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Noches de tormenta
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Noches de tormenta
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Noches de tormenta
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Noches de tormenta

Calificación: 3.5 de 5 estrellas



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Una conmovedora historia de amor. Dos extraños que bajo la tempestad reencontraron el goce de vivir.

Adrienne, una mujer de sesenta años, le cuenta a su hija la historia de amor que marcó su vida quince años atrás: ella sufría entonces el abandono de su marido, que la dejó por otra mujer más joven, y decidió hacerse cargo de un pequeño hotel en la costa. Allí conoció a Paul Flanner, un cirujano obsesionado por el trabajo.

Mientras una terrible tormenta se cernía sobre la población, Adrienne y Paul compartieron un fin de semana en el que redescubrieron sus vidas; no solo lo que eran, sino lo que podían llegar a ser. Pero el peso de la responsabilidad les obligó a tener que decidir entre sus sentimientos y sus deberes, y la decisión marcó sus destinos.

Fecha de lanzamiento8 may 2013
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Noches de tormenta

Nicholas Sparks

Nicholas Sparks nació en Estados Unidos en la Nochevieja de 1965. Su primer éxito fue El cuaderno de Noah, al que siguió Mensaje en una botella, que han sido llevadas al cine, al igual que otros de sus éxitos como Noches de tormenta, Querido John y La última canción. Es autor de más de 20 novelas que han sido traducidas a más de 50 idiomas y publicadas en 25 países.

