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Fostering Pre-Service Teachers' Language Assessment Literacy
Fostering Pre-Service Teachers' Language Assessment Literacy
Fostering Pre-Service Teachers' Language Assessment Literacy
Libro electrónico255 páginas3 horas

Fostering Pre-Service Teachers' Language Assessment Literacy

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The language assessment literacy (LAL) of pre-service teachers is garnering interest in language testing and assessment. Preparing these stakeholders to conduct professional assessment practices should be a major goal of language teaching programs in general. In this book, the author offers a methodological framework to educate pre-service teachers through language assessment. The book has these components:
• A definition of teachers' language assessment literacy (LAL), the construct underlying the book.
• A project-based framework as the overarching instructional approach for pre-service teachers' LAL development.
• Strategies to teach various areas of language assessment to pre-service teachers.
• Numerous ideas on classroom techniques to foster pre-service teachers' LAL.
• Exercises for pre-service teacher educators to problematize and design their context-sensitive LAL initiatives.
• A test to diagnose and/or check achievement of pre-service teachers' LAL.
• A glossary of language assessment terms used in the book.
The author encourages readers to reflect upon the theoretical and methodological aspects covered throughout the book, while acknowledging the potential benefits and challenges of his proposed pedagogy of LAL. Overall, this book may be a contribution to current and future LAL discussions, especially regarding pre-service teachers' LAL development.
Fecha de lanzamiento30 oct 2023
Fostering Pre-Service Teachers' Language Assessment Literacy

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    Fostering Pre-Service Teachers' Language Assessment Literacy - Frank Giraldo

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