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White Magic Classes and Candles
White Magic Classes and Candles
White Magic Classes and Candles
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White Magic Classes and Candles

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A book full of esoteric knowledge. White magic, green magic, blue magic, red magic and golden magic. Pythagoras, Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, and René Descartes are just a few examples of the most important scholars who believed in esotericism and practiced magical arts. Many of Shakespeare's works are delicately interwoven with magical beliefs. Sigmund Freud was notoriously superstitious, and Carl Gustav Jung made such a serious and profound study of magic that many of his detractors accused him of dabbling in mysticism. The lighting of a candle is a ritual that combines traditions that speak of spells. Candle flames radiate mystical powers, and for centuries, magicians, soothsayers, and soothsayers have used them as suitable space tools for their spells or to make predictions.

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    White Magic Classes and Candles - Alina A Rubi

    White Magic Classes



    Alina A. Rubi and Angeline A. Rubi

    Activate your powers. Make your dreams come true, live the life you deserve and have dreamed of.

    A red diamond with gold writing Description automatically generated

    Published independently.

    All Rights © Reserved 2024


    Editing: Angeline A. Rubi

    No part of this book may be reproduced, or transmitted, in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means. Including photocopying, recording, or any other information archiving and retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.


    The Four Elements

    The magical powers of the days of the week.

    The Moons

    First Quarter

    Last Quarter

    Full moon

    New or Black Moon

    Instruments used in Magic.

    The magic wand

    How to prepare a magic wand.

    The Cauldron

    The altar.

    Book of Shadows or Esoteric Notebook.





    Your Magic Days and Hours

    Your magic hours.

    Venus Time

    Mercury Time

    Mars Time

    Hour of the Moon

    Saturn Time

    Jupiter Time

    Example of Calculating Planetary Hours:

    Bath for the Mercury Retrograde Period.

    Magic Circle for Your Rituals


    Holy Water, Holy Water and Moon Water

    Differences between Invocation and Evocation.

    The Tables of Destiny.

    Saturn's square

    Attributes of Saturn

    How to Make a Talisman with Your Personal Stamp

    The square of Venus

    Jupiter's square

    The square of Mercury

    The Square of the Moon

    The Sun Square

    Sator's square.

    Ritual to activate a petition with Sator's square.

    The Wishing Box.

    Mirrors and Their Magical Powers (Catoptromancy)

    How to make a magic mirror?

    How to use a magic mirror?

    The Magic of Sigils.

    How to Make a Sigil

    Activate your Stealth.

    Amulets and Talismans

    Consecration of your Amulet or Talisman

    Cleaning Your Amulets or Talismans

    Creating a Talisman or Amulet

    Use of Talismans.

    Love Amulets by Zodiac Sign

    Solomon's Pentacles.

    Why are Solomon's talismans so powerful?

    Pentacles of Saturn

    Pentacles of Jupiter

    Pentacles of Mars

    Pentacles of the Sun

    Pentacles of Venus

    Pentacles of Mercury

    Pentacles of the Moon

    Tibetan Singing Bowls

    Quartz Bowls

    Metal Bowls

    Eclipses and Magic

    Eclipse Water.

    Crystal clear networks.

    Antahkarana Grill for Prosperity.

    Activation of the Crystalline Web

    Examples of Sacred Geometric Figures for Crystalline Lattices.

    Crystal Clear Grill for Love

    Sacred Numerical Codes.

    Activating the Code

    Pineal body

    What is the pineal gland and for what is it used?

    What happens when the pineal gland is activated?

    The Lower Astral Unit.

    Astral larvae and energetic parasites

    What are they?

    Where are you staying?

    How are they detected?

    How can they be avoided?

    How to get rid of sexual astral larvae?

    How to protect the house.

    The Pyramids.

    Pyramids You Should Use in Rituals

    Suitable Colors

    Pyramids do not work:

    How to Cleanse and Attract Positive Energy with the Pyramids

    Household Cleaning

    Pyramids and health

    Ritual to combat headache or stomach pain.