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  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    This was definitely an easy read. I finished it in less than three hours. There's no depth of writing here; it's very straightforward. If it weren't for the fact that it's a subject matter that strikes close to home for anyone who has loved, much less loved and lost permanently, this wouldn't be a great book. However, the subject matter strikes a chord, and that's what saves this book from being less than average. It was enough to make even me tear up, and I'm known for being cold-hearted.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Another one of your average love stories.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Sparks is a very good writter. And this book is well written and short. But so far it has been my least favorite of all his books. With this, his latest love story, he tells us the story of two shattered people. Both sadly scarred by past experiences. Who find each other late in life and realize they are soul mates.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    A friend let me borrow "Nights in Rodanthe" but said the book was better than the movie (isn't that always the case?). This is a very Sparks formula book but with a very good sense of place. It made me go online and read more about Rodanthe and Sparks description was dead-on accurate. I always find that when a writer starts the storytelling where you know how it will end...the journey in discovery is a different experience than when the ending is unknown. I much prefer the second technique.
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    This story unraveled a bit too quickly for my liking. It feels like it's over before it really began. I would have liked to see more character development, and more time for the feelings the characters develop for each other to really appear genuine. I felt like I was reading something that a teenage girl would have written about herself and her high school crush. A good beach novel if you just want something to read without having to think too much.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Nicholas Sparks books are my guilty pleasure. They're complete tear jerkers and falsely romantic, but they get me every time. Even though the stories are usually very similar to each other, the always tell of a love that people aspire to. It's remarkable that Nicholas Sparks has the ability to pull you into his books the way he does. I'm not a crier, but I have cried during every book of his I've ever read.There were things about this book I didn't relate to like I did for The Notebook or A Walk to Remember. Adrienne and Paul fell in love so quickly, even with all of Paul's flaws he was just too perfect of a male romantic lead, and Adrienne never managed to move on after what happened.However, this was an easy, quick read and it plays to Nicholas Sparks' strengths perfectly.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    I love this book!!! I love how two people who were hurt in the past find love.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Nights in Rodanthe is my second time reading Nicholas Sparks. After reading Dear John, I knew I wanted to read more of his books.Nights in Rodanthe starts off with a sixty year old Adrienne Willis, who is a divorced mother and grandmother, helping her daughter cope with the death of her own husband. Adrienne starts to reminisce about her short time spent at a small Inn along the beach in the town of Rodanthe. She pulls out an old letter from a man named Paul. She decides to tell her daughter about a love affair that took place 14 years ago. Paul Flanner is a divorced surgeon who is staying at an Inn in the small town of Rodanthe while conducting some personal business. Adrienne agrees to watch the Inn for the owner, who is also her close friend. Once there, Paul and Adrienne end up alone with a hurricane-like storm on the way. The two lonely divorcees find themselves sharing stories about their ex-spouses, children and their lives, and they find comfort in each other. Paul's wife left him because he was obsessed with this work. After being an absentee father to his only son, who is also a doctor and works in Ecuador, Paul decides to sell his practice and go to South America to spend a year with him. Once his visit in Rodanthe is over, he will be on his way to Ecuador. Adrienne's husband left her for a younger work colleague and she is now left a single middle-aged mother with an ailing father to take care of. Paul and Adrienne fall in love during thier few days together and when it is time to part, they are heartbroken. Paul suggests he stay with Adrienne for a while and postpone his trip, but she insists he goes to be with his son. So as the two part, they promise to wait for each other for a year until Paul returns. Paul calls Adrienne, writes her beautiful letters and sends her flowers monthly while he is away. I enjoyed this story very much and I'm glad I picked it up. I liked both Paul and Adrienne and felt like the connection between them was realistic and sweet. I also liked the setting of the story, an Inn on the beach, during a storm, the author set the mood just right. If you're looking for a quick and bittersweet romantic read, look no further. But, you might need to have a box of tissues handy, I did get a bit teary eyed during one part.
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    I picked up this book as a film version is coming out and I must admit, I'll probably watch it at some point. The love story itself for this novel is serviceable, but I could predict the entire plot within the first 20 pages and, at times, actually found myself cringing and rolling my eyes as I was reading certain lines. Not fun.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Nights in Rodanthe is an impactful story of love and loss that is full of imagery and the ability to relate to anyone whom may be facing hardship
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Excellant book! True love is never forgotten even after it's gone. Some love stories seem too good to be true, too easy. But I really fell for the love story here.
