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Celibacy: Divine Wisdom Or Human Folly?
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Celibacy: Divine Wisdom Or Human Folly?
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Celibacy: Divine Wisdom Or Human Folly?
Libro electrónico83 páginas1 hora

Celibacy: Divine Wisdom Or Human Folly?

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We live in a world full of scandals within our beloved Roman Catholic Church.

Many of us simply cannot understand the cause of so many abuses perpetrated by people vested with the authority to proclaim, on behalf of Christ, love, respect, and disinterested help toward others.

Sex abuses and more abuses against children and even adults!

If you are interested in understanding the cause of all these horrible and painful scandals and how to avoid them, just read this book, and you will see the truth! That, I guarantee!

Fecha de lanzamiento17 dic 2019
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Celibacy: Divine Wisdom Or Human Folly?

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