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Materia oscura
Materia oscura
Materia oscura
Audiolibro12 horas

Materia oscura

Escrito por Blake Crouch

Narrado por Rojo Córdoba

Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas



Información de este audiolibro

Jason Dessen es secuestrado y despierta atado a una camilla, rodeado de extraños en trajes especiales. “Bienvenido de nuevo”, le dicen. Pero este mundo no es el mismo que él conoce. Su esposa no es la misma. Su hijo no ha nacido. Y Jason no es un profesor de física de la universidad… ¿Es este mundo un sueño? ¿O su vida anterior era un sueño?
Para saber quién es realmente, Jason deberá enfrentarse a las partes más oscuras de sí mismo, mientras lucha contra un enemigo terrible, aparentemente insuperable. Una novela brillante de suspenso y ciencia ficción sobre hasta qué punto buscamos la vida que soñamos.
Fecha de lanzamiento13 jul 2021
Materia oscura

Blake Crouch

Blake Crouch is a bestselling novelist and screenwriter. His novels include the New York Times bestseller Dark Matter, and the international bestselling Wayward Pines trilogy, which was adapted into a television series for FOX. Crouch also co-created the TNT show Good Behavior, based on his Letty Dobesh novellas. He lives in Colorado.

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  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Great plot. Im waiting for the show now . .
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Although predictable in many ways it is a decent brought story to enjoy.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Well, I didn't expect to read this in one day, but it's really fast-paced and not very long (lots of back matter). It was similar in theme to Recursion; I wish I had let more time lapse between reading the two. Not that reading one would ruin the other, just that both were based on a scientific breakthrough that got the characters involved in a runaway shifting reality (I think that's a general enough description to not be a spoiler).
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I liked it

    If you could change the choices in your life would you? Very Interesting. Alternate Reality. Definitely worth reading.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    This is definitely one of those books that it’s never too late to read! My literary wings thank you Blake Crouch for enlightening me, with this illuminating science fiction book. I am off to discover and deep dive into other worlds, I have been unknowingly missing in my life.

