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The Smart Banana Gardeners: Spanish Version
The Smart Banana Gardeners: Spanish Version
The Smart Banana Gardeners: Spanish Version
Audiolibro42 minutos

The Smart Banana Gardeners: Spanish Version

Escrito por Rocjane

Narrado por Andra Mora

Calificación: 0 de 5 estrellas


Información de este audiolibro

Octavio and Amador are two young friends who uncover the secrets of organic farming and the power of teamwork. As they delve

into the mysteries of banana soil enrichment, they tried to discover if burying bananas can truly transform their struggling garden.

Will they be able to prove the effectiveness of their revolutionary methods?

Can Octavio and Amador save their garden, their community, and the planet from the clutches of pollution and greed?

Find out in "The Smart Banana Gardeners," an engaging story of friendship, discovery, the transformative power of bananas in organic farming and the boundless possibilities of the natural world.

Fecha de lanzamiento26 feb 2024
The Smart Banana Gardeners: Spanish Version

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