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The Philippians, Colossians, First and Second Thessalonians
1 and 2 Timothy, Titus
Last Dance
Serie de libros electrónicos30 títulos

Promises for ... Series

Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas



Información sobre esta serie

Our coming was foretold by the elders— Those who would change the future, just as the planet teetered on the edge of darkness.

Born on the prophesied day with birthmarks in the form of a crescent moon, they knew us immediately. Swaddled and screaming, we were spirited away by those who hid us, trained us, and kept us safe until our time came.

They poured their lives into us. Some died to save us.

And now we, the Remnants, protected by Knights of the Last Order, have gathered.

Called until we breathe our last … to save the world.

Fecha de lanzamiento19 dic 2011
The Philippians, Colossians, First and Second Thessalonians
1 and 2 Timothy, Titus
Last Dance

Títulos en esta serie (100)

  • Last Dance


    Last Dance
    Last Dance

    With graduation looming, the Carter House girls are struggling with college visits, prom dress warfare, and boyfriend situations that are going from bad to worse. Mrs. Carter ups the stress level by planning a typical over-the-top Mother’s Day fashion show, and things get tense when the designer favors certain models. Through it all, surprises are in store for each girl as their time at Carter House comes to an end. As final good-byes approach, some friendships will deepen while others crumble. Will the girls resolve old differences or part ways as enemies?

  • The Philippians, Colossians, First and Second Thessalonians


    The Philippians, Colossians, First and Second Thessalonians
    The Philippians, Colossians, First and Second Thessalonians

    Even though nearly 2,000 years have passed since Paul wrote his letters, students today are facing many of the same issues as the Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians. They may be experiencing angst or hurt, or they may be hearing messages that are contrary to what they know to be true about the Gospel. They’re probably even dealing with questions about sexuality and morality. By studying these practical letters of Paul, students will learn ways to faithfully cope with the trials of the their day-to-day lives. Through engaging activities and thought-provoking questions that get right to the heart of Philippians, Colossians, and First and Second Thessalonians, students will learn how to find joy in their journey, discover practical instructions of faith, and get encouragement for times of trial. • In Philippians students will learn how to tell the difference between joy and happiness, and they will learn that true joy comes from serving Christ. • In the letter of Paul to the Colossians, students will be encouraged in their faith, and they will learn how to make a difference in the lives of believers and non-believers alike—whether they can see the impact they make or not. They will also discover how to avoid false teachings. • In the two letters to the Thessalonians, students will learn that as believers they should be living in ways that make others excited to get to know God. They will also learn how to reach out for a Christian community for support when they encounter trials. Written with the busy youth worker in mind, Studies on the Go: Philippians, Colossians, and First and Second Thessalonians provides Scriptural depth and substance to be tackled in a manageable time frame. The questions are real, down-to-earth, and straight to the point to get students quickly into the text so they can hear God’s word on a practical level. Designed for classes, youth groups, and small groups, this curriculum is guaranteed to get students engaged in the Bible.

  • 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus


    1 and 2 Timothy, Titus
    1 and 2 Timothy, Titus

    Most Bible commentaries take us on a one-way trip from the twentieth century to the first century. But they leave us there, assuming that we can somehow make the return journey on our own. In other words, they focus on the original meaning of the passage but don't discuss its contemporary application. The information they offer is valuable -- but the job is only half done! The NIV Application Commentary Series helps us with both halves of the interpretive task. This new and unique series shows readers how to bring an ancient message into modern context. It explains not only what the Bible means but also how it can speak powerfully today.

  • Como hablarles a los jóvenes sin dormirlos: A Step-by-Step Guide for Improving Your Talks


    Como hablarles a los jóvenes sin dormirlos: A Step-by-Step Guide for Improving Your Talks
    Como hablarles a los jóvenes sin dormirlos: A Step-by-Step Guide for Improving Your Talks


  • Barnabas Helps a Friend


    Barnabas Helps a Friend
    Barnabas Helps a Friend

    Barnabas Helps a Friend—Barnabas Bear and Russell Raccoon explore the damage after a storm whips through Brookdale Wood. They want to help Mr. Beaver, whose home was destroyed by a fallen tree. When the little friends find they aren’t strong enough to help, they go out looking for other helpers because “friends always help when trouble comes.” This story focuses on the daily life of Barnabas Bear and his group of friends that live in Brookdale Wood.

