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La Bella y la Bestia: 3 cuentros predilectos de alrededor del mundo
La Bella y la Bestia: 3 cuentros predilectos de alrededor del mundo
La Bella y la Bestia: 3 cuentros predilectos de alrededor del mundo
Libro electrónico31 páginas8 minutos

La Bella y la Bestia: 3 cuentros predilectos de alrededor del mundo

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Think there's just one fairy tale with a beautiful girl and a monster? Think again! Cultures all around the world have their own Beauty and the Beast stories. Visit France, China, and Switzerland, to find out who asks for a grape instead of a rose, and whose beast is a snake. Fully translated Spanish text.
Fecha de lanzamiento1 abr 2020
La Bella y la Bestia: 3 cuentros predilectos de alrededor del mundo

Cari Meister

Cari Meister has written more than 130 books for children, including the Tiny series (Penguin) and the Fast Forward Fairy Tales series (Scholastic).  Cari is a school librarian and she loves to visit other schools and libraries to talk about the joy of reading and writing.  Cari lives in the mountains of Colorado with her husband, four boys, one horse, and one dog.  You can find out more about her at

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