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Querido John
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Querido John
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Querido John
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Querido John

Calificación: 3.5 de 5 estrellas



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John Tyree, es un un muchacho rebelde que vive en Carolina del Norte. Después de pasar una infancia complicada sin madre y con un padre obsesionado con la numismática decide alistarse en el ejército para poder huir de su pueblo y de su disfuncional familia.

Sin embargo, en uno de los permisos que se le conceden, volverá a su ciudad natal y allí conocerá a Savannah. Ella es su completo opuesto: una brillante estudiante, pasa el verano construyendo casas para los sin techo. Los dos jóvenes se enamoran perdidamente y cuando John tiene que reincorporarse a filas deciden esperar a que él pueda licenciarse de su carrera militar para poder emprender un proyecto de vida juntos. Las visitas de John a Savannah se suceden y en ellas el amor que sienten el uno por el otro no hará más que aumentar.
John conseguriá además, con la ayuda Savannah, descubrir el porqué del alejamiento de su padre y reconciliarse con él. A pesar de todo esto, algo que excede a su contro sucede: los cruentos atentados del 11 de septiembre que sumen al país en la alerta roja militar. John tendrá entonces que tomar la decisión más difícil de su vida, la de optar entre el amor a una mujer y el amor a su país.

Fecha de lanzamiento10 jul 2013
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Querido John

Nicholas Sparks

Nicholas Sparks nació en Estados Unidos en la Nochevieja de 1965. Su primer éxito fue El cuaderno de Noah, al que siguió Mensaje en una botella, que han sido llevadas al cine, al igual que otros de sus éxitos como Noches de tormenta, Querido John y La última canción. Es autor de más de 20 novelas que han sido traducidas a más de 50 idiomas y publicadas en 25 países.

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  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I've had this book a while, and I want to read it before I hear about the movie.