  • Oportunidades y retos personales


    Oportunidades y retos personales
    Oportunidades y retos personales

    VIVIMOS UNOS TIEMPOS DE CAOS. ANTE ESTOS RETOS COMPLEJOS, ¿CÓMO DEBE ACTUAR LA IGLESIA? En un mundo que se enfrenta a problemas sin precedentes, la voz de John Stott llama a la iglesia a convertir las crisis y desafíos en grandes oportunidades para el pueblo de Dios. En Oportunidades y retos globales, el cyarti libro de esta serie, John Stott nos presenta los retos de un mundo pluralista en el campo personal. Desde las relaciones entre los géneros humanos, las nuevas normas del mundo incrédulo para el matrimonio, ;a cohabitación y la tragedia del divorcio, hasta una cuidadosa consideración del aborto y la eutanasia y el nuevo mundo de la biotecnología escrito por John Wyatt. Este libro incluye una guía de estudio y su lectura debe ser esencial para cada cristiano en una era en que las normas del mundo acerca de la conducta personal parecen estar cambiando todos los días.

  • James



    Straight to the point, practical, affirming, convicting—that’s the book of James. In it, we see a picture of early Christians wrestling to apply the teachings of Jesus to their everyday lives. And we see a community plagued by divisiveness and hypocrisy, with an emphasis on wealth and status. James pulls no punches addressing these issues, calling for a faith that shows itself in moral actions: in speech, in interpersonal relationships, in economic and social justice. He also lays out a theology of the redemptive value of suffering. In our day when the behavior and attitudes of professed Christians are often not much different from the surrounding culture, in our society of great wealth, and in our culture that abhors suffering, the challenging message of James is greatly needed. Exploring the links between the Bible and our own times, David Nystrom shares perspectives on the book of James that reveal its enduring relevance for our twenty-first-century lives. This series promises to become an indispensable tool for every pastor and teacher who seeks to make the Bible's timeless message speak to this generation. Billy Graham The NIV Application Commentary dares to go where few scholars have gone before—into the real world of biblical application faced by pastors and teachers every day. This is everything a good commentary should be. Leith Anderson Pastor, Wooddale Church Most Bible commentaries take us on a one-way trip from our world to the world of the Bible. But they leave us there, assuming that we can somehow make the return journey on our own. They focus on the original meaning of the passage but don’t discuss its contemporary application. The information they offer is valuable—but the job is only half done! The NIV Application Commentary Series helps bring both halves of the interpretive task together. This unique, award-winning series shows readers how to bring an ancient message into our postmodern context. It explains not only what the Bible meant but also how it speaks powerfully today.

  • Burned



    Abby Wright, with her cute English accent and cool way of saying things, is Jeri McKane’s biology lab partner and close friend. When a mysterious explosion in their lab sends Abby to the hospital, Jeri’s sleuthing nose smells more than just smoke. Can she unravel the mystery before anyone else gets hurt, and worse yet, is the firebug at Landmark School targeting her? Danger and mystery abound for the group of middle-school friends as they are faced with the daily choice to trust God or give into their fears in the face of overwhelming challenges.

  • Ministerio juvenil 3.0: Un manifiesto de donde estuvimos, donde estamos y hacia donde debemos ir


    Ministerio juvenil 3.0: Un manifiesto de donde estuvimos, donde estamos y hacia donde debemos ir
    Ministerio juvenil 3.0: Un manifiesto de donde estuvimos, donde estamos y hacia donde debemos ir

