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UXR from Canada: Growth, Community and Leadership

UXR from Canada: Growth, Community and Leadership

DeUX Research MX

UXR from Canada: Growth, Community and Leadership

DeUX Research MX

26 minutos
25 sept 2019
Episodio de podcast


In this episode we have the first long distance interview, (in another language) with Alec Levin, co-founder of Strive Conference, from Toronto Canada. In addition to telling us the process of the birth of the first exclusive conference on UX Research, we talked about dedicating time, effort and preparation by bringing together a thousand researchers from all over the world. Alec shared the challenges of being a researcher, our strengths and weaknesses towards stakeholders, the growth of Senior to Product Manager, seen from his experience and perspective.
In addition, we talk about learning to work collaboratively, how to be prepared and humble researchers, and above all, to understand that the more prepared we are, we can raise the noble profession of the UX Researcher and earn the place we deserve at the decision table .
25 sept 2019
Episodio de podcast

Títulos en esta serie (56)

Es el espacio para escuchar sobre la investigación en el Diseño, hablando con gente de la industria y conocer cómo aprendemos, qué consultamos, con quiénes nos juntamos para aprender más, a qué nos enfrentamos y cómo solucionamos nuestras trabas en esta profesión.