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Constantino: Rapaces, #1
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        Do you remember the first time you saw the One? Constantino Fernandez does. He knew that Febronia Roca aka Moura was his; the second he saw her picture on her great aunt's kitchen table. Never mind that he's not old enough to drive yet. Never mind that 3,260 miles separates them. Never mind that Moura doesn't know that he exists. Deep down in the trenches of his heart, Constantino knows that she's one worth waiting for.

      After years of waiting for his beloved Siren, Constantino's dream is coming true. Moura is coming to Ardura. Their first meeting doesn't go exactly the way Constantino had planned. Moura isn't impressed with the raven hair soccer fanatic attorney.  She finds him to be arrogant and wants no dealings with him. The only reason, Moura has come to Ardura is that her Great Aunt Febronia had named her as successor of her estate. Moura has two goals. Settle her Great Aunt's affairs and go back home to Jersey.

     Constantino has a mission of his own. Convince Moura to stay.

Fecha de lanzamiento14 sept 2019
Constantino: Rapaces, #1

Títulos en esta serie (1)

  • Constantino: Rapaces, #1


    Constantino: Rapaces, #1
    Constantino: Rapaces, #1

            Do you remember the first time you saw the One? Constantino Fernandez does. He knew that Febronia Roca aka Moura was his; the second he saw her picture on her great aunt's kitchen table. Never mind that he's not old enough to drive yet. Never mind that 3,260 miles separates them. Never mind that Moura doesn't know that he exists. Deep down in the trenches of his heart, Constantino knows that she's one worth waiting for.       After years of waiting for his beloved Siren, Constantino's dream is coming true. Moura is coming to Ardura. Their first meeting doesn't go exactly the way Constantino had planned. Moura isn't impressed with the raven hair soccer fanatic attorney.  She finds him to be arrogant and wants no dealings with him. The only reason, Moura has come to Ardura is that her Great Aunt Febronia had named her as successor of her estate. Moura has two goals. Settle her Great Aunt's affairs and go back home to Jersey.      Constantino has a mission of his own. Convince Moura to stay.


Clotilde Martinez

For those who are curious to know about me. Here’s a few tidbits. This Jersey girl comes from a large super close Galician family. My siblings and cousins were the first to rallied around me when I was diagnosed with both ovarian and uterine cancer. After working overnight, my brother drove to the hospital where I was getting my surgery. My sister held my hand when I went to my first chemo treatment. My other brother drove me back and forth to my treatments. Cancer for me has been a blessing. It sounds weird saying that but it’s the truth. I have so many people praying for me, sending me positive thoughts, that it gave me the strength to deal with the aftermath of the treatments. When I lost hair, I couldn’t stop staring at myself in mirror. Which I could explained how powerful and how fucking beautiful I felt in my bald head stage. The hair has grown back. It’s curly. The color’s now salt and pepper. I’m rocking it.

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