    Durante las últimas décadas han ocurrido cambios significativos en la cultura juvenil, y cada nuevo cambio ha traído consigo diferentes valores y prioridades en la vida de los adolescentes. En la medida que los ministerios juveniles se adaptan y responden apropiadamente a estas épocas, parece que hemos perdido el bote de la tercera, lo que nos ha puesto hoy, en un lugar en el cual el ministerio juvenil no se está ocupando de las realidades y necesidades de la cultura juvenil. Después de haber estado en este ministerio durante casi tres décadas, Mark Oestreicher ha vivido muchos de estos cambios. Pero en los años recientes, él se ha venido preguntando qué hay que cambiar en el ministerio juvenil. En Ministerio Juvenil 3.0 entenderás, junto a Mark y a otros líderes de jóvenes, por qué necesitamos un cambio en el ministerio juvenil. Conocerás una breve historia de dicho ministerio durante los últimos 50 años, así como los cambios necesarios para crear la próxima fase de este… el futuro que necesitamos erigir para ministrar en forma eficaz a los adolecentes. Ante la encrucijada en que se encuentra el ministerio juvenil, este libro nos proporciona una visión del rumbo que debería tomar a partir de aquí.

  • Barnabas Goes Swimming


    Barnabas Goes Swimming
    Barnabas Goes Swimming

    Barnabas Goes Swimming—Barnabas Bear and Russell Raccoon want to go swimming, but all their friends in the Brookdale Wood are too busy. Peter Pig is busy in the mud and Prickly Paul is busy napping. But Barnabas can always find a reason to thank God for a summer day. This story focuses on the daily life of Barnabas Bear and his group of friends that live in Brookdale Wood.

  • 1 and 2 Chronicles


    1 and 2 Chronicles
    1 and 2 Chronicles

    The Chronicles are more than a history of ancient Israel under the ascent and rule of the Davidic dynasty. They are a story whose grand theme is hope. Great battles are fought, heroes and tyrants vie for power, Israel splits into rival kingdoms, and the soul of God’s holy nation oscillates between faithlessness and revival. Yet above this tossing sea of human events, God’s covenant promises reign untroubled and supreme. First and Second Chronicles are a narrative steeped in the best and worst of the human heart—but they are also a revelation of Yahweh at work, forwarding his purposes in the midst of fallible people. God has a plan to which he is committed. Today, as then, God redirects our vision from our circumstances in this turbulent world to the surety of his kingdom, and to himself as our source of confidence and peace. Exploring the links between the Bible and our own times, Andrew E. Hill shares perspectives on 1 and 2 Chronicles that reveal ageless truths for our twenty-first-century lives. Most Bible commentaries take us on a one-way trip from our world to the world of the Bible. But they leave us there, assuming that we can somehow make the return journey on our own. They focus on the original meaning of the passage but don’t discuss its contemporary application. The information they offer is valuable—but the job is only half done! The NIV Application Commentary Series helps bring both halves of the interpretive task together. This unique, award-winning series shows readers how to bring an ancient message into our postmodern context. It explains not only what the Bible meant but also how it speaks powerfully today.

  • Tough Topics: 600 Questions That Will Take Your Students Beneath the Surface


    Tough Topics: 600 Questions That Will Take Your Students Beneath the Surface
    Tough Topics: 600 Questions That Will Take Your Students Beneath the Surface

    This collection of provocative discussion questions is guaranteed to get teenagers talking, thinking, and debating. It follows in the footsteps of the best-selling Would You Rather—?, What If—?, and Unfinished Sentences. Each set of questions is followed by thought-provoking ideas, facts, and verses to think about. Adaptable content makes the book an easy-to-use resource for large or small groups—at youth meetings, retreats, small group discussions, mission trips, and more. With its compact size, it’s convenient to carry along wherever you go.Examples of questions include:• Which would be better? To have your prayers answered or to be constantly full of joy?• Which would be worse? To eat what you don’t like or to crave what you can’t have?• Which would be better? Fresh-baked, soft, chewy cookies or a nice thick, juicy steak?• Which would be worse? To have a parachute fail or to ski into a tree?

  • 2 Peter, Jude


    2 Peter, Jude
    2 Peter, Jude

    The apostles Peter and Jude wouldn’t have made good postmodernists. They insist that there is such a thing as absolute, non-negotiable truth, as well as error and deception. They speak of false doctrines and those who teach them as if they actually believe that eternity hangs in the balance and that God, far from shrugging his shoulders like a good relativist, takes the matters of truth and spiritual authority very seriously. Today the fiery, unapologetic language of 2 Peter and Jude can open our eyes to stark spiritual realities. Like few other apostolic writings, these two letters shake us awake to the vital necessity of embracing the true gospel and transmitting it undistorted. The message is as countercultural as possible, and profoundly timely.