    I read this book in a day. Granted I was sick in bed, but I really did get sucked into this book. It was a little cheesy which usually makes me wince a bit. I think it was the character development that really made me want to know what was happening next. And the story was a romance, but without the sex that usually seems to sell romances. It was such an innocent love, and that made the story so much more real.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    I cried a lot in this book. :( It only means the author is effective. It does not deal with love story alone but with father son relationship too
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Inhaltsangabe:John Tyree ist 23 Jahre alt, als er bei einem Urlaub zu Hause die junge und dynamische Studentin Savannah Lynn Curtis kennen lernt. John ist Soldat und in Deutschland stationiert. Er hat nur seinen Vater und zu ihm hat er keine besonders gute Beziehung.Savannah ist in den Bergen von South Carolina aufgewachsen und träumt davon, eines Tages behinderte Kinder mit Tieren eine Therapie-Möglichkeit anbieten zu können.Der Urlaub geht viel zu schnell vorbei und John muss nach Deutschland zurück. Dennoch glauben beide fest an ihre Liebe und fiebern seinem nächsten Urlaub entgegen. Eigentlich will er Weihnachten 2001 die Armee verlassen, aber der 11.te September verändert auch sein ganzes Leben. Zudem wird sein Vater schwer krank und die Beziehung zu Savannah leidet in jeder Hinsicht darunter. Bereits kurz nach seiner Ankündigung, noch länger in der Armee bleiben zu müssen (wegen dem bevorstehenden Irak-Krieg), verändert sich die Beziehung. Als er schließlich im Irak kämpft, erhält er von Savannah einen Abschies-Brief. Sie hat einen anderen Mann kennen gelernt und würde ihn heiraten.Es bricht eine schwere Zeit an, denn sein Vater ist noch schwerer erkrankt als zuerst gedacht. Nach seinem Tod schließlich zieht es John nach Lenoir, wo Savannah mit ihrem Mann lebt. Und ehe er es sich versieht, steht er vor ihr. Wie wird es weitergehen? Kann er seine verloren geglaubte Liebe je überwinden oder gibt es einen Neuanfang?Mein Fazit:WOW!!! Nicholas Sparks hat mal wieder einen Knaller geschrieben. Innerhalb von drei Tagen habe ich die 400 Seiten verschlungen. Todmüde und völlig ausgelaugt bin ich, aber ich mußte die Geschichte um John und Savannah unbedingt weiterlesen und wissen, wie es ausgeht.Das Buch ist in der Ich-Form geschrieben, was diesem Buch einen besonderen Charme verlieh. Denn so habe auch ich mich als Leserin immer wieder gefragt, wie geht es Savannah? Wie verkraftet sie die Trennung? Die Rätsel lösen sich mit der Zeit auf und es ist einfach nur ergreifend. Und der Autor hat ein neues Hintergrund-Thema gewählt: Irak-Krieg! Inzwischen wohl eine weitere schmerzende Archilles-Verse nach Vietnam und er ist recht nüchtern ans Thema heran gegangen, hat nichts beschönigt oder dramatisiert. Das fand ich schon recht interessant! Allerdings spürt man auch sein weiteres großes Anliegen in diesem Buch: Behinderte Kinder!Was mich allerdings schon etwas störte, war die Tatsache, das Savannah mit 21 Jahren offensichtlich noch Jungfrau war und selbst nach über einem Jahr Beziehung Probleme mit Sex hatte. Ich finde so ein Verhalten bei der heutigen Zeit schon etwas unnatürlich. Aber gut, der Geschichte hat es keinen Abbruch getan.Wer was für Romantik übrig hat, sollte sich in keinem Falle dieses Buch entgehen lassen.Anmerkung: Die Rezension stammt aus Mai 2007.Veröffentlicht am 10.05.16!
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    It was a good movie
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Sad, but very good.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    amazing book.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    nice twist
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    A very good read.
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    drippy, typical Nicholas Sparks
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Lovely, of course.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    A tender romance that falls apart after John, who is stationed in the military in Germany re-enlists after the events of 9-11. Even though their lives go in different directions, they never lose their love for each other. A reminder that truly loving someone is putting their needs ahead of your own, no matter the costs. Light reading that I thoroughly enjoyed. Very well written.
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    So here's the thing about Nicholas Sparks: he has great ideas, but struggles to turn them into wonderful works of fiction. This is a definite case of movies being better than books, although I can't say I'm inclined to see the movie. His writing style isn't particularly refined and I can't tell if that's because he's writing from the perspective of someone, or that's just how he writes. Either way I was really excited to read this book and sadly it wasn't as good as I'd hoped.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Omg how sad. Somehow I was hoping for a different ending but at the same time, it ended just the way it had to... *sigh*
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Really sad, though it was predictable. I love Nicholas Sparks so it gave me what I wanted out of it. A good read overall. Though his books all have the same North Carolina lovers feel, I think his writing is what keeps me coming back. This one was no different.
  • Calificación: 2 de 5 estrellas
    I read this book because the film is coming out soon and I have this weird compulsion to read the book that any film I want to watch may be based on before I see the film. It's something I've always tried to do, but I gotta say, this might make me change the trend.

    I am in love with John. Seriously - he is such a wonderful character and I am so, so, so depressed that nothing went right for him. That he lost the woman he loved (we'll get to her later), that he lost his father and was left with nothing - no home, no collection of coins that his father wanted passed down to him and nothing he deserved in life.

    I get that sometimes good people don't get what they deserve but FFS, he had to deserve good something, right?

