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Wrath of the Titans: Spanish Edition
Wrath of the Titans: Spanish Edition
Wrath of the Titans: Spanish Edition
Libro electrónico97 páginas0 minutos

Wrath of the Titans: Spanish Edition

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Together in Spanish for the first time! Five years have passed since the legendary Perseus defeated the evil Gorgon Medusa, killed the Kraken, and assumed the crown of Argos. Things seemed idyllic throughout the kingdom and the news of an heir put the citizens in a celebratory mood. Yet lurking in the shadows is the one being in Argos simmering with hate and discontent. Calibus, once though dead, was let out of the Underworld by Hades and looks to take his revenge on the Pretender and his family. Perseus stole his bride, stole his position, stole Zeus’ favor, stole his life and now Calibus looks to take it all back. And with the news that a baby boy was born to Perseus and Andromeda, he is chilling that dish of revenge.
Fecha de lanzamiento17 nov 2015
Wrath of the Titans: Spanish Edition

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    Wrath of the Titans - Darren G. Davis

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