    Long-Distance Healing Ritual

    Smoking Cessation Ritual

    Ritual to have more energy.

    Anti-Obesity Ritual

    Ritual against menstrual cramps

    Ritual to reactivate passion.

    Attraction Ritual

    Ritual to keep Bad Energy away from your relationship.

    Ritual for Reconciliation

    Ritual for seduction

    Ritual to have no differences.

    Ritual to Attract Prosperity

    Ritual to Increase Profits

    Ritual for concentration

    Ritual for Meditation

    Ritual to relax.

    Sea salt.

    How do you get sea salt?

    Benefits of Sea Salt Bath

    Ritual to Purify Your Home.

    Ritual to Cleanse Bad Influences in the Home.

    Ritual to Purify and Obtain Money.

    Spell with Salt against Envy.


    Energy Purification of your Home

    Sugar Ritual to Attract Abundance

    Spell to Attract Money.

    Attract Money in 11 Days.

    Spell with Sugar and Seawater


    Ritual to Attract Money Instantly.


    Ritual to Expel Bad Vibrations from Your Home.

    Mystical Garlic Formula against Bad Luck.

    Brazilian Ritual to Attract Prosperity.

    The Cardinal Points in Magic

    What is a smudge?

    The meaning of the aromas of incense

    Smoke to attract money.

    Perfumes for love

    Smokes for health

    Other Uses of Incense

    The Palo Santo

    Benefits of Palo Santo.

    The Sage (Sage).

    How to perform the cleaning.

    Green Magic

    Herbs for protection

    Physical Properties.

    Culinary properties.

    Magical properties.

    Essential oils.

    How to make an Aromatic Oil?

    To enhance the effect of oils

    How to prepare a magic oil

    Essential oils

    Oils to Enhance Sexuality

    Opening of the Mind

    To attract money

    Magic Oil to Balance Emotions

    Pumpkin Oil. Excellent Protection

    The Magic of Cinnamon Oil

    Grapefruit oil

    Eucalyptus Oil

    Cocoa Oil

    The best oil by Zodiac Sign.

    What is a Pendulum?

    Different types of the Pendulum.

    Simple Pendulum

    Double Pendulum.

    Pendulum of Osiris

    Spiral Pendulum

    Magnetic pendulums.

    Witness pendulums.

    Hebrew Pendulum.

    Merkabah pendulums.

    Aventurine Pendulum.

    Selenite pendulum.

    White Quartz Pendulum.

    Rose quartz pendulum.

    Onyx Pendulum

    Metal Pendulum.

    Which pendulum to choose?

    Uses of the Pendulum.

    Methods that ensure the proper functioning of the pendulum

    Behavior in sessions.

    Pendulum Cleaning.

    Consecration of the Pendulum.

    Pendulum programming.

    Correct positions to hold the Pendulum.

    Pendulum and chakras


    Physical Characteristics of the Hands

    What to watch for

    The shape of the hands

    It is a

    Pointy, psychic, mystical, or water hand

    Conical, air, or artistic hand.

    It is

    Mixed Hand

    Elemental Hand

    Gnarled or philosophical hand

    The size and shape of the fingers

    The thumb

    Characteristics of the thumb

    The shape of the fingers

    Pointy finger

    Square Finger

    Spatula fingers

    The Lines of the Hand

    Types of Lines

    Parallel Lines

    Vertical Lines

    Wavy lines

    Main Lines



    Destination or Secondary Lines

    Luck, Destiny, Fortune, or Saturn Line

    Hepatic, Health, or Mercury Line

    Venus' Belt

    Marriage or Sexuality Line

    The line of Intuition or Uranus

    Line of Temperance or Isis

    Neptune Line, or Milky Way

    Jade Bracelet

    Mars Line

    Apollo Line

    Descent Line

    Signs on the palms of the hands

    Unfavorable Signs

    Favorable Signs

    Types of Squares

    The Cross

    The Star

    The Circles

    The Great Triangle

    The Hand Mountains

    Mount of Venus

    Signs on the Mount of Venus


    Types of Mount Mars

    Signs on the Mount of Mars

    Mount Jupiter

    Types of Jupiter's Mount

    Signs on Mount Jupiter

    Mount Saturn

    Types of Saturn Mountains

    Signs on Mount Saturn

    Mount of the Sun or Apollo

    Types of Mount Apollo

    Signs on Mount Apollo

    Mount Mercury

    Signs on Mount Mercury

    Rituals for Love, Prosperity, and Health.

