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Crashing Hollywood
Crashing Hollywood
Crashing Hollywood
Libro electrónico117 páginas47 minutos

Crashing Hollywood

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Crashing Hollywood "Fíngelo hasta que lo logres" es un libro de memorias cautivador que detalla la increíble historia de un joven taxista haitiano, Jeffery Dread, que irrumpió en algunas de las fiestas de celebridades más grandes de Hollywood y más allá. Armado con nada más que una cámara pequ

EditorialJeffery Dread
Fecha de lanzamiento4 jul 2023
Crashing Hollywood

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    Crashing Hollywood - Jeffery Dread

    Crashing Hollywood

    Fake it until you Snap it

    Jeffery Dread

    Copyright © 2023 by Jeffery Dread

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Table of Contents

    Who is Jeffery Dread

    The Trio A Lifelong Bond

    My first picture with a celebrity!

    Meeting my idol Oprah for the first time!

    The inspiration for CelebrityVibe!

    What is an Exclusive picture in the media?

    Exclusive Puff Daddy & Jennifer Lopez

    Exclusive Tom Cruise 39th Birthday Party!

    Why Clive Davis Pre Grammy Party?

    Exclusive Paris Hilton

    Birthday Party!

    Exclusive Robert Deniro's $1 Million Lawsuit !

    The power of Camera Phones!

    Cote D'Azur Exclusives

    Catch & Kill Story For Full Access!

    Exclusive Last Michael Jackson Concert before 9/11

    St Barths Exclusive

    My dream for my homeland Haiti

    We are all celebrities in our own rights

    Who is Jeffery Dread


    am an artist , philanthropist, father of a son Floyd and the co-founder of CelebrityVibe Inc with my partner Selma. I am also an inspiring figure who had to overcome many obstacles to get to where I am today. After the fall of Baby Doc in Haiti, I was forced to leave my home country and migrate to the U.S.A leaving my family behind.

    The Trio A Lifelong Bond


    y first job was as a yellow cab driver while attending college. One day, while driving my cab, I had the chance to pick up my dol, Sidney Poitier. I was overjoyed to meet the famous actor and it was a moment i would never forget even though i wasnt able to take this picture with more than 30 years later at the First Ladies of Africa event hosted by great friend Claudine.

    I met Massimo and Gilbert while roaming through all the nightclubs in the early 90s. We instantly clicked and formed a tight-knit trio. Massimo was working as a waiter at the popular Ciao Bella restaurant, while Gilbert was a party promoter at Nell's , MK's and many more , known for his charismatic energy.

    As The Trio we frequented all the hotspots, we became a magnet for fun and excitement. We laughed, danced, and indulged in the vibrant nightlife of the city. Always dressed to impress, we exuded confidence and charm, making the ladies swoon. It seemed like there was never a dull moment when we were around.

    Our adventures took us to new places, introduced us to interesting people, and created countless memories. We were inseparable, always seeking out the next adventure or the latest club opening. Whether it was hitting up underground parties, we lived life to the fullest.

    Through the highs and lows, our friendship endured. We celebrated each other's successes and stood by each other during difficult times. We supported each other's dreams and aspirations, becoming a constant source of encouragement and inspiration.

    As the years went by, Jeffery, Massimo, and Gilbert remained the best of friends. We witnessed each other's growth, evolving from carefree young men into successful individuals. Our friendship became a beacon of stability amidst the ever-changing circumstances of life. Before Gilbert had to move back to Haiti he had a Sunday night party at Boom a restaurant in Soho with a great friend if ours from South Africa Rocco who was a managing party there at the time. Massimo was able to open his own restaurant in the city as well. Over the years Gilbert's childhood friend Joel joined us in those nightlife adventures and became a successful party promoter. He also introduced us to Dr Didier who happens to share the same birthday as me.

    Today, as we

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