  • John



    Creative, engaging Bible study questions are hard to come by … without rewriting questions for yourself. Each book of questions leads a small group through a book (or combination of books) in the Bible—helping students become more biblically literate, and allowing them to come face-to-face with God’s Word. Students will be pushed, encouraged, and challenged by these studies. But more than all this, they will be changed. Each passage of Scripture sets the topic—and the questions are constructed to help students think deeply, talk openly, and apply what they are learning to their lives. Leaders will be able to pick it up and use it immediately with kids. Volunteers are looking for good “book of the Bible studies” they can pick up and use in their groups. Grab it and go, these studies will meet your students where they are and help them see how God’s Word can speak to their world.

  • The Spring of Candy Apples


    The Spring of Candy Apples
    The Spring of Candy Apples

    They’re fun! They’re quirky! They’re Sweet Seasons—unlike any other girls’ books you’ve ever read. You could call them alternative, God-honoring chick lit. Join Candy Thompson on a sweet, lighthearted, and honest romp through the friendships, romances, family, school, faith, and values that make a girl’s lie as full as it can be. It’s the end of Candace’s senior year, and life’s getting sticky. A promotion to The Zone’s Candy Counter means Candace gets to create gooey treats all day long. She is a finalist for The Zone’s college scholarship (Florida anyone?), things with Kurt are getting really weird, and she’s bothered by all the questions about her future. Not unlike the challenge of making candy apples, Candace struggles to resist getting stuck and believe in what is truly at her core.

  • A February Bride


    A February Bride
    A February Bride

    A year’s worth of novellas from twelve inspirational romance authors. Happily ever after guaranteed. Allie left the love of her life at the altar—to save him from a lifetime of heartbreak. When a Valentine’s Day wedding brings them back together, she struggles against her family’s destructive history. Can Allie ever realize that a marriage is so much more than a wedding dress? History repeats itself when Allie Andrews escapes the church on her wedding day—in the same dress passed down for generations and worn by all the women in her family—women with a long history of failed marriages. Allie loves Marcus but fears she’s destined to repeat her family’s mistakes. She can’t bear to hurt Marcus worse. Marcus Hall never stopped loving Allie and can only think of one reason she left him at the altar—him. When the two are thrown together for his sister’s Valentine’s Day wedding, he discovers the truth and realizes their story might be far from over. Can Allie shuck expectation and discover who she is as a bride and in the Bride of Christ? And if she ever walks down the aisle, what dress will she wear? “I was delighted to hear that some of my own favorite authors would be writing the stories for the Year of Weddings collection, and when I saw the gorgeous book covers, I knew the series would be a huge hit! There's just something so hopeful and heartwarming about a wedding, and I'm thrilled to have A January Wedding be a part of this fun project!” —Deborah Raney, author of A January Bride

  • Me Perdieron: Por qué los cristianos jóvenenes están abandonando la iglesia...y repensando su fe


    Me Perdieron: Por qué los cristianos jóvenenes están abandonando la iglesia...y repensando su fe
    Me Perdieron: Por qué los cristianos jóvenenes están abandonando la iglesia...y repensando su fe

    Cerca del 60 por ciento de los jóvenes que asistieron a la iglesia cuando eran adolescentes la dejaron después de la secundaria. Ahora el autor del exitoso libro: “Casi Cristiano”, concentra sus ojos en una investigación que apunta directamente a estos jóvenes creyentes. En este magistral libro David Kinnaman muestra con total agudeza por qué los jóvenes Cristianos entre 16 y 29 años están dejando la iglesia y como están repensando su fe. Basado en una nueva y certera investigación, “Me perdieron”, muestra como pastores, líderes de la iglesia y padres hemos fallado al equipar a los jóvenes para vivir “en y no fuera” del mundo y como esto tiene serias consecuencias en el largo plazo. En este libro, Kinnaman, ofrece ideas prácticas de cómo ayudar a los jóvenes a desarrollar y mantener una fe vibrante que puedan abrazar por el resto de sus vidas. Y lo más importante, al leer cuidadosamente estas páginas serás animado a mirar el futuro con esperanza y continuar la emocionante misión de comunicar las buenas noticias de Jesús.