    Craft Your Stone to Earn Money. Full moon.

    Earn Money with the Lunar Cup. Full moon.

    Ritual for Abundance with Lemon. Last Quarter Moon.

    Magic Mirror for Money. Full moon.

    Spell Opens Pathways to Abundance.

    Spell to be a Millionaire. Full moon.

    Ritual to Attract Prosperity into Your Life.

    Black Candle Ritual for Money.

    Ritual to always have Cash in your Wallet.

    Spell to Get Money Fast

    Potion of Prosperity.

    Ritual to Win Money in Casinos.

    Ritual for Money with Santa Muerte

    Ritual by Elements of the Zodiac Signs.

    Fire Signs: Aries Leo and Sagittarius

    Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn

    Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.

    Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces

    Spell to let go of an Old Love

    Spell to Attract Your Soulmate

    Brazilian Love Mooring

    Ritual to Attract Love

    Ritual to Consolidate Love

    Orange Ritual

    Effective Ritual to End a Relationship

    Magic Mirror of Love


    Meaning of Each Number

    Master Numbers

    Your Birth Path.

    Meaning of each number.


    The Runes

    Origin of the Runes

    How to Connect with the Runes

    Familiarize yourself with the meaning of the Runes.

    Runes as Amulets and Energy Activators

    Energy that activates each rune

    Reading Runes

    Preparing for Rune Reading

    Topics you can ask as Runas.


    Yes, or no?

    Meaning of the Runes

    Simplified Meanings

    Extrasensory Perception

    Potential Faculties That Can Be Developed by the Mind of Man

    Introduction. The Candles

    A bit of history

    Reasons Why We Light a Candle

    The Language of Candles

    Meaning of the Colors of a Candle Flame

    Meaning of Wax Shapes

    What Do the Tears in Your Candle Mean?

    Common Opinions Regarding Candles

    Relationship of Candles and Love. Folk Beliefs.

    Relationship of Candles and Good Luck. Folk Beliefs.

    Relationship of Candles and Spirituality. Folk Beliefs.

    Relationship of Candles and Spirits. Folk Beliefs.

    Relationship of Candles and Prosperity. Popular Beliefs

    Relationship of Candles and Bad Luck. Popular Beliefs

    Relation of Candles and Marriages. Popular Beliefs

    Relation of Candles and Death. Popular Beliefs

    Relationship of Candles and Health. Popular Beliefs

    Relationship of Candles and Dreams. Popular Beliefs

    Candles, Colors, Days, Quartz, Planets, Hours, and Zodiac Signs.

    Yellow Candles


    Light Blue Candles

    Dark Blue Candles

    White Candles

    Gold Colored Candles

    Grey Candles

    Brown Candles

    Dark Brown Candles

    Orange Candles

    Black Candles

    Silver Colored Candles

    Red Candles

    Pink Candles

    Green Candles

    Violet Candles

    Candles and the Days of the Week

    The Relationship of Candles to the Phases of the Moon

    Candles and their Relationship with Quartz

    Candles and the Zodiac Signs

    Candles as Tools of Protection

    Procedure with Candles in Rituals

    Regulations on the Use of Candles

    Candles in your Home

    Candlelight Rituals in Your Home

    Rituals to Protect Your Home

    Ritual to Protect a New Home

    Ritual to Chase Bad Luck Away from a Home

    Ritual to Remove Negative Vibrations from Your Home and Attract Material Abundance.

    Spell for Abundance in your Home.

    Cuban Formula for Prosperity.

    Spell for the Protection of Your Home.

    Spell for the Family to have Economic Prosperity.

    Spell to Chase Away Poverty.

    Plants That Attract Prosperity in Homes.