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    I always love the way this author writes but the storyline was bogus and unbelievable. I didn't think the love between the characters was captured here. I didn't relate or feel their passion through the pages. I was very disappointed with this novel.
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    This is probably my least favorite of all of Nicholas Sparks books. It could simply be because Michael sometimes reminded me of my ex-husband which made it difficult for me to like him..ha ha. I still plan to see the movie simply because it is a Nicholas Sparks story.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    this book is well worth reading for the simplicity and beauty of the story. sparks is always great at telling a love story that makes you feel good while you cry and this short book makes for a good one or two night read. its a bittersweet tale of the healing power of love, even under unfortunate or unexpected circumstances, and i'm guessing that this is a story that will resonate for many in their own lives. the story has no real surprises and reads almost exactly as you'd expect it, which i think, makes the success of the story even more profound. the imagery is stark and simple, painting a clear picture of the story as it unfolds.i'll leave the story line to the reading, but bring some tissue.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    "Nights in Rodanthe" by Nicholas Sparks is the story of love lost and love found. Suffering from a divorce that has left her bitter Adrienne Willis agrees to watch over her friend's Inn. Trying to discover himself and close one chapter of his life on his way to mend fences with his son, Paul Flanner finds himself at the same in. Over the course of days, the course of their entire lives changes forever.Nicholas Sparks may have outdone himself with this story. I have read another of his books and seen movies based on his books but none of the stories have touched me as this one did. This is a beautiful love story. I will definately buy this book when I get the chance and I am sure I will re-read this book when I need a reminder that love is worth it a strength can be found in unexpected places.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Book is better than the movie. Duh, aren't they always.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    nicholas sparks is always coming up with awesome love stoies...I love this one
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    This was an ok novel, not s good as THE NOTEBOOK, or MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE. It was bit preditable. Still,i haven't read any of Sparks that i didn't like something about.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Broken-hearted and reeling from such betrayal, Adrienne Willis must rethink the entire course of her life after her husband leaves her for a younger woman. Now, at age forty-five, Adrienne has been divorced for three years, and is simply worn down by life. The trials of raising her teenage children alone and caring for her terminally ill father have ultimately left Adrienne completely exhausted and severely emotionally depleted.At the request of a friend, and seeking respite and self-rejuvenation, she has come to Rodanthe - a coastal village in North Carolina - to tend the local inn for the weekend. What seems to Adrienne like a perfectly restful plan at first, is threatened by the news of a major brewing storm. Her time away doesn't seem too promising...until a guest named Paul Flanner arrives. At fifty-four, Paul is a successful surgeon, but in the past six months his life has unraveled into something that he doesn't even recognize. Estranged from his son and recently divorced, he has sold his practice and his home and has journeyed to this isolated town with hopes of closing a painful chapter in his past. Inevitably, Adrienne and Paul come together as the storm sweeps over Rodanthe and two battered and bruised hearts find a home with each other. Something begins between them during that single weekend; a bond that will resonate with them for the rest of their lives, intertwining past and future, love and loss. In my opinion, this was a surprisingly good book; I really, really enjoyed the story. I don't usually like reading anything that is overtly romantic, but to me, this was a true love story and not just a 'romance-for-the-sake-of romance' plot. The story was well-written, touching and poignant, and I enjoyed it immensely. I know that I have at least one more book by Nicholas Sparks sitting on my bookshelf, and I think Mareena has at least two or three books by this author that she says she'll lend me to read as well. I give this book an A+!
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    a romance between Adrienne (divorced) and Paul (divorced). They meet one weekend while Adrienne is looking after an inn for her friend. Paul has reservations so he can speak with a former patient's husband. Predictable. Not that uplifting. Wonder what the movie will be like?
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    ** spoiler alert ** Nicolas Sparks is a favourite author of mine, but I have to say I was a bit disappointed in this book. I still read it quite quickly, but I didn't feel for the story the way I usually do.The lead-in, getting to know the characters section was too long, and it was like reading a dry biography a lot of the time. The section when they were together was too short, and not written in such a way as to give a proper feel for the relationship. As for the ending, I could see the outcome coming a mile away.Normally Nicholas Sparks' book make me cry at some point, but despite the fact it dealt with losing a partner you love far too soon, something I have experienced in real life, this book did not make me cry. I think the mother's talk with her widowed daughter was the best part of the book, the sharing of similar grief, but trust me, if Adrienne had been in love with Paul as much as she was supposed to have been, she would not have been able to hide her grief the way she was meant to have. And why is it that after her brief time with a man who healed her past hurts, and made her feel lovable again, she knows she'll never fall in love again? At least after her divorce she was open to the idea, but then when she was 'healed' it wasn't an option. Surely a love worth having can come by a third time?Overall, the book left me feeling a tad depressed. But if you liked "Bridges of Madison County", you would probably like this too.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Ein typischer Sparks-Roman - Eine Mixtur aus Romantik und Tragödie.