  • Mad Maddie Maxwell


    Mad Maddie Maxwell
    Mad Maddie Maxwell

    Maddie stormed out of her room. Her jump rope was missing. She yelled at her brother and sisters, “You took it!” What really happened to the jump rope? Who will have to say sorry? And who will have to forgive? This is a Level One I Can Read! book, which means it’s perfect for children learning to sound out words and sentences. It aligns with guided reading level J and will be of interest to children Pre-K to 3rd grade.

  • Isaiah



    A unique commentary that explores each passage from three vital perspectives: original meaning, bridging context, contemporary significance. Isaiah wrestles with the realities of people who are not convicted by the truth but actually hardened by it, and with a God whose actions sometimes seem unintelligible, or even worse, appears to be absent. Yet Isaiah penetrates beyond these experiences to an even greater reality. Isaiah sees God’s rule over history and his capacity to take the worst of human actions and use it for good. He declares the truth that even in the darkest hours, the Holy One of Israel is infinitely trustworthy.

  • Frank and Beans and the Grouchy Neighbor


    Frank and Beans and the Grouchy Neighbor
    Frank and Beans and the Grouchy Neighbor

    A Lesson in Forgiveness. Frank can’t wait to go fishing— until he finds out Mr. Granger is going too. And Mr. Granger doesn’t like dogs! When Beans gets excited, it seems like the trip is ruined. Will Beans be forgiven? This is a Level Two I Can Read! book, which means it’s perfect for children learning to sound out words and sentences. It aligns with guided reading level J and will be of interest to children Pre-K to 3rd grade.

  • Howie Finds a Hug / Fido recibe un abrazo


    Howie Finds a Hug / Fido recibe un abrazo
    Howie Finds a Hug / Fido recibe un abrazo

    In Howie Finds a Hug, readers learn that «a family is a hug from God» Young children will identify with Howie, an adorable puppy who needs some attention. Winsome illustrations and easy text make this a great choice for early readers. En Chispa recibe un abrazo los lectores aprenden que «una familia es un abrazo de Dios». Los niños pequeños se identificarán con Chispa, un adorable cachorro que necesita atención. Las ilustraciones atractivas y el texto fácil hacen de este libro una gran selección para los primeros lectores.

  • Hebrews



    Most Bible commentaries take us on a one-way trip from the twentieth century to the first century. But they leave us there, assuming that we can somehow make the return journey on our own. In other words, they focus on the original meaning of the passage but don't discuss its contemporary application. The information they offer is valuable -- but the job is only half done! The NIV Application Commentary Series helps us with both halves of the interpretive task. This new and unique series shows readers how to bring an ancient message into modern context. It explains not only what the Bible means but also how it can speak powerfully today. The NIV Application Commentary series helps with both halves of Bible study. It builds a bridge from the past to the world we live in -- explaining not only what the Bible meant, but also how it can speak powerfully today.

  • Genesis



    The Bible begins and ends with a revelation of God that gives redemption its basis. From the first verse of Genesis, the book of origins, we encounter a God of personality, character, purpose, and activity. Only in the light of what he shows us of himself as the Creator of our world and the Interactor with human history does the salvation story assume its proper context. Genesis sets things in order: God first, then us. In the words of the general editor’s preface, “Especially after the Tower of Babel it became evident that people had forgotten who God was. They needed reminding. The moves God made were essentially concerned with putting himself in front of the world’s peoples.” Today, perhaps more than ever, we need God to put himself in front of us—to remind us who he is, and that he is. With characteristic creativity and uncommon depth, John H. Walton demonstrates the timeless relevance of Genesis. Revealing the links between Genesis and our own times, Dr. Walton shows how this mysterious, often baffling book filled with obscure peoples and practices reveals truth to guide our twenty-first-century lives. Most Bible commentaries take us on a one-way trip from our world to the world of the Bible. But they leave us there, assuming that we can somehow make the return journey on our own. They focus on the original meaning of the passage but don’t discuss its contemporary application. The information they offer is valuable—but the job is only half done! The NIV Application Commentary Series helps bring both halves of the interpretive task together. This unique, award-winning series shows readers how to bring an ancient message into our postmodern context. It explains not only what the Bible meant but also how it speaks powerfully today.This series promises to become an indispensable tool for every pastor and teacher who seeks to make the Bible's timeless message speak to this generation. Billy GrahamThe NIV Application Commentary is an outstanding resource for pastors and anyone else who is serious about developing “doers of the Word.”Rick Warren, Saddleback Valley Community Church

