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El Vía Crucis Para Todos
El Vía Crucis Para Todos
El Vía Crucis Para Todos
Libro electrónico36 páginas18 minutos

El Vía Crucis Para Todos

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With more than three million copies sold of the English edition of Everyone’s Way of the Cross, the Spanish edition of this perennial bestseller, El Vía Crucis Para Todos, will find a welcome home with the more than thirty million Latino Catholics now in the United States.

For almost fifty years, the simple, intimate, and powerful words of Clarence Enzler’s perennially bestselling Stations of the Cross booklet have invited readers to grow closer to Christ by embracing the mystery of suffering in the world.

Beautiful, bold commissioned woodcuts by Annika Nelson and her mother Gertrud Mueller Nelson help us meditate on the passion and death of Christ and to see how Christ is among us—often in unexpected places.

Also available in English, this booklet is ideal for private study and for parish-wide distribution for Lenten observance of Stations of the Cross.
Fecha de lanzamiento27 ene 2014
El Vía Crucis Para Todos

Clarence Enzler

Clarence Joseph Enzler (1910–1976) is best known for his classic Lenten devotional booklet Everyone’s Way of the Cross, first published in 1970. He worked for the US Department of Agriculture from 1937–1972, except from 1943–1945 when he served as the feature editor with the National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service (now known as the Catholic News Service). A prolific author, he had articles published in many national magazines, including The Ave Maria, and wrote three books. He held a doctorate from Catholic University of America and was a deacon in the Archdiocese of Washington. Enzler and his wife Kathleen Crowley Enzler were the parents of thirteen children.

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    El Vía Crucis Para Todos - Clarence Enzler


    Nihil Obstat:

    John L. Reedy, C.S.C.

    Censor Deputatis


    Mons. Leo A. Pursley, D.D.

    Obispo de Fort Wayne-South Bend


    ©1970, 1986, 2013, 2014 Ave Maria Press, Inc.

    Todos derechos reservados. Ninguna parte de este libro puede ser usada ni copiada en ninguna manera sin la autorización por escrito de la editorial Ave Maria Press®, Inc., P.O. Box 428, Notre Dame, IN 46556-0428; excepto en el caso de copias usadas para las críticas literarias.

    La editorial Ave Maria Press, fundada en 1865, es un ministerio de la Provincia de los Estados Unidos de la Congregación de Santa Cruz.

    Regular ISBN 978-1-59471-430-6

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