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El arte de la Guerra
El arte de la Guerra
El arte de la Guerra
Libro electrónico65 páginas55 minutos

El arte de la Guerra

Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas



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Información de este libro electrónico

Este ebook presenta "El arte de la guerra" con un sumario dinámico y detallado. El arte de la guerra es un libro sobre tácticas y estrategias militares, escrito por Sun Tzu, un famoso estratega militar chino. Se considera que el texto fue escrito hacia el último tercio del siglo iv antes de la era común.1 Este texto se dio a conocer en Europa a finales del siglo xviii. Su primera aparición fue la edición francesa de 1772 en París, del jesuita Jean Joseph-Marie Amiot, fue titulada Art Militaire des Chinois.

Fue y sigue siendo estudiado por todos aquellos estrategas militares que han dirigido ejércitos, pero también ha servido de gran ayuda para todo aquel guerrero que ha emprendido el Camino.

El arte de la guerra es uno de los libros más antiguos que se han escrito. Fue el primer intento conocido sobre lecciones de guerra. Sin embargo, es todavía frecuentemente utilizado en la actualidad debido a que sus enseñanzas pueden ser aplicadas en muchas otras áreas donde está involucrado el conflicto.

Los capítulos :

1. Aproximaciones

2. La dirección de la guerra

3. La estrategia ofensiva

4. Disposiciones

5. Energía

6. Puntos débiles y puntos fuertes

7. Maniobra

8. Las nueve variables

9. Marchas

10. El terreno

11. Las nueve clases de terreno

12. Ataque de fuego

13. Sobre el uso de espías
Fecha de lanzamiento31 jul 2013

Sun Tzu

Sun Tzu was a an ancient Chinese general during the latter part of the Spring and Autumn Period. Also referred to as Sunzi or Sun Wu, the great Chinese philosopher and military general was revered by many generations of Chinese leaders to come. His given military name, "Sun Tzu" translates as "master sun", and was thought to be an honorific title. It has been speculated Sun Tzu wrote The Art of War during the Warring States Period, when China was divided and war was imminent. His profound insight on military strategy and expert leadership inspired nearly all who read his work, earning him a spot in history as one of the greatest military generals of all time.

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  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    you kind of have to read this, yah. so privately canonized.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I'm so glad I finally read this historic book. I found it very interesting and understand why it has been adapted to suit other fields -- notably management. And the version of the book I bought is beautiful in itself. Bound in traditional Chinese style, with each page folded in half and only printed on the outside. Hard to rate -- it is what it is as they say -- but I'm rating it highly because it has stood the test of time.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    An enduring classic, an absolute must-read for every business person and military mind the world over.
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    During a sermon, the rabbi talked about this book and said that it was really a philosophy on how to live life. When I started reading it, I saw that it really is a book on how to wage war. Definitely not what I expected and definitely not a book I would ever want to read.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I read this and let my mind wander a little, but not too much. Invariably whatever I think about mixes with the words, and elegant, clear observations come out. It's like guided meditation.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    There was a lot of repetition in this book, but maybe it's to enforce some of the most important things to remember when conducting a war.

    I was surprised by how much from this ancient text seems applicable today. I guess that can be chalked up to the knowledge and foresight of Sun Tzu, as well as our sad inability to change our violent ways.

    One particular bit of text seemed particularly relevant:

    When the army engages in protracted campaigns the resources of the state will not suffice.