    I alternated between kinda liking Savannah (just didn't warm to her that much) and loathing her - her first letter made me like her, and although I knew she was going to break up with him in the giveaway 'Dear John' letter, I just...I was heartbroken when he was in Iraq and read that letter. I just wanted to strangle her for her cruelty. Then when he went back, the absolute selfishness of her - someone who wanted it all. Who unloaded on him even though his father who just died, who guilted him with the talk of money and everything, who wanted her husband and the fairytale. Who didn't give a fuck about what she was doing to John just as long as she felt better, because in Savannah's world it's all about Savannah and what she thinks and what she wants and I just...gah! She didn't deserve John or Tim and although Tim was, I'm sure, a nice guy, I still couldn't forgive the fact that he and Savannah cheated on John, and I couldn't forgive the guilt-trip Tim laid on him in the hospital. How dare he ask John to look after Savannah and his brother after what they had done? I get it - they were such good people and all that crap and couldn't help falling in love and blah de blah blah but, God, at what point was anyone going to stop thinking about themselves?

    Gah - it just pissed me off. I was so heartbroken for John and I just wanted so much more for him and I was glad that Savannah walked out the door at the end. It lets me think that she knows she screwed up, that she understands she'll never really be that happy with the decision she made. It lets me imagine the scenario of one day her coming across a happily married John and knowing she brought it on herself.

    So yeah, I think I'm going to be watching the film needing a whole box of hankies and possibly a gag in order to avoid wanting to yell to abuse Savannah when she sends the letter. ;)

    Good book, just...I don't know, I just wanted more for John. But I guess the moral of the tale is that sometimes you don't get what you deserve. Sometimes there's not much you can do accept roll with whatever punches get thrown your way. Sometimes people are fickle and self-serving, and sometimes you get left behind no matter how hard you try and hold onto it.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    I find it hard to review this one. I liked the book, and I cried while reading. So there was an emotional attachment, but it just wasn't an unforgettable book for me. It was kind of like fodder - just there to pass the time. I hate to say that about it, because I did enjoy it. I just missed something with this one. I haven't seen the movie yet, so I didn't have a disconnect because it didn't follow the movie or vice versa. Maybe as time passes I'll be able to figure it out. But on with the review... I really liked Savannah. John was an ok character but I just got the "dumb jock" sterotype stuck in my head and couldn't get past that with him. I don't know they the jock thing stuck, since he was in the Army, but that's what stuck. Even when he was being a sweetheart I didn't see it as being realistic. Savannah was so caring and had such a big heart, but she also knew she had to take care of her heart and wouldn't let herself get hurt. I could see her falling in love with John, but I also could see that it would be short lived. They were two different people and he didn't really suit her. I would have liked to have had more about John's father, as I think he was the "sweetheart" influence on John. Maybe if he'd been a little bit more developed and a bigger part of the story then I wouldn't have had the negative view of John and his ability to be a anything but cool hearted. Through the whole book I just felt like John's emotions were a bit distant, I know he didn't want to "show" his emotions but everyone has emotions whether they like it or not. So I would have liked to see more of John's dad and John's emotions. I was also kind of disappointed at the end. There was a big build up and no real resolution. I am going to watch the movie. I've heard it's pretty different from the book and that it's one of the few movies that is better than the book. I will read more of Sparks' novels because I do like a good love story. Other's of his that I've read were really good. So I think maybe this one was just a fluke!
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    I LOVED this book! Nicholas Sparks doesn't disappoint in any way with this book...I couldn't put it down & it caught my aunts eye who can't wait to read it next...
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Recently I finished reading Dear John, writen by Nicholas Sparks. After seeing the movie first I decided to read the book and I believe it was just as good, if not better. Throughout the story, the protagonist John was enlisted in the army stationed in both Germany and Iraq. While on a two week leave back home, he met a girl named Savannah on the beach, where he spent most of his free time surfing, and they instantly developed a relationship. The two weeks they spent together was all it took for them to fall in love. Savannah was willing to wait for John until his contract in the army was up, but after the events that took place in New York City on September 11th, John enlisted for another few years.During that period of time, Savannah fell in love with another man and eventually ended up marrying him, though it was obvious that she was still in love with John. The two of them unfortunately never did get back together. I absolutely loved this book, and I would recommend it to anyone who is a fan of romantic novels, which Nicholas Sparks is very well known for. The story had me smiling, crying, and thinking about the ending for weeks after. The fact that John and Savannah didnt get back together in the end made it very upsetting, but also unexpecting and different from typical romances.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    It's a good love story.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    I picked this book up randomly when I was babysitting my niece on Saturday. I have read a few Nicholas Sparks' books in the past and figured I would give another one a shot. While he does write stories about love and emotion, I generally find his writing style to be outstanding and I feel he does a good job explaining how people feel.

