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En Busca Del Tiempo Perdido
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En Busca Del Tiempo Perdido
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En Busca Del Tiempo Perdido
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En Busca Del Tiempo Perdido

Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas



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Información sobre esta serie

Part 7 de la monumental obra de Marcel Proust (1871-1922), En Busca del Tiempo Perdido: un inmenso retrato de toda una sociedad y es considerada como una de las grandes obras maestras de toda la literature. Como su nobre lo indica, Proust trató de recobrar en su novella en siete volúmenes lo que había sido el ayer y sus personajes están basados en el círculo del autor. La obra en total es un reflejo de uno de los más brillantes análisis de la conciencia que se hayan escrito. En las breves descripciones que siguen, se esbozan momentos de la riquísima novella.
Fecha de lanzamiento28 mar 2024
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En Busca Del Tiempo Perdido
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En Busca Del Tiempo Perdido
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En Busca Del Tiempo Perdido

Marcel Proust

Marcel Proust (1871-1922) was a French novelist. Born in Auteuil, France at the beginning of the Third Republic, he was raised by Adrien Proust, a successful epidemiologist, and Jeanne Clémence, an educated woman from a wealthy Jewish Alsatian family. At nine, Proust suffered his first asthma attack and was sent to the village of Illiers, where much of his work is based. He experienced poor health throughout his time as a pupil at the Lycée Condorcet and then as a member of the French army in Orléans. Living in Paris, Proust managed to make connections with prominent social and literary circles that would enrich his writing as well as help him find publication later in life. In 1896, with the help of acclaimed poet and novelist Anatole France, Proust published his debut book Les plaisirs et les jours, a collection of prose poems and novellas. As his health deteriorated, Proust confined himself to his bedroom at his parents’ apartment, where he slept during the day and worked all night on his magnum opus In Search of Lost Time, a seven-part novel published between 1913 and 1927. Beginning with Swann’s Way (1913) and ending with Time Regained (1927), In Search of Lost Time is a semi-autobiographical work of fiction in which Proust explores the nature of memory, the decline of the French aristocracy, and aspects of his personal identity, including his homosexuality. Considered a masterpiece of Modernist literature, Proust’s novel has inspired and mystified generations of readers, including Virginia Woolf, Vladimir Nabokov, Graham Greene, and Somerset Maugham.

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