    Good advice.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Classic, brilliant techniques put so simply. Yet, naturally, reading this as a modern day civilian, I applied it to my modern day battles such as in business, relationships, Los Angeles traffic...the typical. As a naturally paranoid person, I feel it did me more harm than good. In addition, I prefer to (perhaps ignorantly) avoid seeing things as if they are wars. Some things will never change though because I will always act shy and giggle right before I slaughter my enemy.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    My first "android" book :)
    3 days of boring lectures and you complete a whole book !!!!
    A Sun Tzu's masterpiece on competition in a battlefield.An obstinate struggle to survive,to fight with a person's best spirits and a anecdote of survival in tough times. The book talks about various moves of enemies and optimum strategic judgement according to opponent's strength and weakness.
    Main categories under which the comprehensive book is divided are: Laying plans, waging war, strategic attacks, energy, tactical dispositions, army on march, fire attacks and use of spies.
    A book one of its kind. Precise, short statements without any kind of obfuscation, a provident manifestation of a probable war like situation.Indeed, a complete war time reference manual.
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    If you're already self-actualized (read: me), this is nothing but a bunch of shih.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    3 stars“All warfare is based on deception.”“The art of war is of vital importance to the State. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected.”Born in the fifth century B.C., Sun Wu (Sun Tzu was an honorary title) wrote the quintessential rulebook for warfare, known today as Art of War. While the often quoted lines of Sun Tzu are as lyrical as poetry, it was written 2,500 years ago with the singular purpose of codifying the essential requirements for generals and soldiers to be victorious on the battlefield. Even today, his treatise on war is studied by not just military officers, but business leaders and politicians as a roadmap to victory.While most of us have heard of Art of War and have no doubt read many of the catchy anecdotes that populate Sun Tzu’s writing, I dare say very few people have actually read the work from start to finish. While the version I read was about 300 pages, less than 50 pages make up the actual translated writings of Sun Tzu. That text is preceded by a rather informative historical overview of the life of Sun Wu – of which only a few documented facts are known. More importantly, the introduction does a good job of establishing the climate that Sun Tzu lived in within what we now know as China. Frankly, I found this to be the best and most informative part of the text.Sun Tzu’s actual text is written as a series of individual statements that appear to have been cobbled together. I’m unsure if this is the result of how the work was translated or if the original text was pieced together from scattered writings, but it gives the writing a disjointed feel. However, I can accept this limitation given that it was written as a technical document more than two millennia ago in a different language. From a content perspective, there are many well-known phrases that ring true today. But while the general philosophies are what we remember, the lion’s share of his text details very specific situations and strategies for warfare of that era. The remainder of the book – more than half of it in fact – is a detailed breakdown of individual passages from Sun Tzu’s text, expanded upon and placed into the context of more modern battles throughout history. This was the most problematic portion of the book because in a lot of cases it was a very tenuous leap to connect the specific tactics of some of the cited battles to the specific situations Sun Tzu wrote about. Sun Tzu’s text is just ambiguous enough that almost anything can be read into some of the passages. It was more wishful thinking than established doctrine that associated some of the examples to his writing. And while Art of War may include many philosophical musings that are usable today, most of Sun Tzu’s writing about specific military tactics– while educational from a historical perspective – are wildly obsolete in the modern world. As a fascinating historical document that illustrates the thinking and strategy of an era where little has survived the ravages of time, Art of War is an invaluable resource. But as a current day treatise on the conduct of war and competitive strategy, it is really lacks concrete value. Anecdotes aside, I’m pretty sure that no modern standing army or corporate think-tank is sending its best and brightest into the trenches with nothing but Sun Tzu’s writing even though some believe Art of War is the end-all, be-all of strategic thought. It would be a little like arguing before the Supreme Court with no other legal education outside of reading a lot of John Grisham novels. I think Art of War is a valuable work, but it has achieved a sort of cult following in certain circles that outstrips its actual contribution to strategy. The authors of this translation have gone overboard in assigning value to his teaching – value that can’t really be substantiated. Is it an important historical document? Absolutely. Is it the cornerstone of all of the strategic thought that exists today? Not hardly. While Sun Tzu was in fact a brilliant strategist and philosopher, Art of War wasn’t even translated into a western language until 1772 (French) and 1905 (English). I’m pretty sure most of these strategies had been discovered and utilized by western armies long before then. Perhaps the most important thing that is lost in the supplementation of Art of War is Sun Tzu’s primary motivation for writing his treatise. While his text is held up as the guide to war, this translation does hit on a key philosophy – it was peace that Sun Tzu was most interested in. He wanted his countrymen to be able to protect themselves and allow for the citizens to live in peace, not war. All you have to read for proof of that is what I think is the most important sentence he wrote:“There is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare.”Amen to that.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    one of the best books I've ever read; just be careful of the translator. There are some really horrendous editions out there. ALWAYS buy the one translated by "CLEARLY" he is very profound in eastern philosophy and tradition