    Ritual for Hastening the Sale of a House.

    The Wealth Zone in your Home.

    Ritual to Keep Poverty Away from Home.

    Ritual Neutralizing Bad Energies

    The Art of Candlelight Divination

    Divination Ceremony

    Divination by the Candle Flame


    Wax Divination

    What to do after a Ritual?

    Common Candle Shapes and Their Functions.

    About the Authors


    A picture containing diagram Description automatically generated

    Magic is only one. There are no different kinds of magic, although scholars organize them into categories. Simply to better study magic, similar beliefs and practices have been grouped together, giving them a common name associated with a color. Thus, we can talk about white magic, black magic, red magic, green magic, blue magic, etc. But all of them, at bottom, are the same. Magic is a dream come true, a prayer answered, a goal realized. It is also a newborn child, the petals of a rose, a Beethoven symphony. Magic encompasses many things, but above all it is an act of creation.

    Pythagoras, Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, and René Descartes are just a few examples of the most important scholars who believed in magic and practiced magical arts. Many of Shakespeare's works are delicately interwoven with magical beliefs. Sigmund Freud was notoriously superstitious, and Carl Gustav Jung made such a serious and profound study of magic that many of his detractors accused him of dabbling in mysticism.

    A standard dictionary defines magic as the art which purports to produce controlling effects over events by means of charms, spells, and rituals supposed to govern certain natural and supernatural forces: The words intended and supposed represent the caution and often skeptical attitude that many educated people adopt toward magic. This is the part of the myth that states that only those who are ignorant and uneducated believe in the supernatural. Primitive societies, such as those formed by the Australian Aboriginal people or the South American Indians, share the belief in magic with some of the greatest minds of all time.

    For magic there are no impossibilities if the one who practices it acts with faith. The main goal of magic is to bend nature in one's own interest. What differentiates the different types of magic is the path they follow to achieve that goal. The only thing you need to remember is that in magic the law of triple return rules. So, everything you do, good or bad, will come back to you in triplicate. It is your choice to use magic rituals to help or to harm.

    Magic is based on spiritual principles that do not belong to the physical world, with it what is wanted is to dominate nature, the visible and the invisible. It can appeal to the beneficent powers of the Universe or to the malefic ones.

    The term magic is related to the supernatural, that which has no logical explanation, but which we know exists. We must pay attention to the type of magic that is chosen to obtain a certain goal, since the nature of the magic itself will determine the success after obtaining the result.

    By this I mean that every action has a reaction, and we must weigh all the variables before undertaking a certain ritual. When we start working with magic, we should first know exactly what goal we want to achieve. To begin with, we should be able to synthesize our purpose in a single sentence, which must be clear and coherent.

    Black Magic: It is the magic that is dedicated to Satanism and making pacts with dark entities. These types of rituals are dangerous and do not bring anything good to the one who performs them. A good sorcerer never does this kind of ritual.

    Blue Magic: Blue magic, despite not being very well known, is an immensely powerful and quite dangerous magic. Because it seeks to change the laws of nature to the liking of the magician, that is, to perform everything that is forbidden to us by the laws of physics. Blue magic is mainly based on having contact with entities from the afterlife, which includes the dead or spirits. Through contact with the most evolved spirits, it is possible to achieve the intended objectives. Blue magicians can read minds accurately, control a person or thing, create mirages, and read the instincts of others. Blue magic works with spiritual and subtle energies. He uses illusory tools, incantations, and divination systems.

    Blue magic borders on the occult because it uses psychic methods, but also the summoning of spirits. This magic can be used to remove negative attitudes and make explorations of one's deepest desires. Also, to make invocations of prosperity and affirmations for new projects to be carried out. Blue is associated with higher states, even related to the sky. It has great energy and denotes great depth. Although it is a color that denotes positive aspects, in these cases it also must be seen from another perspective. As spirits evolve, they become higher spirits with more powers. Blue magic works with these evolved spirits. In some contexts, blue magic is also associated with healing powers related to diseases, physical and even spiritual ailments.

