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What He Told Me in 100 Days
What He Told Me in 100 Days
What He Told Me in 100 Days
Libro electrónico208 páginas2 horas

What He Told Me in 100 Days

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As is normally the case, every person wants to feel love, security, and develop a reputation of integrity. We all desire to be capable, strong, courageous, and able to face the perverse pressures of everyday life, both spiritually and personally. It is a constant struggle not to give in to the countless temptations experienced and the war for standing firm and guarding the heart from disappoints (the central organ of our body) by turning it into an oasis from which arise currents of peace flowing with spiritual, mental, and emotional health observations.

This book encapsulates many experiences I have overcome through my God-given strength and unwavering faith, which can allow the Holy Spirit to empower us all and to arise victorious despite the circumstances.


P. Julissa G.

Fecha de lanzamiento17 nov 2020
What He Told Me in 100 Days

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    What He Told Me in 100 Days - P. Julissa G.


    It is not commotion, it is not a loud noise, it is

    a grateful heart the one who cries out,


    Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord! (Psalm 150:6 NASB)

    Hallelujah is used as an expression or synonym of joy. Hallelujah is an exclamation of praise that appears in the book of Psalms and means Praise Yahweh! It is a momentous word and a synonym of exaltation. In the Bible, it is only mentioned when there was a great victory. It is a word tied to the understanding and gratitude of a mind that loves God. When the Israelites conquered, they shouted, "Hallelujah! Our salvation comes from God." Later on, after the fall of Babylon, the people shouted hallelujah!

    Shout now, declare victory, exalt, "Praised be the Lord!" Proclaim freedom, shout that you won, and make your current place into the house of God and the gate of heaven. Join your voice with mine and shout, Hallelujah!

    Do not pollute your source of worship with criticism and gossip. Do not defile the pipes of your throat with words that do not uplift. Consider, what has not been working for you may simply not be meant for you. Be still, and shout hallelujah! There is a judge par excellence who loves both the victim and the perpetrator. He will judge those who judge and will exalt those who adore. Shout Hallelujah to proclaim blessing instead of scaring off your victory. Hallelujah

    My word, a sword that transforms, defends, rises, declares, elevates, breaks, establishes, relieves, and appreciates. The universal word that allows you to climb to the place where the enemy can only point at but never touch you!

    Shout, "Hallelujah! Release the creativity of the language of God in your life. We are loved, and we can love. There are reasons to celebrate and shout, Hallelujah! Moreover, should someone reject you for the uproar, shout, Hallelujah!" because everything happens for a reason.


    Someday I Shall Thank the Desert…

    Right there, where everything moves,

    where the noise is great and the appearance flaunts, there are

    deserts that only God knows.

    Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up. (John 3:14 NIV)

    I heard someone say Oh no, I’m not one of those Christian women who are so dramatic and who do not emerge from the desert. I replied, Well, yes. Do you want me to tell you what I think? He said, Yes!

    It is right there in the desert where you perceive the God of promises and receive miracles. It is in the conflict where you present yourself without camouflage and you release your heavy luggage unto God—that is where the language between you and him becomes extensive and sharp because you talk to Him with your bare soul. It is in the desert where you appreciate God’s greatness in the design of your promise. That is where your strength is exhausted, where everything hurts and everything costs, where you identify the seed and the weed.

    I love the conflict that gets God’s attention. I love the irony in that my tears sow joy. I love that my brokenness heals with the antidote my holy God provides. I love that my pain and discouragement have an expiration date in the desert because I walk with faith. I believe in the revelation of the heart that accepts that, if God called you, inevitably you will go through a process. It is not to cause you grief or sadness, it is to eventually uplift, support, and teach you.

    There are levels that you can only reach by dragging yourself there. There are glorious weights that merit great fights before victories. However, God is not a man that He should lie; therefore, he will not allow you to give up. Know that it is permitted to cry, and that cry of worship unleashes your soul and casts the enemy away. You must believe that if you have faith in God, you will recover from your battle.

    But it is only there, right there, where you do not care about the level of the risk nor the depth of the abyss, you can only say and acknowledge with tear that one day you will thank that desert. Recognize your ways, for there are times of glories and times of victories, times for correction and others to fulfill the purpose. God has to change your way.


    Just Like a Virus

    Be wise: for less always tends to be more.

    Do not say of anyone what you would not like to hear yourself. Do not

    hurt others so that you are not hurt.

    Set a guard over my mouth, Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips. (Psalm 141:3 NIV)

    Virus is a word that comes from Latin, meaning poison or toxin. A biological entity has the capacity to self-replicate when using a cellular mechanism. It silently spreads throughout the body, moving from organ to organ. By the time the cells explode, there is a high probability that the infection already runs throughout the body, causing excessive pain, fever, nausea, discomfort, and who knows how many more things—depending on what kind of virus it is and its severity.

