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Mamíferos: Mammals
Mamíferos: Mammals
Mamíferos: Mammals
Libro electrónico22 páginas8 minutos

Mamíferos: Mammals

Calificación: 0 de 5 estrellas


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Información de este libro electrónico

Introduce young readers to animal classifications by explaining how mammals are grouped.

This nonfiction book explores the differences and similarities between several classes, families, genera, and species of mammals, and how animal classification works—part of the Los animales también tienen clases series.

Fun Children's Book Features:

  • This Spanish science book includes a glossary, index, comprehension questions, and reading activity to encourage further learning and reading comprehension skills.
  • 24 pages with vibrant photographs
  • Guided reading level P

About Rourke Educational Media:

We proudly publish respectful and relevant nonfiction and fiction titles that represent our diverse readers, and are designed to support reading on a level that has no limits!

Fecha de lanzamiento15 mar 2023
Mamíferos: Mammals

Nancy Furstinger

Nancy Furstinger has been speaking up for animals since she learned to talk, and she hasn't shut up yet. She is the author of nearly 100 books, including many on her favorite topic: animals! She started her writing career in third grade, when her class performed a play she wrote while recovering from chicken pox. Since then, Nancy has been a feature writer for a daily newspaper, a managing editor of trade and consumer magazines, and an editor at two children’s book publishing houses. She shares her home with big dogs, house rabbits, and a chinchilla (all rescued), and volunteers with several animal organizations. Visit her website at

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