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Diez lágrimas y un abrazo (Ten Tears and one Embrace)
Diez lágrimas y un abrazo (Ten Tears and one Embrace)
Diez lágrimas y un abrazo (Ten Tears and one Embrace)
Libro electrónico39 páginas4 minutos

Diez lágrimas y un abrazo (Ten Tears and one Embrace)

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Did you know tears have special powers and there are different types of them? This enthusiastic team of young scientists sets up a laboratory in a garage to study tears and all the different things they can be used for. They are about to become explorers, in a sea of emotions!

Peter and his friends have discovered an unprecedented fact… the magic of tears can be used for many things! Good scientists as they are, they have set up their own laboratory in Amy’s grandma’s garage and have noted that each tear is born from a different emotion. Who said you can only cry when you are sad?

After spending a long time collecting tears in lachrymatories, this group of friends has discovered and classified ten different types of tears. Silky tears, First Time tears, Chilly tears, Prickly tears, Goodbye tears, even of Sparkly Tears! All tears contain a different emotion within them, and that makes them so precious.

Behind every tear, there’s an embrace, and in that embrace… you’ll feel safe.

¿Sabías que las lágrimas tienen poderes especiales y que no todas son iguales? Este entusiasta equipo de jóvenes científicos ha instalado en un garaje su laboratorio para estudiarlas. ¡Se van a convertir en exploradores de todo un mar de emociones!

Pedro y sus amigos han descubierto un hecho inaudito… ¡la magia de las lágrimas puede utilizarse para muchísimas cosas! Como buenos científicos, han montado su propio laboratorio en el garaje de la abuela de Esther y han observado que cada lágrima nace de una emoción diferente. ¿Quién dijo que solo se puede llorar cuando estamos tristes?

Tras mucho tiempo recolectando lágrimas en lacrimatorios, este grupo de amigos ha investigado y clasificado diez tipos de lágrimas diferentes. Lágrimas de seda, de primera vez, de frío, de risa, de coco, de trompazo, de estornudo, de pelear, de adiós, ¡incluso de picapica! Todas las lágrimas contienen una emoción diferente, y por eso son tan especiales.

Detrás de cada lágrima hay un abrazo y en ese abrazo… te sentirás a salvo.

EditorialCuento de Luz
Fecha de lanzamiento20 feb 2017
Diez lágrimas y un abrazo (Ten Tears and one Embrace)

Marta Sanmamed

Marta Sanmamed is a multi-disciplinary artist whose work has been exhibited individually and in collaboration with other artists, not only in Spain but also in the USA and the rest of Europe. As well as being a writer, graphic designer and web designer, blogger and creator of TV formats, she is an enthusiastic supporter of funerary art, believing that “ in order to know a city in any depth, you have to visit its market, its oldest bookshop and its cemetery.” An organizer of guided tours and exclusively staged events in cemeteries, she likes to walk amongst tombs surrounded by children, as their eyes are unclouded by prejudices. Sonja Wimmer is an award-winning illustrator whose work has been featured in books, posters, and magazines. Her books include Could It Happen to Anyone? (Honorable Mention as Best Children's Picture Book-Spanish at the 2012 International Latino Book Awards), A Night Time Story (Silver Medal Winner at the 2013 Independent Publisher Book Awards), The Word Collector (which earned her Best Illustrator at the 2011 Moonbeam Children's Book Awards and which won Second Best Children's Picture Book-English at the 2012 International Latino Book Awards), The Sky of Afghanistan (Gold Medal Winner at the 2012 Moonbeam Children's Book Awards), Story of a Cockroach (Best Cover Illustration at the 2012 International Latino Book Awards), Walking Through a World of Aromas (Second Best Children's Fiction Picture Book-English at the 2013 International Latino Book Awards), John's Whistle and The Gardener's Surprise.

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    Diez lágrimas y un abrazo (Ten Tears and one Embrace) - Marta Sanmamed

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