    This is how gossip is on the lips of the indiscreet. It spreads little by little, transitioning from ear to ear, mouth to mouth, penetrates the heart, growing in the mind, exaggerating terms, and disqualifying or qualifying in this or that way. In addition, in a matter of time, there is only place for pain, arguments, dissensions, and distance. The irony is that what could be resolved head-on and in a day, instead, took a long time. The poison was distributed slyly and meticulously. When the comment reaches the victim’s ears, it becomes like the match that lights the fire as gunpowder.

    Therefore, let us ignore what does not concern us. Let us keep secrets. May we give advice and not backstab one another. Let us appreciate that someone trusted in us. Let us practice loyalty. Let us pray for our enemies. Let us cry out for those who offend us and intercede so that there is mercy for them because they do not know what they are doing.

    Not interfering in matters that do not build or add value is recommended for spiritual and emotional health. Being vigilant over our comments shows maturity and fear of God. And if you want or claim a lifestyle of talking to everyone and want to be accepted by everyone at once, then pray to God because you can never be right with both God and with the world! Do not unleash your tongue against your neighbor because that will inevitably bring consequences. And if you were victim of lies, and they put words in your mouth against your neighbor, go, ask for forgiveness and leave the rest to God.

    Whoever slanders their neighbor in secret, I will put to silence; whoever has haughty eyes and a proud heart, I will not tolerate. (Psalm 101:5 NIV)



    And while the enemy writhes like a snake… You

    simply celebrate!

    Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! (Psalm 150:6, ESV)

    But Moses said, "Here I am among six hundred thousand men on foot, and you say, ‘I will give them meat to eat for a whole month!’ Would they have enough if flocks and herds were slaughtered for them? Would they have enough if all the fish in the sea were caught for them? (Numbers 11: 21–22 NIV)

    And God asked another question in response to Moses; a question that can change the perspective of your life today:

    The Lord answered Moses, "Is the Lord’s arm too short? Now you will see whether or not what I say will come true for you. (Numbers 11:23 NIV)

    The God of the promise, the God of the covenant, the God of Abraham, the God of Moses, and the God of yesterday is still the same as always. He is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end…and is that same God today, so celebrate!

    Have a party, and may your lips not grow weary of praising and glorifying him. May your feet not get tired of dancing and your life of giving fruit! Because if you can believe, you will know how to plant and enjoy a good and abundant harvest.

    Celebrate, celebrate, and celebrate again!

    And even in the midst of adversity, because life is conformed of ups and downs, give a shout of Hallelujah! and celebrate what by faith is about to come!

    Let us celebrate with joy—joy and peace that the Lord’s hand is not too short to save!


    Shout for Your Miracle!

    And just like Bartimaeus shouted until

    Jesus heard him, so shall I praise the Lord, I will invoke

    and exalt him until my eyes can see the miracle!

    Then they came to Jericho. As Jesus and his disciples, together with a large crowd, were leaving the city, a blind man, Bartimaeus (which means son of Timaeus), was sitting by the roadside begging. When he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to shout, Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!

    Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, Son of David, have mercy on me!

    Jesus stopped and said, Call him.

    So they called to the blind man, Cheer up! On your feet! He’s calling you. Throwing his cloak aside, he jumped to his feet and came to Jesus.

    What do you want me to do for you? Jesus asked him.

    The blind man said, Rabbi, I want to see.

    Go, said Jesus, your faith has healed you. Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road. (Mark 10: 46–52 NIV)

    And if oppression is so strong it has left your life without a rudder, your destiny without direction, and your days robbed of their color, then today I come to share with you about someone who was brave and in the midst of the trial. Someone who paid no attention to the crowd and the oppression and cried out to Jesus. The Word mentions he shouted so loud that Jesus listened, beckoned, and performed a miracle.

    This is the story that many of us have lived and are living now. We lost our guide, hope, and even trust in ourselves. But today I tell you to shout in your favor and cry out to the Redeemer at the top of your lungs. Do not worry about the crowd, cry out to the Father and face the challenge. Shout for your miracle and tell Jesus, Until you bless me, I will not stop crying out.

    Go and sit down in your Jericho, and as Jesus passes by, declare, I will shout and in my life the light will shine again! Shout with authority at your struggles and cast them out of your life. Tell the enemy called doubt that your faith prevails without sight. Tell the pain of desolation that God governs your life. Tell the one who reprimands you to be quiet that no one will hinder your miracle. Tell the one who left you lying on the floor, Although I do not see now where I am and I do not understand the tumult nor the noise, all I know is that by faith a miracle is approaching. Shout and keep hope alive until Jesus asks you, What do you want me to do for you?

    Give voices, shout, cry out because although many believe that you have no way out of this one, and tell them with a shout, "TToday I will cry out until Jesus of Nazareth hears me because I do not care if my voice annoys them. Today I throw off my cloak and walk to

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