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Consigue el Trabajo
Consigue el Trabajo
Consigue el Trabajo
Libro electrónico44 páginas36 minutos

Consigue el Trabajo

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Información de este libro electrónico

Este pequeño libro te guiará, rápida y claramente a través de la entrevista más difícil. Con solo unos pocos fáciles pasos, sabrás como superar la entrevista más difícil.
¿Cómo dar al entrevistador una buena impresión sobre ti y tus habilidades?
¿Cómo saber que preguntas pueden preguntarte?
¿Cómo ir una entrevista muy importante lleno de confianza?
¿Cómo demostrar que tú eres el mejor de los candidatos?
¿Cómo estar bien preparado y dispuesto a contestar cualquier pregunta de tu entrevistador?
¿Cómo causar una buena impresión (duradera) a quien te (posiblemente) contratará?
Como transformar entrevistas telefónicas en entrevistas cara a cara.

The perfect guide for teachers and students. In just a few easy steps, this little book will quickly, and clearly, guide you through any job interview.
How to give the interviewer an outstanding impression of you, and your abilities.
How to know what questions will be asked.
How to go to a very important interview full of confidence.
How to prove that you are the best of all the other candidates.
How to be well-prepared and ready to answer any question the interviewer asks.
How to make a lasting impression on your future employer.
How to turn phone interviews into face-to-face interviews.

EditorialNoreen. Byrne
Fecha de lanzamiento24 sept 2011
Consigue el Trabajo

Noreen. Byrne

Noreen J. Byrne nació en Irlanda y vive en la zona Costa Blanca desde hace diez años como profesora de inglés, durante los cuales ha alcanzado un excelente grado de experiencia y conocimientos. Sus credenciales son: licenciada en Inglés, Literatura Inglesa y TEFL (Profesora de inglés para extranjeros en todos los niveles). Actualmente compagina la enseñanza con la literatura escribiendo cuentos y relatos cortos en inglés destinados a los estudiantes de esta lengua y que se pueden usar individualmente o en pequeños grupos para progresar en los estudios. Noreen J. Byrne ha creado “The Little English Handbook”, una colección que contiene lecciones precisas y de muy fácil seguimiento y comprensión por los estudiantes. Estos cuentos en inglés están traducidos al castellano y van acompañados de ejercicios con respuestas para ayudar al aprendizaje. El último título publicado es “Consigue el trabajo”. Esta edición ha sido creada minuciosamente para todos los estudiantes que están aprendiendo inglés e introducirles algunos de los mecanismos esenciales para prepararse de cara a una entrevista de trabajo. Los precios de esta colección son de los más económicos en España con el fin de favorecer el conocimiento del inglés entre las personas interesadas en el estudio de este idioma. Noreen J Byrne was born in Ireland. She has lived on the Costa Blanca in Spain for the last ten years as an author and English teacher, gaining a wealth of knowledge and experience. She holds a BA in English and TEFL certificates. She enjoys writing short stories, grammar books and guides that can be used for English classes and independent study. The Little English Handbook collection contains concise lessons in easy to follow grammatical structure with short stories in English and a translation into Spanish of the main vocabulary. The books have comprehension questions at the end and further study ideas. Students will gain a great deal of vocabulary and reading and writing experience from these books and will thoroughly enjoy the beautifully crafted stories. Noreen has also written grammar books. These books can also be used for self study and are great for teachers to use as a textbook in class. Coming soon to the collection of handbooks is ̈Get That Job!” This book has been thoughtfully created as an indispensible guide for those learning English and participating in job interviews. It has become a best seller in our classes. The book carefully guides the student through useful techniques to use in interviews, key vocabulary that you must know, body language, and much, much more. The price of this collection of books has been kept very economical for the benifit of all students.

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    Consigue el Trabajo - Noreen. Byrne

    Consigue el Trabajo

    Copyright ©2011 by N. J, Byrne.

    Noreen Byrne

    Copyright 2011 by Noreen Byrne

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author's work.

    The total collection of THE Little English Handbooks has been written and structured by Noreen J Byrne for the sole purpose of teaching English.

    Noreen J Byrne

    Diplomada en  Inglés Literatura y Certificado T.E.F.L. + B.A DE Inglés.

    Tlf. 34666133777

    Consigue el Trabajo

    Get that Job

    In English and essential parts in Spanish

    How to pass an English speaking interview

    The perfect guide for teachers and students. In just a few easy steps, this little book will quickly, and clearly, guide you through any job interview.

    How to give the interviewer an outstanding impression of you, and your abilities.

    How to know what questions will be asked.

    How to go to a very important interview full of confidence.

    How to prove that you are the best of all the other candidates.

    How to be well-prepared and ready to answer any question the interviewer asks.

    How to make a lasting impression on your future employer.

    How to turn phone interviews into face-to-face interviews.

    Job Interview Questions and Answers

    Congratulations! You have applied for a job and now you are getting ready for that important job interview. Your English is excellent and you are looking forward to making a good impression on your future (hopefully) employer. Now, you need to make sure that you also have the right type of English for that job interview.

    Your job interview in English will have specific questions and you should have the appropriate answers. It will also require a lot of flexibility in your usage of tenses. I´m about to give you a few tips on job interview questions, with some sample answers in English.

    When you walk in the room the very first impression you make on the interviewer can have a great influence on the rest of the interview. It is important that you introduce yourself properly by shaking hands and being friendly. The first question is often a friendly type of question. Don't be surprised if the interviewer asks you something like:

    How are you today?

    Are you nervous? Don’t be, I won´t bite you.

    Did you have any trouble finding us?

    What´s the weather like outside? =

    The interviewer wants to help you relax. Answer the question without going into too much detail. The language you use should be simple but polite, for example;

    Good answers to the first question;

    I'm fine thank you, and you?

    I'm well thank you, but a little nervous.

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