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Vox Pocket Spanish-English Dictionary
Vox Pocket Spanish-English Dictionary
Vox Pocket Spanish-English Dictionary
Libro electrónico728 páginas21 horas

Vox Pocket Spanish-English Dictionary

Por Vox

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Your on-the-go resource for your Spanish-language studies

Vox Spanish-English dictionaries have been the bestsellingbilingual dictionary range in North America for more than 20years. For the first time, this Vox dictionary features two-colorheadwords for easier navigation. It is rugged enough for longtime use and many tumbles in your backpack.

You'll also receive a free subscription to the, which gives you online access to more than 70,000 entries with 240,000 translations; 19,500 idioms; and 41,700 examples of use.

  • Includes28,000 headwords; 65,000 translations; and 6,500 examples of use.
  • A comprehensive reference in a handy portable format.
  • Features both Castillian and Latin American Spanish terms.
  • Irregular verb tables.
  • The ONLY Spanish-English dictionary that comes with a freeonline subscription!
Fecha de lanzamiento13 jul 2010
Vox Pocket Spanish-English Dictionary

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