  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Excelente libro, aunque la narración un poco floja. Ok ok
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Blake Crouch, the author of the Wayward Pines series of books, presents us with his newest thriller, Dark Matter, a roller coaster of an adventure with so many curves and dips that you won’t want it to end.Jason Dessen is a college physics professor who had the potential to be the tops in his field, but instead he chose a path that gave him a son and a wife, both of whom he loves very much. But when he goes to meet an old college buddy at his neighborhood bar, he’s abducted on the way home and wakes up in a world in which his family doesn’t exist, and he’s at the top of his field. But the lure of this successful life doesn’t hold the same attraction for Jason as his family does, and he makes the decision to find his wife and son, no matter what it takes. Once you start this book you won’t want to stop until you get to the end. And then you’ll be sorry that the ride is over. If you love fast-paced thrillers, you need to read Dark Matter.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    This book was fantastic! Blake Crouch is an amazing author that makes you think and ponder so many different ideas about the multiverse. It is such an interesting and complex topic yet it was written in a way that readers can understand (well as much as you should be able to understand). I would recommend this book to others in a heartbeat. I loved this book and would reread it in a heartbeat.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    This was an early reviewer gift- thank you.Wow, what a great read.Great plot, great characters, well written- what more can I say.Didn't want to put it down once started it and didn't want it to end!To me it was more (maybe) futuristic than scifi as it had been dubbed, no aliens nor actual alien worlds, space ships etc. but more a "what if" sort.Absolutely loved it and highly recommend it.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Oh, wow. W.O.W. I feel like I just went on an exhilarating ride, wind-whipped and both slightly spent and amped up at the same time.This book is gonzo in the best possible way. It shares traces of DNA with movies like Sliding Doors and Looper and even maybe a tiny bit Cabin in the Woods, but isn't exactly like any of them and is better than all three of them together. Times a million.Wholly original unexpected mashup of genres - speculative romance? Philosophical horror? It defies easy categorization and can be enjoyed surface level as a rollicking and fast-paced suspense ride OR mulled on a deeper level if you let yourself steep in some of the underlying idea currents of the book.One of the best, most enjoyable books I've read in recent memory. Highly recommended.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    I could not put it down! Loved the intrigue and character development. Just hoping that there is a second one as I felt we were left hanging. Fun read.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I received an ARC of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This did not affect my opinion of the book or my review itself.In Dark Matter, Crouch looks at the questions that one might ask about a life lived. How do the choices we've made, big and small, truly impact us? What would have happened had you taken that job? Married that person--or not married them? Turned left instead of right?Jason Dessen has woken up in a life that is not his own. Instead of his family, he has a prestigious science award and a highly advanced research laboratory. He's living the road not taken, and all he wants is to get back home.How he's ended up in the lab, who has brought him there, and how he'll try to get back home are all amazing twists and turns that I do not want to spoil for you. What I will say is this is a book that will make you think, entertain you, and surprise you. I highly recommend it.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    This book completely blew me away! I've heard from so many people how great this book was so I was really excited to finally get my hands on a copy. I've only been getting into science fiction the last couple of years so I haven't read too many books from that genre but this one was absolutely fantastic! The whole concept of multiverses is something that really fascinates me and while some of the more technical jargon is a little over my head, I still thoroughly enjoyed reading the science behind the theory. The characters were written so well that I found myself bonding to them and hoping for everything to work out. The writing and the plotting were both so masterfully done. I was at the edge of my seat for the majority of this book. There were lots of twists that completely floored me. This is a book I will be thinking about a lot for days.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Excelente libro, al principio se me hizo lento, pero valió la pena ver como se desarrolla la historia
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    I enjoyed the book, it was a very easy read. There were a few twisted in the stories i didn't see coming and it ended in a very intriguing way. it was one of those books you don't want to put down but want to keep on reading. this was a library thing give away
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    I received a copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.What an absolutely thrilling ride of a book. It took me longer than usual to actually finish this because I knew that whenever I sat down to read it, I needed zero distractions and 100% concentration. This is not a book to just read a chapter here and a chapter there. I'm not usually a fan of first person present tense but this book? Perfect. It forces you to experience everything with the main character, Jason. He isn't recounting the details of a horrible, mind blowing experience, you are right there with him. His search for answers is your search for answer. Brilliant, seriously brilliant. This book was thought provoking, smart, terrifying, and so well done. The subject matter was particularly fascinating to me as I love physics and at one point planned/dreamed of being an astrophysicist. Funny enough, I've spent a fair amount of time wondering what my life would have been like had I chosen that path. I think after reading this book, I'll stop. No, thanks, I'm good.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Mixing in quantum superposition into a story about regrets and second chances and love seems like a tall order...if the goal is to have a good story. However, it works in such a great way. Rather than spending a lot of time on the science, the reader is given enough to make the leap of faith, fall down into the rabbit hole and get lost in the narrative.Jason Dessen is a physicist. Living a life centered on his family with a wife who is not the artist she planned, and he working at a second rate university, a far cry from his destined plans of academic stardom. But then things change. In an inconceivable sequence of events, Jason is living the life he could have had, in a world that is his but not his. But the thing is, Jason misses his old life, his wife, his kid, his mediocre profession, and he will stop at nothing to get it back.So is the premise of what happens when universes collide, the multiverse sliced open and people allowed to bounce between infinite parallel worlds. Twists and turns are limitless in this new construct, but the one goal remaining is how to get back home, to his own world, to see his family again.As mentioned in other reviews, the limit of science background needed to understand things is surprisingly small in scope. It is all explained fairly well: Schrödinger's cat inside a box, quantum states and the like. But the story is more compelling than the science because as soon is it is explained, it is just thrust into action and we , the reader, are at the mercy of the author as we follow along with Jason on his incredible journey.A true page turner, the sentence structure is short, quick. Paragraphs are even quicker. The whole book reads like a frantic person trying to figure out what happened to them, how to connect the dots, how to fix the wrongs and save himself. As such, the book is very un-put-downable. The worlds are richly imagined, the concepts unique, and overall, a feeling of being caught up in the story along for the ride with Jason supplants any notion that this is a sci-fi thriller, or a love story, or any other genre book. It bends everything and at its heart, it reads like a plausible story, one in which we all hope we never have to experience: to be ripped out of our lives for what someone else thinks may be an equal exchange only to find out that what we left behind is the most important thing in the world and our regrets were unfounded because our choices were what made us live life, and be happy.