    Red Magic: Red magic can be defined as a type of magic, where the main component to be used is the blood of the person who practices it, although it is also usually used to perform spells and spells on the tissues of living beings, such as saliva, nails, hair, or semen, among other things. It is oriented (in some cases) to love, but it is usually used with the aim of achieving the destruction or manipulation of the life of those who do not know or do not accept this manipulation.

    Spells that involve the use of blood to obtain a result or a request from the querent must be performed specifically on Friday so that the effect is immediate and at a specific time. Blood is the body's most powerful magnetic agent. Its subtle structure, composed mostly of tiny atoms, makes it a bridge between the organic forces and the astral forces. Hence its enormous importance in the magical acts of all times. You must be incredibly careful when practicing red magic as its virtues are immensely powerful and we can cause irreversible damage to an innocent person.

    Since its origins, Anglo-Saxon culture has been linked to the mythological world. Although it is true that they have not had a unified Mythology, with capital letters, such as the Greek, Roman or Scandinavian, their culture has had great legends such as the Arthurian Chronicles, enchanted worlds, mystical cities, and faerie creatures. It is a heterogeneous mixture, the sum of Saxon, Celtic, Norman traditions... Tolkien claimed that it was precisely the Norman invasions that had swept away Anglo-Saxon myths, and with his work he tried to create a new unified mythology in their language.

    The Four Elements

    By knowing the elemental properties of each object and knowing what the element is that governed it, our ancestors discovered that they could connect everything around them on an intimate level, using that connection to gain spiritually advanced knowledge and manipulate things to work at will. In other words, they could use the elements to make magic. The elements are earth, water, fire, and air.

    Earth: Fertility, pregnancy, prosperity, connection to the earth, stabilization, children, money, sowing, growth, home, harvest, domestic animals, livestock, snakes, buried objects, dance, many stones, magic of images and drumming.

    Water: Childbirth, pregnancy, cleansing, inner transformation, psychic efforts, divination, purification, emotions, romantic love, manifestations of the spirit, death, rebirth, and past life explorations.

    Fire: Deep Transformation, Protection, Employment, Legal Matters, Destruction/Building, Passion, War/Conflict, Bravery, Strength/Vigor, Sex, Sex Magic, Resistance, Lust, Cleansing, and Exorcism/Expulsion.

    Air: Intellect, study, writing, elders, astral travel, communication, music, sound, variability, weather magic, and power generation.

    The magical powers of the days of the week.

    Magic should not only be practiced in the corresponding moon phase, but we should also consider the days of the week.

    Each day has a color, planet, and magical correspondence assigned to it.

    Equally, it is not mandatory to practice your spells these days, but it is certainly much better, and you will get better results.


    Planet: Sun (although the Sun is a star, we place it as a planet since it rules this day)

    Colors: yellow, gold and orange

    Type of spells: health, careers, ambition, fun, drama, law, promotions, triumph, goals, personal financing, children or children, buying, speculations, sales.


    Planet: Moon (the Moon is a satellite, but like the sun we will make it a planet since it rules this day)

    Colors: white, silver, and grey

    Type of spells: psychology, dreams, astral projection, imagination, mysteries of women, reincarnation, short trips, women, children or children, the public, concerns, emotions, spirituality, all things pertaining to water and bodies of water, trip planning, initiation, astrology, religious experiences.


    Planet: Mars

    Colors: Red, Pink and Orange

    Spell Type: Passion, Courage, Action, Energy, Aggression, Sex, Physical Energy, Sports, Muscle Activity, Metals, Weapons, Tools, Cutting, Surgery, Police, Soldiers, Combat, Confrontations, Business, Buying and Selling Animals, Mechanical Things, Repairing, Gardens, Hunting, Principles.


    Planet: Mercury

    Colors: violet and silver

    Type of spells: wisdom, healing, communication, intelligence, memory, education, phone calls, computers, messages, students, merchandise, editing, writing, neighbors, signing contracts, reviews, music, visual arts, hiring employees, learning languages, visiting friends.


