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Principles of Seduction: How to Attract Women, Get Dates and Destroy Enjoy Your Bed
Principles of Seduction: How to Attract Women, Get Dates and Destroy Enjoy Your Bed
Principles of Seduction: How to Attract Women, Get Dates and Destroy Enjoy Your Bed
Libro electrónico48 páginas48 minutos

Principles of Seduction: How to Attract Women, Get Dates and Destroy Enjoy Your Bed

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Stop feeling lonely, get out of the frying pan, get a girlfriend and become a socially skilled and conquering man.

- Are you always hesitant about what to say to girls, do you think you'll say the wrong thing?
- Are you that seducer who never gets rejected because he is never able to go meet a girl?
- Do you want to know what to do on a date to make a woman fall in love and what to do to make them all fall in love?
- How to express yourself as someone confident?
- Conquer the girl you like?
- Get self-confidence and magnetic presence in any social situation.
- Seductive mindset to stay out of the friednzone of the girls you like.

Connect with your seductive masculinity.

In this book you will learn from one of America's top seducers, how to get started in the love arts, how to behave to attract girls, what to say to them, how to identify the path you need to take to get more dates and how to simplify the process of getting past a date and into bed.
So powerful is this book that if you want to, you can use your new knowledge to accumulate so many girls that your mattress will suffer so much that you will have to change beds.
Raise your social level, experience the change in all aspects of your life by reaching a new level of social skills.

Unique with real stories, tips, case studies, reports and tricks learned from over 14 years in the seduction communities, DayGame and NightGame practice.
- Improve your self-confidence
- Overcome the fear of rejection and go for the girl.
- Learn the right mindset to be a seductive lover (sex provider).
- Greater control over your own emotional intelligence
- Know how to dominate the date
- Generate absolute confidence to get them to agree to go to your place.
- Master social skills

Fecha de lanzamiento13 feb 2024
Principles of Seduction: How to Attract Women, Get Dates and Destroy Enjoy Your Bed

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    Principles of Seduction - Edwin Rodriguez


    How to attract women, get dates and destroy enjoy your bed

    Actitud Alpha

    The decision

    It all occurred just when I recognize and accept this - I don't understand how to behave with ladies I like. And the awareness of this came behind that I wished however had its own factors.

    Considering that the academic year, like many teenagers, I was interested in girls. Although, to tell the truth, they paid more attention to me than the other way around. And that's typical for people of a certain age. I wouldn't say that I prevented contact with my female peers, but that I considered them simply as friends, along with the male peers. Years passed, and at a time when many of my friends began to move into, so to speak, a varied level of interaction with women, by contrast, I began to move away from it. The sport engraved me completely. Day and night, I imagined the career of a field hockey player and was not interested in anything else. I thought all those relationships were unnecessary and time-consuming. Now I understand that I was wrong. The relationship between a boy and a girl, a man and a woman, is our nature, actually we have been developed that way. Whether it is an innocent flirtation or sexual desire - this is very crucial. It is necessary not only in the present, but also in the future, when you choose to develop your family.

    I achieved my goal, and thanks to an athletic scholarship, I got into college. I continued to play and get pleasure from everything. I met a woman, we spent 3 years together. In truth, the beginning of our relationship was her benefit. Especially I did not make any effort to our relations, it was good and above all, easy. Nearby was a beautiful woman I liked, and I, in turn, loved her.

    The profession of a sportsman for some factors was coming to an end, along with the study at the university, and it was time to think about the future. Next to me was the same woman I progressively felt we would be together until the end of life.

    And this will be difficult to live with ...

    Moving away from everything that happened I decided I chose I did not want the desire to look for the girl who is the only one, but nevertheless, it would be better to try to interact communicating all that I like. I was a good apprentice in college, I had a good sports record, in the end, I lived 3 years with a lady. I felt like a normal man and I'm worthy of a lot of girls I like.

    And at that time, I decided for myself. I wanted to understand the nature of women and understand what they want from guys, and in the end, it was essential for me what kind of male they want!

    I advanced a lot in the way of relationships with females, through many experiments, but at the same time, and thanks to the constant progress, I understood how I was wrong about the psychology of ladies when I was younger, and at the time when I had a woman. How many things I didn't know and understand would help me everywhere in life, not just in seducing beauties.

    My dating skills were so small that at first, I found it distasteful to even think about the possibility of simply approaching a beautiful girl, and getting to know her. There were days when I got acquainted with more than 50 girls ...

    Step of action, I reached a level when I began to enjoy the satisfaction of the pleasure of communication pleasure from girl´s interaction. The fact that from a total absolutely no, I ended up being a male, who can talk to almost any lady, a man, who could, if he wanted to fuck a new girl every day,

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