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El Espejo Maldito
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El Espejo Maldito
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El Espejo Maldito
Libro electrónico503 páginas8 horas

El Espejo Maldito

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Una terrible maldición ha caído sobre los Hardin desde hace siglos ...

Stephen, descendiente de este linaje maldito, abandona California con su esposa y sus hijos para olvidar su pasado como abogado. Pero su paz será breve... personas poderosas quieren asesinarlo e incriminarlo por la extraña muerte de un cliente.

Al intentar descifrar el gran enigma que le ata a esta secta, se dará cuenta que su pasado es aún más importante que el infierno que le tocará vivir por salvar a su familia. Un terror indecible que duerme hace varios siglos en un espejo y que le mantiene unido a él por una mala decisión de sus antepasados...

Saber qué fue lo que tendrá, usando sus recuerdos y visiones será la única arma que tendrá un favor ...

Fecha de lanzamiento26 dic 2019
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El Espejo Maldito

Robinson Fowler

Robinson Fowler is a peruvian writer of Science Fiction, Terror, Drama, Short Horror Stories and Children Stories, who was born in Trujillo, Peru, on 1987. He attended his first education at the Jose Faustino Sanchez Carrion National School, then, on 1999 he followed his studies at the Private School Dante Alighieri, where he discovered the stories, in his hours of happy reading, of the writer Julio Ramón Ribeyro, to which he took as a great reference and inspiration of his writings, together with the poet and writer Cesar Vallejo. Between the years 2004 and 2006 he dedicated himself to study all about of editorial design, where he consolidated his knowledge in the beautiful art of the layout and editing of texts in the different editing programs of texts at the Institute of Graphic Design and Editorial EIGER. On March of 2006 he began studies at the Institute of Computing and Informatics, Leonardo Da Vinci, which concluded in the year 2008; year in which he began to give himself to the letters fully, writing several stories on his personal blog, which he erased following the advice of his mentor. He kept writing compulsively not only Horror Stories, but also Drama Stories, Children, he never stopped in his dream of being a writer. On October 2012 decided to study Industrial Engineering at the Private University of the North He currently has three books published in the world's most popular e-books retailers. These three books are his first writings — short horror stories — but they aren’t the only ones. He has written a Trilogy which he hopes to finish soon to edit it. He has also written a satellite book to be able to understand his Trilogy, The Mirror. Continuing to contribute to the world of Literature is his greatest desire in life. And it's already begun.

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