'slaves' and the good old Brits didn't show up in a very good light either. It's a fantasy and an adventure, full stop.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Great fun, although it's really more of a mildy curious than a mysterious island. Still, really readable. A group of balloonists land on an island miles from anywhere, and through superiour engineer knowledge build the best island ever from scratch, like characters in the computer game Civilisation. Mildly unexplainable events happen.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    The adventure novel written by Jules Verne depicting the survival techniques employed by ordinary men who beat back nature and held themselves in semblances of civilization reminiscent of a world they had lost. However climatic and enticing, this page-turner’s plot was woefully boring unlike many of Verne’s other books. The exploits of Cyrus Harding and the other men on Lincoln Island were sheer, unadulterated adventure yet achievable by any other men placed on the same island with naught but companions. That was perhaps the underlying intrigue of the book to me as I have spent many an hour contemplating the means I would need to accomplish to survive in the wilderness. Ultimately, I was dismayed by the lack of wit and mental acuity that Verne often imparts to her other characters. I found the verbal bantering and conversations dull and lacking in even the most simple of intellect. If I was to survive among such fellows whose chief concerns where often superfluous goods like tobacco, I would almost undoubtedly go insane just for sheer want of solitude. Perhaps that is where Harding succeeded and I would not.Perhaps the most disappointing part of the book was the end. Not wishing to discourage those who are yet reading from finishing rather warning them of impending disappoint. I thought there was some higher purpose to the almost magical happenings of the Mysterious Island, yet the climax’s lack of substance enraged me to the point that I was ready to fly in balloon to my own island intent in providing a better explanation of the mysteries of the island than Verne’s advertising campaign that filled the last pages of a disappointing work of literature.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    What a fascinating story. As attractive now as when I read it as a teenager. This doesn't read as an old story, but rather as a modern story about an old subject.
  • Calificación: 1 de 5 estrellas
    Oh my God. Some dudes are castaway on this island and I cannot put real words together to explain why I wanted to kill this book. So here are some select Twitters from when I was reading it:* I find it a little horrifying that the castaways in Verne's 'Mysterious Island' never use bone for anything. Too savage? [though they end up using some whale bone, but that's pretty white so it's okay]* They didn't use bone to tip arrows! They waited until the dog found a porcupine! How are clothes mended?!* Nor have they tanned hide yet—and left several seals to rot on a beach, taking the fat (for 'splosions & candles, no soap) ['splosions being nitro-glycerine, the better for shaping the world to human desires]* My God, they're doing everything backwards. The Mysterious Island castaways finally tan some leather, but not the rabbits. No. Koalas.* Yeah, I don't see how reading the "prequels" of Mysterious Island would help any. Pretty vaguely interwoven, there.* Mysterious Island, has not made me want to expand my Verne reading. I mean, thanks for summarising '20,000 Leagues' and all so now I don't have to read it—but still. This book is on my shit list. My book shit list also names 'Little House on the Prairie', which I couldn't even finish at the age of nine. Good company for it, I think.* The Terror and Unpredictability of Nature overwhelms Industry, okay. Whatever, Verne.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    I'm reading this one to my seven year old daughter at bedtime; it's great for her, and for me as well, as when I was young I read this book again and again. It's still my favorite Verne.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Mr. Verne did a wonderous job with this adventure (given some slight date discrepancies between this book and "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea")! Dealing with a party of 5 lead by first-class engineer Captain Harding (english translation), they make a hasty escape from their fate as American Civil War POW's to the siege in 1865 upon Richmond, Virginia, in a balloon, which soon finds itself lost and in a tempest. The 5 come to find themselves marooned on an island in the South Pacific. Awesomeness ensues. The highly inventive engineer soon sets his party to work upon making the desolate island somewhat technologically evolved. This inventiveness manifests itself in various machine makings and the such, and along with the strange happenings on the island and the soon to be found-out Captain Nemo, well, this makes this book quite unforgettable and a delightful read!