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Baila con Lobos (Dances with Wolves)
Baila con Lobos (Dances with Wolves)
Baila con Lobos (Dances with Wolves)
Audiolibro12 horas

Baila con Lobos (Dances with Wolves)

Escrito por Michael Blake

Narrado por Bern Hoffmann

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Información de este audiolibro

Con la orden de ocupar un puesto militar abandonado, John Dunbar se encontró solo, más allá de los límites de la civilización. El robo y la supervivencia pronto lo obligaron a ingresar al campamento indio, donde comenzó una peligrosa aventura que cambió su vida para siempre.

Relive the adventure and beauty of the incredible movie, DANCES WITH WOLVES.
Set in 1863, the novel follows Lieutenant John Dunbar on a magical journey from the ravages of the Civil War to the far reaches of the imperiled American frontier, a frontier he naively wants to see "before it is gone". His posting to a desolate and deserted
outpost is the springboard for contact with the lords of the southern plains... the Comanche. Though he does not speak their language, has no know-ledge of their customs, and is considered a trespasser, Lieutenant Dunbar finds himself intrigued by the exotic
and alien culture of the buffalo-hunting people of the plains. A simple desire to know more about his wild neighbors ignites a great adventure of transformation that culminates with the emergence of a different kind of man... a man called Dances With Wolves.
Fecha de lanzamiento27 dic 2022
Baila con Lobos (Dances with Wolves)

Michael Blake

Michael Blake is Professor and Head of the Anthropology Department at the University of British Columbia. He studies the archaeology of Mesoamerica and the Northwest Coast of Canada and is the author of Colonization, Warfare, and Exchange at the Postclassic Maya Site of Canajasté, Chiapas, Mexico (2010) and the editor of Pacific Latin America in Prehistory (1999). 

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