  • Las mujeres lideran mejor: El arte de ser mujer y líder dentro de la iglesia


    Las mujeres lideran mejor: El arte de ser mujer y líder dentro de la iglesia
    Las mujeres lideran mejor: El arte de ser mujer y líder dentro de la iglesia

    FUISTE DISEÑADA PARA LIDERAR y tu llamado es inconfundible. Tienes pasión para distinguirte, y conoces lo difícil que es hacer realidad tu llamado y lidiar con los duros desafíos que son exclusivos de las mujeres que lideran en la iglesia. Quizás seas la primera o la única mujer en el equipo. Puede que haya resistencia a tu liderazgo o preguntas sobre tu derecho de liderar. No quieres darte por vencida, pero a veces es duro y estás sola.Nancy Beach entiende lo que se siente. En este libro práctico e inspirador, ella aborda los desafíos y las alegrías que vivió durante treinta años de ejercer como líder e instructora en la iglesia. Ofrece orientación en cuestiones como:• Ganarse el respeto• Encontrar tu voz única para el liderazgo y la enseñanza• Administrar el trabajo y la vida personal• Formar una red de apoyo intencional y másCon sabiduría y humor, el mensaje de Nancy ofrece aliento sincero, ya que no estamos solas, tus dones no son un error y Dios tiene mucha obra para que realices. Ella expresa: <>

  • Boyfriends, Burritos and an Ocean of Trouble (Enhanced Edition)


    Boyfriends, Burritos and an Ocean of Trouble (Enhanced Edition)
    Boyfriends, Burritos and an Ocean of Trouble (Enhanced Edition)

    A mysterious book unites four teen girls and unlocks the secret that will get each of them through the real-life struggles they face in their lives. Bryn O’Connor is good at keeping secrets. But when a car accident reveals the marks of her boyfriend’s physically abusive behavior, the truth is unleashed. And it starts a tidal wave of trouble in Bryn’s life: enemies who were once friends, a restraining order violation, and her world unraveled. If that weren’t enough, her grandmother Mim arrives, attempting Mexican cuisine and insisting that Bryn try surfing. It’s all too much! Even Bryn’s habit of daydreaming won’t offer an escape this time. But could a mysterious old book she found hold the secret to riding a tsunami like her life?

  • Hosea, Amos, Micah


    Hosea, Amos, Micah
    Hosea, Amos, Micah

    Scratch beneath the surface of today’s culture and you’ll find we’re not so different from ancient Israel. True, our sophistication, mobility, and technology eclipse anything the Israelites could have imagined. Our worship is far different, to say nothing of our language and customs. Yet if the prophets Hosea, Amos, and Micah were to visit us today, we might be shocked to see how little their messages would differ from the ones they delivered 2,800 years ago. For human hearts are still the same--and so is God. Injustice, oppression, and political corruption anger him as much as ever. Apostasy still grieves him. His judgment of sin remains as fierce as his love is strong. And the hope God extends to those who turn toward him is as brilliant now as at any time in history. Revealing the links between Israel eight centuries B.C. and our own times, Gary V. Smith shows how the prophetic writings of Hosea, Amos, and Micah speak to us today with relevance and conviction.

