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Bartleby, el escribiente
Bartleby, el escribiente
Bartleby, el escribiente
Audiolibro1 hora

Bartleby, el escribiente

Escrito por Herman Melville

Narrado por Max Garzón

Calificación: 4.5 de 5 estrellas



Información de este audiolibro

- En Español Latino- Narra la historia de Bartleby, el escribiente, contada a través de un abogado de nombre desconocido que tiene su oficina en Wall Street (Nueva York) y que, según sus propias palabras, «en la tranquilidad de un cómodo retiro, trabaja cómodamente con los títulos de propiedad de los hombres ricos, con hipotecas y obligaciones». Tiene tres empleados, apodados Turkey («Pavo»), Nippers («Pinzas») y Ginger Nut («Bizcocho de jengibre»). Turkey y Nippers son copistas, o escribientes; Ginger Nut, de apenas doce años, es el chico de los recados. Como los dos escribientes no son suficientes para hacer el trabajo de la oficina, el narrador pone un anuncio para contratar un nuevo empleado. Bartleby se presenta y es contratado de inmediato. Su figura es descrita como «pálidamente pulcra, lamentablemente respetable, incurablemente solitaria».

Fecha de lanzamiento29 may 2021

Herman Melville

Herman Melville (1819-1891) was an American novelist, poet, and short story writer. Following a period of financial trouble, the Melville family moved from New York City to Albany, where Allan, Herman’s father, entered the fur business. When Allan died in 1832, the family struggled to make ends meet, and Herman and his brothers were forced to leave school in order to work. A small inheritance enabled Herman to enroll in school from 1835 to 1837, during which time he studied Latin and Shakespeare. The Panic of 1837 initiated another period of financial struggle for the Melvilles, who were forced to leave Albany. After publishing several essays in 1838, Melville went to sea on a merchant ship in 1839 before enlisting on a whaling voyage in 1840. In July 1842, Melville and a friend jumped ship at the Marquesas Islands, an experience the author would fictionalize in his first novel, Typee (1845). He returned home in 1844 to embark on a career as a writer, finding success as a novelist with the semi-autobiographical novels Typee and Omoo (1847), befriending and earning the admiration of Nathaniel Hawthorne and Oliver Wendell Holmes, and publishing his masterpiece Moby-Dick in 1851. Despite his early success as a novelist and writer of such short stories as “Bartleby, the Scrivener” and “Benito Cereno,” Melville struggled from the 1850s onward, turning to public lecturing and eventually settling into a career as a customs inspector in New York City. Towards the end of his life, Melville’s reputation as a writer had faded immensely, and most of his work remained out of print until critical reappraisal in the early twentieth century recognized him as one of America’s finest writers.

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