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Started a bit slow... but I loved the summary of the story on the back corner and kept going. And once it grabbed me, it wouldn't let go! Excellent story, well written.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    This story cannot be talked about other than in scant details because it would spoil both the reading experience and the author's construction. So I'll say what I can. Jason Dessen, our protagonist, is a college professor who has a happy good marriage of 15 years to Daniela Vargas, an artist but now stay at home mom, and a 14 year old son Charlie. You can tell they are a happy family with a good but not perfect union, but one they are comfortable with. Both Jason and Daniela gave up budding careers when Daniela discovered they were going to have a child, decided to marry and their life went a different way than it could have. Jason was a fast rising star in the world of physics when this happened, but he stepped aside and now his college roommate Ryan is taking the honors that could have been his. Jason stops off at a gathering to celebrate with his old college buddy and he and the reader are taken for a ride.This is the first page-turning can't put it down stay up far into the night read that I have had in quite a while. It caught me off guard and caught me up. The book is primarily a thriller, a type of story I only read rarely, but it crosses genres bringing in a mystery story (which is revealed more or less before the half-way point), science and science fiction. The science fictional part here isn't a new idea, but the way it is presented seems pretty innovative. I don't buy it, which isn't necessarily the author's fault, and the story in a number of places read to me like I was having movie scenes described to me, which is probably why this doesn't have an extra half star. This does really feel like it was written to be a movie and I'll be very surprised if we don't see Dark Matter the Movie as a big blockbuster in a couple years. Can Matt Damon pull off 39? We'll see ...I don't think the science fiction element is a deal killer for thriller readers, but it is a big part of the story. I can recommend this to folks who like exciting science fiction and Bourne Supremacy type thrillers. I'm glad to have read this although there were a few story elements that dissatisfied me (and that I can't talk about without a reveal.)I received an advanced reading copy of this book for review through the LibraryThing Early Reviewers program in exchange for a review.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Dark matter is a wild ride, centering on one man's effort to get back to his family through the use of quantum mechanics and multiple universes. It's a thriller, but it's also a love story, a good one. It's an interesting and scary notion that every choice we make creates a new multiverse of both the path taken and not. And given the science-related information, which is not overwhelming, I prefer the love story over the science-related elements. The science just kicks it up a notch. One small issue I had was I wish Crouch had spent a bit more time and focus on what consequences occur when travelling in the multiverse. It becomes apparent at the end, but it almost felt like it came out of nowhere. It's a minor point, and I was able to believe it. It still left a satisfying end to a great book.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Yet another sci fi book which shows great imagination, but in which the characters are rather one dimensional. Are any sci fi authors great novelists as well?
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Here's a rather original work by the author of the Wayward Pines series which asks the questions, "What if I had lived my life differently? How would my life be had I taken another path?" Jason Dreesen has the unfortunate opportunity to find out when he is abducted by a dissatisfied scientist who wants to step into his shoes. This action leads to a very tense and absorbing read which could have led to a laughable confrontation but, instead, took the path to a satisfying conclusion.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    First Blake Crouch book I have read, but definitely not the last!!! Mr. Crouch knows how to write a good story!! The science in this book was very realistic, i can almost see it happening.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Welcome to the world of Blake Crouch--the same person who brought us the Wayward Pines trilogy.Jason Dessen is a physics professor at a small college. Although his life is not extraordinary, he is happy with his beautiful wife, Daniela, and son, Charlie. Fairly content with his life, he, like most people, finds himself wondering "what if?" What if he had chosen another path? What if he had focused on his work and never gotten married? Would he have achieved the fame of his less brilliant friend? In this book, Jason is able to travel down that other path and discover the answer.Abducted one night and forced into a SUV at gunpoint, Jason is taken to an old power building and given an injection. When he awakens, he is no longer the Jason Dessen that entered the building--he is the Jason Dessen that he might have become if he had never married Daniela and stayed focused on his work.The incident he has just experienced is the result of the work he finished as the "other" Jason Dessen. This infinite universe is filled with forks in the road with each fork leading to a different life for Jason Dessen. With a limitless number of paths, how does Jason find the path to lead him back home?I loved the premise of this story and the journey we experienced along with Jason as he tries to get back to Daniela. I would highly recommend this book.This copy was made available through LibraryThing Early Reviewers.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    If you read the Pines book by Crouch, you will be familiar with his "dark tone" in this one. And the way he adds a "twist" that changes the nature of the story.I actually quite liked it. I didn't think too deeply about the plausibility (it is science fiction, for sure) and just went with the story. It does make one appreciate how one decision *could* alter your entire life path. Is it good? Or bad? Or just different? We can never know, but this book does explore this.Suspend your disbelief. Go for the ride. It might make you think differently about that coffee date you turned down 15 years ago.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Did you ever wonder how your life might be altered if you had made different choices along the way? Dark Matter explores this theme through science fiction based on the concepts of quantum mechanics, explained in a manner that is easily understood. It made me think about what constitutes personal identity. It also explores the emotional attachments to family, the balance between the personal and professional life, and how even seemingly small decisions can have large consequences in our daily lives.

