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Alma de lobo: Spanish Easy Reader
Alma de lobo: Spanish Easy Reader
Alma de lobo: Spanish Easy Reader
Libro electrónico49 páginas34 minutos

Alma de lobo: Spanish Easy Reader

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Información de este libro electrónico

What happens when reality overcomes fiction? Then you have a story like ALMA DE LOBO.

This novella is the true story of Marcos Rodríguez Pantoja. His is the only documented case in Spain of a feral child.

SUMMARY: At the age of seven, Marcos was sold by his father to work as a shepherd in a remote valley of the Sierra Morena. The older shepherd, who was teaching him the ropes, suddenly died, leaving Marcos on his own. He had a hard time staying alive until a pack of wolves adopted him. ALMA DE LOBO describes how Marcos manages to survive in the mountains living a carefree life surrounded by the animals he befriended. Then, the painful process to adapt to the world of humans after his capture, when he was 19 years old. Hardly anyone believed his childhood stories, but when he was in his 60s an event changed his life…

ALMA DE LOBO is a page-turner. This book is an easy reader Spanish novella for second level students. It's written in the past tense. With about 305 unique words and plenty of repetition, it tells a 4,190-word story. Illustrations and a full glossary for each of the ten chapters are included.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is one of the most fascinating stories I've ever researched and written about. I based this novella on the books, articles, interviews and documentaries about Marcos' life. Most importantly, I was able to interview Marcos himself, for which I am really grateful.

Fecha de lanzamiento20 may 2022
Alma de lobo: Spanish Easy Reader

Veronica Moscoso

Verónica Moscoso is an award-winning filmmaker, author and journalist. Throughout her life, Verónica has also worked as a language teacher. In 2011, Verónica earned a masters degree from the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism. Her thesis A Wild Idea, is a short documentary film screening in more than 30 film festivals around the world and receiving eight awards of merit and distinction. This movie remains as a significant contribution to understanding one of the most dramatic environmental initiatives to date. She is the published author of the following books: Historias con sabor a sueño a short stories’ compilation in 2001;  Los ojos de Carmen, a novella in 2005, translated to French and English; Olivia y los monos, a novella in 2018; El rey Arthur, and Halloween vs. Día de los muertos in 2020. She’s also the author of various published articles, photographs, multimedia, video and radio pieces, both in English and Spanish. Born and raised in Ecuador, Verónica left her hometown of Quito to live and travel in the Middle East and in South East Asia. She chronicled her trips through journal essays and photography. She now lives in the United States where she continues creating content. For much more information about Verónica, see her website: and to buy her books go to

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