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“That to me is the hallmark of true artists,” Benjamin Lindbergh States after reflecting on his father's aversión to conventionalism, canons and self imposed trends. Because if there is one thing that made Peter Lindbergh, deceased in 2019 at the age of 74, become one of the most important and influential photographers of our time, it was not only his fight against stereotypes by betting on black and white as his trademark, nor his groundbreaking rejection of makeup and artífice, nor having turned a generation of models into global icons thanks to his signature filter, as raw as it was honest. With a 40-year-long career defined by his tireless pursuit of beauty and truth, this German artist's legacy is preserved and amplified by his descendants in the eponymous foundation. The posthumous retrospective Untold Stories,

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Naturaleza Los Árboles De José Manuel Ballester vulnerable
La figura del árbol vertebra la última exposición de José Manuel Ballester. De arboris perennis se pudo ver en verano en el Jardín Botánico de Madrid, en el marco de PHotoEspaña, y se podrá seguir viendo el próximo año en las Naves de Gamazo, la sede
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Y Tú, ¿que Piensas?
Elvira Lindo, Cádiz 1962, es tan prolífica como intuitiva y considerando que su pluma es de las mejores de este país con un lenguaje sencillo no podía faltar en este interrogatorio (definición suya de este cuestionario). Da gusto leer sus artículos,

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