    It is a fast-moving story written in first person present. The writing style suggests a screenplay, with many short paragraphs and sentence fragments. Except for Jason, the main character, and to a lesser extent Daniela, his wife, the characters are rather thinly drawn, and there are a few plot holes, but overall, I felt it was thought-provoking, engaging, and entertaining. Recommended to fans of science fiction and those that enjoy thinking about the “what ifs” of life.

    Salient quotes:
    “Until everything topples, we have no idea what we actually have, how precariously and perfectly it all hangs together.”

    “I can’t help thinking that we’re more than the sum total of our choices, that all the paths we might have taken factor somehow into the math of our identity.”
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Unlike any book i've ever read before. Really left me unsure how I felt about this book, makes you think about every choice you make and how each decision changes your life. The thought of infinity, multiverses and dopplegangers, and a lot of physics (which kind of loses me), makes it for a slight confusing but none the less interesting read. I did find myself wanting to know more, and I honestly couldn't put it down, but I was a little confused while reading.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Good fun. "It's a wonderful life" meets quantum physics. alternate universes ensue. There was a lot of fuss about this book when it came out. I really did enjoy it but I also didn't quite get the superlatives being thrown around about the book.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Jason Dessen is a happily married former research scientist. His wife, Daniela, was once an artist, but she put her dreams on the shelf to start a family with Jason. One night, after attending a celebration for his former colleague Ryan Holder, Jason is kidnapped by a masked bandit and dragged to an abandoned power facility on the South Side of Chicago. The kidnapper injects our hero with a strange substance, and Jason passes out. When he wakes up, Jason is in an advanced scientific facility. Even weirder is the fact that everyone there seems to know him. He gets freaked out and sneaks away through a window.Since this is a plot-driven thriller I am not going to discuss any of the details. Suffice it to say that Jason's life from that point entails a journey in which he attempts to get back to where he was at the opening of the story; a journey that involves travel between parallel universes. This is accomplished with a device based on the theory that every choice we make in our lives, big or small, leads to the creation of a parallel version of ourselves—and a whole new parallel universe. His journey includes an exploration of many of these universes, but it is only when he appears to be near the end of his journey that the suspense really starts to build. It is that suspense, and the startling opening scenes that made this a good read for me. If you like your science fiction laced with thrills and adventure (or if you like your thrillers spiced up with some science fiction) this is a good book for you. If you ever wondered what your life would be like if you made slightly different choices along the way, this book may cure you of that sort of curiosity --- or, it may engender hope within you that the multiple universes may soon be made available for your own pleasure.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    I loved this book. I picked this one up when I was really hoping to pull myself out of a reading slump...and it worked. You would think that I could easily write a nice gushy review of the wonderful story but I am finding it really hard to write a review because I am determined not to spoil this story for anyone else. I think that I thought that there would be some elements of horror in the story. I was wrong. This is really a science fiction story. I don't read a lot of science fiction but I really enjoyed this one. It made me think about things. There is really a whole world of possibilities presented in this story and while I realize that it is a work of fiction, it was really fun to imagine all of the scenerios.This story follows Jason. Jason is really a pretty normal guy. He is married with a teenage son. He is a professor at the local college and is really pretty happy with his life. I thought that Jason was a really solid character. He was pretty easy to get behind and I found myself really caring about him. I was cheering for him until the very end of the story and wanted to see him succeed.I loved the writing. This book was pretty fast paced and I found it really hard to put down. I read the whole book from cover to cover in less than 24 hours because I couldn't get it out of my head. I needed to read just one more chapter...and we all know how that goes. The book flowed largely due to the wonderful storytelling. The unbelievable became believable and the lines between fiction and fact blurred.I would highly recommend this book to fans of science fiction. I think anyone looking for something a little different may enjoy this one as well. I have read a couple of books that Blake Crouch co-authored and I enjoyed those but I do think that I prefer his solo efforts a bit more. I definitely plan to read more from this author very soon.I received a copy of this book from Crown Publishing via NetGalley for the purpose of providing an honest review.