    Die Handlung beginnt langsam, wird aber im Verlauf immer packender und spannender. Auch wenn der Handlungsablauf vorhersehbar ist, genießt man die warme Atmosphäre der Handlung.
    Summa summarum ist 'Das Lächeln der Sterne' ein gut geschriebener, romantischer Roman, der jedoch nicht an andere Werke von Sparks heranreicht und trotzdem zum Lesen verführt.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Inhaltsangabe:Adrienne lädt ihre Tochter Amanda zu einem Mutter-Tochter-Gespräch ein. Amanda trauert seit 8 Monaten um ihren Mann Brent, der wegen einer Krankheit starb. Adriennes Herz zerbricht, wenn sie sieht, wie Amanda sich und ihre beiden Söhne vernachlässigt.Das Mutter-Tochter-Gespräch wird für beide Frauen aufwühlend. Adrienne erzählt von Paul, den sie in Rodanthe kennen lernte – vor 15 Jahren! Sie sollte für ihre Freundin die Pension hüten, denn es hatte sich ein Gast angemeldet: Paul. Dieser ist nur auf der Durchreise und macht in Rodanthe ein paar Tage Rast, um einem Treffen nachzukommen.Adrienne und Paul wappnen sich gemeinsam gegen den angekündigten Sturm und erleben dabei ein paar schöne Tage voller Liebe, Magie und des Zaubers.Doch Paul muß bald weiter, zu seinem Sohn, den er kaum kennt und Adrienne muß ebenfalls zurück in ihre Realität zu ihren drei Kindern. Doch sie versprechen einander, sich in einem Jahr wieder zu sehen. Der Grund, warum Adrienne ihrer Tochter diese Geschichte erzählt, wird bald klar.Mein Fazit:Voller Gefühl und mit einfachen Worten beschreibt Nicholas Sparks diese Liebesgeschichte. Er verzichtet auf viele Details und das scheint irgendwie magisch bei ihm zu sein. Auch wenn man bald ahnt, was geschehen ist, so will man nicht eine einzige Zeile von diesem Roman versäumen.Ein ergreifendes Buch für einen langen Winterabend auf der Couch.Anmerkung: Die Rezension stammt aus September 2004.Veröffentlicht am 04.08.15!
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    Because of the movie trailers I expected a big sweeping love story...that's not exactly what I got from the book. I feel that with Sparks his stories are best turned into movies. There's bigger emotions in the The Notebook, the book was ehhh, but the movie was OMG! Of course, I haven't seen this movie yet, but the book was just ehhh.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I'm not a fan of this genre, but my wife owns the book and wanted to see the movie. I read 'The Notebook' in advance and found I could appreciate it, so I tried this. Nicholas Sparks is all tell and no show in his writing style, which drives me nuts, but he did manage to take me in with this story after the first few somewhat confusing chapters. I do respect that he doesn't entirely subscribe to the typical Harlequin template, and there's a ring of truth behind the central message of appreciating the magic of true love and what that experience can do for you, while it lasts and for however long.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    I became a devotee of Nicholas Sparks books after I read The Notebook and Message in a Bottle, but nothing has measured up since then. A pleasant, quick read though.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Nights in Rodanthe is a typical Nicholas Sparks romance novel: an emotional romance with a bittersweet end. Perfect if you like that type of book. Nothing special if you just like books in general. It’s a good book to read while relaxing on the beach.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    I am a sucker for Nicholas Sparks' love tales. He has a with grabbing the reader from page one and carrying them day and night (no sleep) until that book is finished. I am an avid fan of reading a book before I will come close to watching a movie, and thank God that I did this, because compared to the book, the movie reeked. Wonderful storyline, characters, and writing style, as usual. Two thumbs up!! I recommend this to anyone who enjoys a good love story.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    NIghts In Rodanthe takes place in a small southern town, in the life of a middle-aged woman- Adrienne. Adrienne's husband left her for a younger woman and years later, she's keeping after her friend's inn for the weekend. Only one man is checked in to stay and over time, they both realize things of their past are quite similar. Will their quick friendship turn into anything more, or will they both become each other's best friends? What happens when the man leaves the inn and goes on to visit his son in a different country? Will Adrienne learn to trust men again, or will he upset her more? Overall, this book is one that's hard to put down. Albeit, it's audience leans more towards middle-aged or elder readers rather teens.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Nights in Rodanthe is another love story by Nicholas Sparks. Adrienne Willis and Paul Flanner are the main characters in Nights in Rodanthe.Adrienne's husband abandons her for a younger woman and she is heartbroken over it. She is trying to figure out who she is now. Adrienne goes to Rodanthe to look after her friends Inn. Adrienne is hoping to have a relaxing time in Rodanthe except for the major storm that is forecasted. Paul is a doctor who has recently sold his medical practice so that he can go to Ecuador to be with his son and to hopefully repair their relationship.You can feel the spark between Paul and Adrienne as you read Nights in Rodanthe. With the nor'easter forecast Paul and Adrienne have to prepare the Inn to protect it from the storm. Paul and Adrienne whether the storm together and they get closer very close.I found myself able to relate to Adrienne in the aspect of having her husband leave her for a younger woman. I was able to understand Adrienne's emotions and her behavior. This made Nights in Rodanthe a pleasure to read.