    With that said, I did enjoy the pacing and writing of this book, but the storyline wasn't one of his best. It did not have the happy or even satisfying ending I am used to. Without giving anything away, the various small mysteries of the story were easy to figure out before they happened, and I just couldn't find myself bonding with any of the characters. I would recommend some of Sparks' earlier writings before one reads this book.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I liked this book because it wasn't your "boy gets girl" typical tale. It's a love story, for sure, but it had a dose of reality (and sadness) that made it a better read for me. If you like Sparks's "A Walk To Remember," then give "Dear John" a try.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Easily Sparks' best book to date. A smooth read. And several shockers are throughout the book. I loved the wonderful ending, as well.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Enjoyed Dr Johm far more than his latest, The Choice. Maybe because I've been in this exact situation that I really relate to it. Found it a real tear jerker.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    This carefully woven story of a young couple separated by his military obligations sets a benchmark for friendship and love. Nicholas Sparks proved in “The Notebook” and “Message in a Bottle” that a man can be sensitive and romantic and that there is such a thing as true love. He brings it home again here with an ensemble of characters that are all believable and likeable and a storyline that uplifts. The greatest message of this book, however, is of a love greater than romantic love—understanding and acceptance of the individual, whatever their flaws.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Another great work of fiction from Nicholas Sparks. The characters are wel developed and likeable. I listened to the AudioBook and thought that Holter Graham did a superb job! The ending was heartwrenching and yet left you with that "feel good" warmth. Story of what it means to truely love someone... flaws and all.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Pretty nice little read. I tried to watch the movie after I read it and was completely uninterested. I always do that to myself :)
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Dear John was OK. I thought the entire book was predictable; from beginning to end. It was simply written, and somewhat dull. Unfortunately, I purchased another Nicholas Sparks, I'll attempt reading it. All in all, Dear John was a disappointment. I did not feel an intimate connection with the characters and, in fact, began to resent them as the book went on. I would not recommend this book, even to diehard romantics.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I have wanted to read this book for a while because I want to watch the movie. Then when I found out my husband wants to watch the movie I had to push this book up to the top of my list. Glad I did too. Being an Army brat, I could really relate to this book. I was born in Fayetteville, North Carolina where my mother met my father, a Vietnam Veteran in the 82nd Airborne Division stationed at Ft. Bragg at that time. I am quite familiar with Wilmington along the Cape Fear River and of course the beach. My father was also stationed in Germany where I spent 3 years of my early teenage years. I guess all of this made the book a lot more interesting for me. So being an Army brat, I know how difficult it is moving so much and leaving behind friends and loved ones. Actually now it is so much easier to stay in touch with people through the internet. Without giving too much away, my heart goes out to Savannah and John. And although I instinctively knew how this story was going to end, I still didn't like it. Now if the story were to end in a way that was to my liking perhaps I would have given this book 5 stars. But that's really not fair. This was a great book and I am really looking forward to watching the movie with my husband.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    This book is about a romantic drama about a soldier who falls for a girl. If you like novels then you will deffently like Dear John. This book is for you if you like sappy romantic story. The plot is very predictibale. It was an easy read it talk about betrail and two hearts that are one.
  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas
    Not being a fan of the genre, I was prepared to not like this book. That said, I actually enjoyed it! The fact the story is told from a guy's viewpoint made it more acceptable to me, as I could relate to the character's struggles with communicating his emotions. All in all, beautifully written and heart felt.