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Créele a tus ojos (Believe Your Eyes): Libro 1 (Book 1)
Créele a tus ojos (Believe Your Eyes): Libro 1 (Book 1)
Créele a tus ojos (Believe Your Eyes): Libro 1 (Book 1)
Libro electrónico48 páginas7 minutos

Créele a tus ojos (Believe Your Eyes): Libro 1 (Book 1)

Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas



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Información de este libro electrónico

A lot is changing for Cici. Her parents are separating, her wacky abuela is moving in, and on her tenth birthday, she wakes up with fairy wings! Cici's new magical powers let her see people as they truly are. But what she learns about her friends and family isn't always easy to accept. In this graphic novel—now available in Spanish—she has only one day to decide to keep her wings and all that comes with them. What will Cici choose?

Mucho está cambiando para Cici. Sus padres se están separando, su abuela se mudó con ellos, y en su décimo cumpleaños, ¡se despierta con alas de hada! Los nuevos poderes mágicos de Cici le permiten ver a las personas como realmente son. Pero lo que descubre acerca de sus amigos y su familia no es fácil de aceptar. Tiene solo un día para decidir si se queda con sus alas. Cuando Cici solo desea que la vida sea normal de nuevo, ¿elegirá creer en el poder de las hadas?
Fecha de lanzamiento1 sept 2020

Cori Doerrfeld

Cori Doerrfeld is a freelance author and illustrator. She lives in Minneapolis with her comic artist husband, Tyler Page, and their two children, and she is the author of 2019 Charlotte Huck Recommended Book and New York Times Notable Children's Book The Rabbit Listened. Follow Cori's work online at

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Calificación: 3.076923076923077 de 5 estrellas

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  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    The illustrations are great, but the story doesn't make much sense. I'm probably not the right audience, but there is so much what? going on that I didn't really get into it.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Cici is a young girl whose parents are separating and dad is saying good-bye as he moves out. Cici is devastated and does not know what to do. She is even afraid to tell her best friend. Her 10th birthday is coming up and she is afraid to invite her friend over because her dad will not be there. She finally decides to go to a party with her best friend. She is still unhappy and does not want to be there or be hanging out with those girls. When she gets home, she finds out her Abuela has come to live with them to help out. The next morning, she wakes up with fairy wings and finds out fairies run in the family. On top of everything else, she is not sure she can handle any more changes.

    This is a great book for early readers (gr. 2 - 4), especially girls. I received a copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    This fast paced graphic novel has all the ingredients for a great story but the drawings of the characters seem young for their age (10) and one jumps from one scene to another. Although I do believe the audience will get passed those obstacles and like this what is looking like a new graphic novels series.

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Créele a tus ojos (Believe Your Eyes) - Cori Doerrfeld

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