  • Matthew



    The importance of the Gospel of Matthew in church history cannot be overstated. For Jewish readers, it affirmed the Messiahship of Jesus, referring consistently to the Scriptures to establish his credentials. For Gentile disciples, it provided powerful and dramatic support of their inclusion in God’s kingdom. The cross of Christ had removed the division between Jew and non-Jew, and through Matthew’s writings, we see Israel’s God drawing the entire world to himself through Jesus. “The Gospel according to Matthew . . . Was the most widely read and frequently used of any of the four Gospels in the formative years of the church,” writes Michael Wilkins. In this volume of the NIV Application Commentary, Wilkins explains Matthew’s broad appeal not only to his ancient readers, but also to us today. Exploring the links between the Bible and our own times, Wilkins shares perspectives on Matthew’s Gospel that reveal its enduring relevance for our twenty-first-century lives. Most Bible commentaries take us on a one-way trip from our world to the world of the Bible. But they leave us there, assuming that we can somehow make the return journey on our own. They focus on the original meaning of the passage but don’t discuss its contemporary application. The information they offer is valuable—but the job is only half done! The NIV Application Commentary Series helps bring both halves of the interpretive task together. This unique, award-winning series shows readers how to bring an ancient message into our present-day context. It explains not only what the Bible meant but also how it speaks powerfully today. “This series promises to become an indispensable tool for every pastor and teacher who seeks to make the Bible's timeless message speak to this generation.” Billy Graham “It takes more than interpretation of God's Word to change lives, it takes application. Application is the bottom line in preaching and teaching. Without it, we've missed the point of the Bible. The NIV Application Commentary is an outstanding resource for pastors and anyone else who is serious about developing ‘doers of the Word.’” Rick Warren, Pastor Saddleback Valley Community Church

  • Understanding Four Views on Baptism


    Understanding Four Views on Baptism
    Understanding Four Views on Baptism

    What is the significance of water baptism? Who should be baptized? Is infant baptism scriptural? Which is the proper baptismal mode: sprinkling, pouring, or immersion? Should people be rebaptized if they join a church that teaches a different form of baptism? Should baptism be required for church membership? These and other questions are explored in this thought-provoking book. Four historic views on baptism are considered in depth: • Baptism of the professing regenerate by immersion (Baptist) • Believers’ baptism on the occasion of regeneration by immersion (Christian Churches/Churches of Christ) • Infant baptism by sprinkling as a regenerative act (Lutheran) • Infant baptism of children of the covenant (Reformed) Each view is presented by its proponent, then critiqued and defended in dialogue with the book’s other contributors. Here is an ideal setting in which you can consider the strengths and weaknesses of each stance and arrive at your own informed conclusion.

  • If You're Happy and You Know It


    If You're Happy and You Know It
    If You're Happy and You Know It

    “When you’re happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it.” Get your hands, feet, and voices ready to show God how happy he makes you! This is a Level One I Can Read! book, which means it’s perfect for children learning to sound out words and sentences. It aligns with guided reading level J and will be of interest to children Pre-K to 3rd grade.

  • Mommy, May I Hug the Fish? / Mamá: ¿Puedo abrazar al pez?: Biblical Values


    Mommy, May I Hug the Fish? / Mamá: ¿Puedo abrazar al pez?: Biblical Values
    Mommy, May I Hug the Fish? / Mamá: ¿Puedo abrazar al pez?: Biblical Values

    Preschoolers want to explore their world but are not fully aware of harmful situations. When a loving parent or care-giver sets limits or gives permission, the child learns to respect his or her environment. Mommy, May I Hug the Fish addresses this subject in a humorous and age-appropriate way. The text is written in lively rhythm and rhyme and is designed for beginning readers. Los preescolares quieren explorar su mundo, pero no se dan cuenta por completo de las situaciones peligrosas. Cuando un padre, una madre o un cuidador cariñoso establece límites o da permiso, el niño aprende a respetar su medio ambiente. Mamá: ¿puedo abrazar al pez? trata de este tema de una manera divertida y apropiada para la edad. El texto ha sido escrito en un ritmo vivo y está diseñado para lectores principiantes.


Mona Hodgson

Mona Hodgson is the author of nearly 30 children's books and also writes 19th century historical fiction. In addition to writing and speaking, Mona likes to read mysteries and love stories, hike Arizona, travel to Africa, play table games, and play Wii Tennis. She lives in central Arizona where she spies roadrunners, quail, cottontail rabbits, and even an occasional skunk in her yard.  

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  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Interesting story. Well written, with plenty to hold you until the end.