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Practical Spanish for the Working Lawman
Practical Spanish for the Working Lawman
Practical Spanish for the Working Lawman
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Practical Spanish for the Working Lawman

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Law Enforcement Offi cers evaluati on comments relati ng to Gary L. Ermoian and Practi cal Spanish
for the Working Lawman:
Gary is one of the bett er instructors. His material is well organized and he has an excellent
presentati on...
I progressed from no understanding of Spanish to being able to understand enough to answer simple
questi ons. It was directed at the language a police offi cer needs.
I learned a great deal...more than I thought I would about Spanish, and can now communicate
eff ecti vely with Hispanics in the fi eld situati ons. I frequently encounter non-English speaking Hispanics
and I will fi nd this course helpful.
I have seen a general increase in Spanish-speaking people in Concord. It taught me language I can use
at work...
Gives a strong start...very up to date and practi cal. [Gary] has an excellent teaching mannerism...
perfect for cops...
I feel that I learned a lot ...Im inspired to try to learn more Spanish. ...Good phrases that are appropriate
in law enforcement.
I now feel that I can communicate on a basic level in Spanish. It is very helpful today to speak some
Spanish in law enforcement.
I had two semesters of Spanish and I got more out of this than both semesters. Content and vocabulary
very appropriate for a police offi cers needs.
More and more I fi nd the need for understanding and speaking Spanish. [Practi cal Spanish for the
Working Lawman] Very practi cal use of the language and should assist in doing the job bett er.
My comprehension of Spanish has augmented considerably since the completi on of this course. It was
designed for the specifi cs of our occupati on. This instructor was very good...he was understanding,
considerate and easy to learn from.
Provides a necessary background in Spanish for the use on the street. It provides assistance with a
language that offi cers run into more and more...The book and tape are organized very well and fl ow
together very well...
I learned practi cal phrases for everyday use on the street. It will help me to communicate more
effi ciently with people who speak Spanish. [Practi cal Spanish for the Working Lawman] very well
presented. Organized and covered the necessary basics to start us speaking Spanish.
Well organized and easy to understand.
I feel I have a good basic understanding now, so that I can work further on it [Spanish] myself.
EditorialXlibris US
Fecha de lanzamiento25 may 2011
Practical Spanish for the Working Lawman

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    Practical Spanish for the Working Lawman - Gary L. Ermoian

    Practical Spanish

    For The

    Working Lawman

    Gary L. Ermoian

    Copyright © 2011 by Gary L. Ermoian.

    Library of Congress Control Number:       PENDING

    ISBN:         Hardcover                               978-1-4628-6759-2

                       Softcover                                 978-1-4628-6758-5

                       Ebook                                      978-1-4628-6760-8

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This book was printed in the United States of America.

    To order additional copies of this book, contact:

    Xlibris Corporation






    Lesson I

    Lesson II

    Lesson III

    Lesson IV

    Miranda Warnings


    Lesson V

    Lesson VI

    Lesson VII

    Chemical Test Admonition

    Lesson VIII

    Addressing Unruly Crowds Order to Disperse

    Lesson IX

    Lesson X

    Lesson XI

    Lesson XII

    Lesson XIII

    Lesson XIV

    Lesson XV

    Lesson XVI

    Lesson XVII

    Lesson XVIII

    Lesson XIX

    Lesson XX

    Note To Students

    Modismos y Expresiones

    Spanish-English Dictionary

    English-Spanish Dictionary

    Vulgarismos (Vulgarisms)

    Verb Table

    Verb Table Guide

    Quick Reference


    Practical Spanish for the Working Lawman is designed as a reference not only for the law enforcement professional but also for all individuals who work within the law enforcement and legal community.

    Practical Spanish for the Working Lawman is structured not only as an individual reference but also as a classroom course.

    Practical Spanish for the Working Lawman is divided into twenty lessons, ideally devised with the instruction of one lesson per day.

    Practical Spanish for the Working Lawman contains reading and pronunciation practice, basic grammar, conjunction of verbs, common and useful phrases and interrogatory questions, legal forms, a table of frequently used verbs conjugated into the most commonly used tenses, and a handy dictionary.

    The basic Spanish grammar contained within this book will supply the professional with the basic knowledge of how the Spanish language is structured. This, coupled with the table of conjugated verbs and the dictionary, will allow the professional to continue studying and using his or her Spanish long after the course is completed. Practical Spanish for the Working Lawman is designed to work as a guide to assist the professional in the continuing use of Spanish.


    In California, as in many states in the United States, there is a large and growing population of Spanish-speaking individuals.

    The law enforcement professional and individuals employed within the legal community face the public most often and in a wide variety of situations. Being able to communicate with the populace is a key asset. If this communication is hindered because of a language barrier, it makes an already-difficult job even more distressing. That is why this PRACTICAL guide has been created, specifically with the law enforcement professional in mind.

    As a former law enforcement officer and as an investigator working daily for the last thirty-one years in the legal community, I understand and am familiar with the problems law enforcement professionals have while attempting to communicate with Spanish-speaking individuals, especially when the professional is not at all familiar with the Spanish language.

    I have compiled this program after many years of experience and education in the Spanish language. This experience consists not only of using Spanish in my personal life but also of putting it to use in the field as a peace officer and investigator and also of using it in the classroom teaching other law enforcement professionals.

    I sincerely hope that Practical Spanish for the Working Lawman provides each reader with useful and practical information to assist with their professional career.


    Spanish is pronounced just as it is written. That is why it is important that you start off on the right foot by learning how to pronounce the Spanish alphabet correctly. Here is the Spanish alphabet. To assist you in the correct pronunciation, included to the right of each letter is the English phonetic pronunciation.

    Here are the vowels. Again to the right of each vowel is the English phonetic pronunciation:

    Vocales                 Vowels

    Now let us try a pronunciation drill. Below we have the vowels again. Below each vowel, there is a pair of letters with the same vowel sounds. It is important that you open your mouth when you pronounce. Remember there is only one vowel sound per pair.

    Subject Pronouns

    and vosotros are used in addressing relatives, friends, or young children. You will most likely never use the vosotros form.

    The Spanish world is not only very formal (as you can see with and

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