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Mommy, May I Hug the Fish? / Mamá: ¿Puedo abrazar al pez?: Biblical Values
Mommy, May I Hug the Fish? / Mamá: ¿Puedo abrazar al pez?: Biblical Values
Mommy, May I Hug the Fish? / Mamá: ¿Puedo abrazar al pez?: Biblical Values
Libro electrónico24 páginas11 minutos

Mommy, May I Hug the Fish? / Mamá: ¿Puedo abrazar al pez?: Biblical Values

Calificación: 3.5 de 5 estrellas



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Información de este libro electrónico

Preschoolers want to explore their world but are not fully aware of harmful situations. When a loving parent or care-giver sets limits or gives permission, the child learns to respect his or her environment. Mommy, May I Hug the Fish addresses this subject in a humorous and age-appropriate way. The text is written in lively rhythm and rhyme and is designed for beginning readers. Los preescolares quieren explorar su mundo, pero no se dan cuenta por completo de las situaciones peligrosas. Cuando un padre, una madre o un cuidador cariñoso establece límites o da permiso, el niño aprende a respetar su medio ambiente. Mamá: ¿puedo abrazar al pez? trata de este tema de una manera divertida y apropiada para la edad. El texto ha sido escrito en un ritmo vivo y está diseñado para lectores principiantes.

Fecha de lanzamiento15 dic 2009
Mommy, May I Hug the Fish? / Mamá: ¿Puedo abrazar al pez?: Biblical Values

Crystal Bowman

Crystal Bowman loves writing books for kids. Her books come in all shapes and sizes and many of them have become best sellers. Whether her stories are written in playful rhythm and rhyme, or short sentences for beginning readers, she tries to make them so enjoyable that kids will want to read them over and over again. "But the most important part," she says, "is to teach children that God loves them and cares about them very much."

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Calificación: 3.5 de 5 estrellas

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  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    Boy!! This totally sucked. I didn't even get to read any of the story!! In my opinion, this website is terrible!! I will certainly not be buying anything from you!!
    P.S. I will NOT be recommending you to anybody!!!

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Mommy, May I Hug the Fish? / Mamá - Crystal Bowman

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