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Art of War itself is pretty cool - aside from the fact that I feel like a dork reading it because most of the people who read Art of War are nineteen-year-old fantasy roleplayers who collect nunchuks - but the version I read, Lionel Giles' 1910 translation, is chock full of typos. That kinda gets on my nerves.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I read ‘The Art of War’, not because I wanted to know about warfare, or even the typically extrapolated purpose of business and politics, but because I’ve been looking for the source of a 6 character Chinese phrase that I’ve known since I was a kid. I think I found it. The 6 characters are:People Philosophy (or Principle)Earth Philosophy (or Principle)Heaven Philosophy (or Principle)Earth is commonly extrapolated to also mean the environment, your physical surroundings, and/or the situation you’re in.Heaven is commonly extrapolated to also mean the weather, fate, and other elements you can’t control but only can work around.While ‘The Art of War’ goes into strategies of planning/waging/winning a war, the commoners (i.e. the adults around me when I was growing up) used these six characters to explain the simple considerations in life, being cognizant of the people and the things around you. In the case of ‘Heaven’, life happens. You can’t get what you want. You can’t have everything you want. And it simply wasn’t meant to be. A hard lesson for a kid… and for an adult.The edition I read is a Collins Classic with a crisp, simple translation and a good intro. I would have liked a version with side by side Chinese and English text, but ah well. In 13 Chapters, with numbered lines between 14 to 68 for each chapter, this was an easy read. As alluded to above, one can extract many layers of meanings from the simple text. Quotes:Ch 1, Line 22 – Perhaps this is the modern day equivalent of pressing someone’s buttons.“If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant.”Ch 2, Line 19 – I read this as results driven, in business terms.“In war, then, let your great object be victory, not lengthy campaigns.”Ch 3, Line 18 – People Philosophy. Replace enemy with anyone else, this might work for understanding the probabilities of a relationship, friendship, etc.“Hence the saying: If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”Ch 4, Line 10 – This was very humbling.“To lift an autumn hair is no sign of great strength; to see the sun and moon is no sign of sharp sight; to hear the noise of thunder is no sign of a quick ear.”Ch 5, Lines 1 and 2 – This made me think about growing a team or an organization and managing them or taking on bigger challenges. “Sun Tzu said: The control of a large force is the same principle as the control of a few men: it is merely a question of dividing up their numbers.”“Fighting with a large army under your command is nowise different fighting with a small one: it is merely a question of instituting signs and signals.”Ch 6, Line 9 – One of the primary strategies in this book is deception. I’m guessing it is applauded for business and politics! Too brutal for my taste.“O divine art of subtlety and secrecy! Through you we learn to be invisible, through you inaudible; and hence we can hold the enemy’s fate in our hands.Ch 7, Line 13 – Earth Philosophy. In the most literal sense for battle.“We are not fit to lead an army on the march unless we are familiar with the face of the country – its mountains and forests, its pitfalls and precipices, its marshes and swamps.”Ch 9, Line 35 – This made me think of office gossip, and the negativity associated with it.“The sight of men whispering together in small knots or speaking subdued tones points to disaffection amongst the rank and file.”Ch 10, Line 24, 25 – My business translation: A leader that is not after title for himself/herself, but simply cares, and gives a damn, for the work and for his/her team.“The general who advances without coveting fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do good service for his sovereign, is the jewel of the kingdom.”“Regarding your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look upon them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.”Ch 10, Line 31 – I believe this is the one line that envelopes the 6 characters, even though I hope to never mark anyone as my enemy.“Hence the saying: If you know the enemy and know yourself, your victory will not stand in doubt; if you know Heaven and know Earth, you may make your victory complete.”
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Rated: B-The New Lifetime Reading Plan: Number 10The general is responsible for the destiny and well-being of the nation. The scarcity of fine generals has always been a source of calamity.He regards his troops as his children, and they will go with him into the deepest ravine. He regards them as his loved ones, and they will stand by him unto death. (Chapter 10)
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    Don't like this edition. The history is boring and confusing (chi, Ch'i, ch'i all mean different things) 1 star for the edition and history part.