    Planet: Jupiter

    Colors: Blue & Metallic Colors

    Spell Types: Business, Logic, Social Problems, Political Power, Publishing, Religion, Long Journeys, Philosophy, Advertising, Growth, Luck, Sports, Expansion, Horses, Law, Doctors, Psychologists, Charity, Reading, Studying, Seeking.


    Planet: Venus

    Colors: green, pink, and white

    Spell Type: Romantic Love, Beauty, Friendship, Soulmates, Artistic, Skill, Harmony, Affection, Relationships, Companions, Alliances, Grace, Social Activity, Marriages, Decorations, Cosmetics, Gifts, Gardens, Growth, Architecture, Artists, Stylists, Dancers, Designers, Music, Dating, Painting, Home Decorating, Shopping and Party Planning.


    Planet: Saturn

    Colors: black, grey, and red

    Types of spells: protection, neutralization, karma, death, manifestation, reality, laws of society, limits, obstacles, trials, hard work, dentists, bones, teeth, sacrifice, separation, justice, mathematics, wills, financing, discoveries, transformations, relationships with older people.

    The Moons

    To perform a spell, you must know that it is not the same if the Moon is waxing, waning, new or full.

    First Quarter

    What spells to do:

    This Moon is greatly beneficial for any type of spell that you want to perform to attract positive energies and obtain protection from loved ones or helpless people, for prosperity, to attract love, health, to succeed in your profession, to strengthen work and economic growth. Spells should be performed in the early hours of the first quarter night. Increase, Develop. It is the right time to start everything that we want to progress, increase, and achieve its purpose.

    Last Quarter

    What spells to do:

    This phase is the one that appears before the New Moon or also known as the Black Moon. Spells should be performed in the early hours of the last quarter night and are especially for meditation, performing spells to chase away all kinds of bad things, envy, bad luck, diseases, grudges, to ward off an enemy, etc. This phase is special for making talismans and potions for conjugal and family harmony, to prevent economic problems or the loss of the source of work. Decrease, conclude. Everything we wish would diminish, fade, end, or dim.

    Full moon

    What spells to do:

    This is a very particular Moon. The ancient Wiccans threw away the cards and runes on this Moon, because of the great power it must attract good things. The spells recommended in this phase are those related to love and marriage, especially weddings, love relationships, family, favors fertility, health, spirituality, getting good work or financial partnerships, etc. Spells must be performed in the early hours of the night of the Full Moon. The notorious and the public.

    During the cycle when the moon is brightest - and the closer to the full moon the better - it is time to undertake everything for which we desire: notoriety and public prestige.

    New or Black Moon

    What spells to do:

    This Moon is also called the Lilith Moon. It is a period for reflection. The spells that are recommended are to ward off anguish, to ward off bad vibes, obstacles at work, etc. In addition, it favors rituals aimed at initiating new projects.

    It favors the arrival of love and helps new opportunities to appear in the workplace. It is also very conducive to obtaining new economic resources, getting money, and increasing sexual desires.

    Instruments used in Magic.

    The magic wand.

    The Magic Wand is a stick-shaped object that is used in incantations, ritual spells, etc. It can also be used to trace the magic circle (there is a class that includes how to make them), the magic wand basically shakes the ether and gives power to your spells. The magic wand must have a name that will be given to it by a spell.

    How to prepare a magic wand.

    You should look in a mountain, forest, or park, for a stick or stick that attracts them because of its shape, it should be as straight as possible and about 33 cm. approximately. You can also use the ones that are made of quartz.

    It should be washed with plenty of water, after the cleaning is done you must charge it with your energy in addition to decorating it as you like, you can add quartz, feathers, crystals, ribbons etc.

    Ritual of the Name: This ritual will give your wand more power. You must take it and place it on your altar saying: 

    Goddess of the moon, I show you this wand, illuminate its name so that only I can intuit it. So be it!

    You must concentrate and in the alpha state, which is when you are in your dreams, the letters of the name of your wand will come to your head and using your gifts or through your intuition you must join those letters or words and give them the name.

    After this you must light incense, engrave the name with an awl on

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