    The actual Art of War is good. 3 stars.
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    This is a manual and reads like one. Better to take in very small doses, digest and discuss rather than to read continuously.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    This audio book had Joe Montenga narrating the text.It was pretty cool to have the Simpsons's Fat Tony quoting a 500 BC Chinese War Scholar.(The analysis of the text was a real snooze-fest!)
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    When you go to buy The Art of War, you will have several editions to choose from. If not, you're in the wrong shop; go and find another. I recommend going through each edition and pick the one whose translation you find easiest to read.It's difficult to review this book. The Art of War is not the kind of book you read. It's the kind of book you reflect on. For best results, reflect and then bring your reflections to a group who have also read the book. Everyone will find a passage or two that really struck a note for them, and for different reasons. Prepare to talk long into the night.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    A great translation. That was meant to be funny since I don't read Chinese and can't possibly really know how good his translation is. However, this is a great book and belongs right next to your other war strategy greats.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    No wonder the words in this book have such wide applications across a whole massive spectrum of professions to situations.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Quite possibly the most influential book on military tactics of all time. I was incredibly surprised by its brevity. A must-read for any historian. 
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Inspiration comes from many places and The Art of War is one of those books mentioned frequently in my circles. It's one of those books I've been meaning to get to for years and, while I am not sorry that I finally got to it, its usefulness to me is limited.Most of the non-strategic advice is good leadership advice. Things such as being a leader means setting the standard for how the work should be done, including getting one's hands dirty with the lowliest tasks. I've read plenty of stuff about leadership, and setting the example, that there really wasn't anything new for me here.Since I'm not interested in military strategies, the rest was dry.From a strictly historic perspective, I can understand the importance of this treatise. But as an outstanding example of leadership and strategy in the 21st century? I'm not seeing it.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    All the guff about it being the greatest management text in history is of course utter nonsense, but it's an interesting read. I preferred and would recommend the Hagakure if you're after samurai warrior philosophy.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Hmm, this book can really be used in company`s management, because some war strategies are quite similar to organization management. For example, need for clear and not doubtful commands, advice to put best soldiers (workers) on first line, importance of understanding ones own weaknesses and strengths etc.Overall, it`s boring literature if one don`t think how to use those advices in life.[more:]
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    A classic that is as valuable for war strategies as it is for work and everyday relations.My edition is from Shambhala, and translated by Thomas Cleary (famed for his translations of Miyamoto Musashi's work, as well as his biography).In this edition, each of the passages is interpreted by 11 different people (from Li Quan to Zhang Yu), for scope and perspective. While it's not necessary to include so many interpreters, I find that the different perspectives (and wording) sometimes made Master Sun's wisdoms clearer.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    I heard a lot of people talking about "The Art of War." In business, during news commentary...everywhere. I find it funny, when reading it, to see something very simple. Descriptions of the appropriate duties of the army and generals are basic, and the "secrets" of successful conquering is good common sense. I suppose the reason it seems so enlightening is the lack of common sense in the huge majority of people. Saying that, this was a great opporunity to see some of the basis for business practices overseas and at home. There are many people who think about business as warefare. These tactics will be used, and should be understood. Because common sense is no longer common, and probably wasn't in ancient China, this is a great guide to dealing with conflict...if you want to win.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    This is a beautiful and scholarly presentation of a truly elegant piece of ancient literature. Griffith puts forth his interpretation of "The Art of War" based on a revision of his Ph.D. thesis presented some years ago. Commentaries from several sources are included along side of Griffith's own translation. Footnotes are ubiquitous in the text explaining various discrepancies in interpretations, translations and historical contexts. There is a nicely-done introduction discussing various scholarly debates surrounding "The Art of War" including, original authorship, and date of creation. Beyond the content, the presentation of the book is beautiful. The cover is silk fabric with silk-screened golden Chinese characters on the cover. There is also an attached black ribbon bookmark. The pages are thick construction done with a glossy-print and includes many beautiful color plates placed throughout the text.Really, I believe this to be an exquisite presentation of this piece of literature. Not only is the presentation exceptional, the scholarly content is both attainable and interesting. This is an excellent piece to have in any library.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    I have read this several times in a variety of translations. This version is formatted like a poem and is a quick read. Interesting that Sun Tzu echoes many of the issues raised by Thucydides. I remember an Instructor Gunnery during my Regimental Officers Basic Course from the United States artillery beginning every lesson with: "Sun Tzu says...". And, "If a 155 round lands on a tank, the tank is toast". So much in such a short book and it was quite possibly written before Thucydides was born.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    I wasn't sure what to expect when I picked up this book, to be honest. I just made a promise to myself I would read more classics and this was a short one to get in so I can reach my reading goal. However, I ended up really, really enjoying it. I'm not a soldier by any stretch of the imagination, but there is good, solid advice in this book that is still relevant thousands of years after it was written. It's worth a read for sure, and it's so short you can get through it quickly. I would recommend it. 5 out of 5 stars.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    A very quick read of a classic. I had always been meaning to get around to this book, and I did not realize how short it was. The version I have contains more commentary than the actual writing, and I did not bother with the commentary.

    The book is basically a series of maxims that describe how to lead as a general at war. I think its appeal is universal, and many of the ideas can be applied as strategic thinking in other aspects of life. I don't think it was all that profound, but then again, its ideas have been used for centuries. It was nice to be able to read where a lot of them came from.

Vista previa del libro

El arte de la Guerra - Sun Tzu



Sobre la evaluación

Sun Tzu dice: la guerra es de vital importancia para el Estado; es el dominio de la vida o de la muerte, el camino hacia la supervivencia o la pérdida del Imperio: es forzoso manejarla bien. No reflexionar seriamente sobre todo lo que le concierne es dar prueba de una culpable indiferencia en lo que respecta a la conservación o pérdida de lo que nos es mas querido; y ello no debe ocurrir entre nosotros.

Hay que valorarla en términos de cinco factores fundamentales, y hacer comparaciones entre diversas condiciones de los bandos rivales, con vistas a determinar el resultado de la guerra.

El primero de estos factores es la doctrina; el segundo, el tiempo; el tercero, el terreno; el cuarto, el mando; y el quinto, la disciplina.

La doctrina significa aquello que hace que el pueblo esté en armonía con su gobernante, de modo que le siga donde sea, sin temer por sus vidas ni a correr cualquier peligro.

El tiempo significa el Ying y el Yang, la noche y el día, el frío y el calor, días despejados o lluviosos, y el cambio de las estaciones.

El terreno implica las distancias, y hace referencia a dónde es fácil o difícil desplazarse, y si es campo abierto o lugares estrechos, y esto influencia las posibilidades de supervivencia.

El mando ha de tener como cualidades: sabiduría, sinceridad, benevolencia, coraje y disciplina.

Por último, la disciplina ha de ser comprendida como la organización del ejército, las graduaciones y rangos entre los oficiales, la regulación de las rutas de suministros, y la provisión de material militar al ejército.

Estos cinco factores fundamentales han de ser conocidos por cada general. Aquel que los domina, vence; aquel que no, sale derrotado. Por lo tanto, al trazar los planes, han de compararse los siguiente siet e factores, valorando cada uno con el mayor cuidado:

¿Qué dirigente es más sabio y capaz?

¿Qué comandante posee el mayor talento?

¿Qué ejército obtiene ventajas de la naturaleza y el terreno?

¿En qué ejército se observan mejor las regulaciones y las instrucciones?

¿Qué tropas son más fuertes?

¿Qué ejército tiene oficiales y tropas mejor entrenadas?

¿Qué ejército administra recompensas y castigos de forma más justa?

Mediante el estudio de estos siete factores, seré capaz de adivinar cual de los dos bandos saldrá victorioso y cual será derrotado.

El general que siga mi consejo, es seguro que vencerá. Ese general ha de ser mantenido al mando. Aquel que ignore mi consejo, ciertamente será derrotado. Ese debe ser destituido.

Tras prestar atención a mi consejo y planes, el general debe crear una situación que contribuya a su cumplimiento. Por situación quiero decir que debe tomar en consideración la situación del campo, y actuar de acuerdo con lo que le es ventajoso.

El arte de la guerra se basa en el engaño. Por lo tanto, cuando es capaz de atacar, ha de aparentar incapacidad; cuando las tropas se mueven, aparentar inactividad. Si está cerca del enemigo, ha de hacerle creer que está lejos; si está lejos, aparentar que se está cerca.

Poner cebos para atraer al enemigo.

Golpear al enemigo cuando está desordenado. Prepararse contra él cuando está seguro en todas partes. Evitarle durante un tiempo cuando es más fuerte. Si tu oponente tiene un temperamento colérico, intenta irritarle. Si es arrogante, trata de fomentar su egoísmo.

Si las tropas enemigas se hallan bien preparadas tras una reorganización, intenta desordenarlas. Si están unidas, siembra la disensión entre sus filas. Ataca al enemigo cuando no está preparado, y aparece cuando no te espera. Estas son las claves de la victoria para el estratega.

Ahora, si las estimaciones realizadas antes de la batalla indican victoria, es porque los cálculos cuidadosamente realizados muestran que tus condiciones son más favorables que las condiciones del enemigo; si indican derrota, es porque muestran que las condiciones favorables para la batalla son menores. Con una evaluación cuidadosa, uno puede vencer; sin ella, no puede. Muchas menos oportunidades de victoria tendrá aquel que no realiza cálculos en absoluto.

Gracias a este método, se puede examinar la situación, y el resultado aparece claramente.


Sobre la iniciación de las acciones

Una vez comenzada la batalla, aunque

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