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Conviértase En Un Magneto Al Dinero En El Mar De Conciencia Infinita
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Conviértase En Un Magneto Al Dinero En El Mar De Conciencia Infinita
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Conviértase En Un Magneto Al Dinero En El Mar De Conciencia Infinita
Libro electrónico243 páginas4 horas

Conviértase En Un Magneto Al Dinero En El Mar De Conciencia Infinita

Calificación: 4.5 de 5 estrellas



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Información de este libro electrónico

Esta edición especial de este asombroso libro, por los autores de mayor éxito Bob Proctor (maestro de El Secreto (The Secret) y Mas Allá de El Secreto (Beyond the Secret) y Michele Blood, es destinado a ser un clásico para millones de perseguidores de lo Autentico y los Principios del Éxito. Este libro se enfoca en muchos temas, desde lo básico hasta los niveles mas altos de la Conciencia. Contiene fascinantes paginas de información, que cualquiera pueda asimilar fácilmente. Un sin numero de personas quienes han disfrutado este libro han creado grandes éxitos en sus vidas y relaciones. Cualquiera que este deseando ser libre y deshacerse de una existencia insatisfecha y rutinaria, puede realizarlo con los conceptos e ideas de este libro mágico. Fue hecho para el individuo quien realmente desea aprender como manifestar el éxito y prosperidad en su vida, mas allá de los conceptos de La Ley de La Atracción y que desea también explorar las profundidades de su propia Conciencia Divina, y trayecto del alma hacia su verdadero propósito. Este libro será clásico. Convierte el lenguaje confuso de las filosofías del Este en un lenguaje en el cual todos quienes deseen entender donde están en su conciencia, entenderán intelectualmente y quedaran sorprendidos que tanto mas podrán ellos alcanzar. Sus posibilidades son realmente infinitas.

EditorialMichele Blood
Fecha de lanzamiento24 jul 2013
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Conviértase En Un Magneto Al Dinero En El Mar De Conciencia Infinita

Michele Blood

Michele Blood is a successful, multi-talented lady. Michele was a successful songwriter and rock singer in Australia and after a near-fatal car accident, while in the hospital with many serious injuries, she created positive Affirmation Songs which not only healed her body but also took her to worldwide success. These Affirmation songs affect the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Lyrics, the left hemisphere, and melody and music, the right hemisphere so the new, positive messages go straight to the subconscious mind. This is why millions of people worldwide have downloaded her Affirmation Power songs. These songs cover healing, success, money, joy, confidence and they uplift the person immediately. In addition to creating Magnet To Success™ products and seminars worldwide, her public Mystical Success Events have been held in over 26 countries. Michele has co-written and created over 80 books, music CDs, audio programs, TV shows, and videos on positive thought, mind transformation, and meditation.Her latest work is a truly powerful and magical App. Bob Proctor, from "The Secret", who wrote many programs with Michele says,"Michele Blood is truly a special person. For over three decades, I have made serious study of the mind and how to live a full and balanced life. I have taught tens of thousands of people around the world how to properly utilize their God-given potential, and then along came Michele Blood. She had a very positive impact on my life, for which I am truly grateful! She made me aware of unique methods for realizing more power by effectively combining affirmations and music. Invest in her entire library and let this petite powerhouse show you a fast and effective way to enjoy more of life's rich rewards. I enthusiastically introduce Michele Blood and her wonderful work to every audience. Order her material today! Share Michele and her MusiVation™ discovery with your world; they will thank you with sincere gratitude."Jack Canfield, Author of "Chicken Soup For The Soul", says,"Michele Blood's energy is incredible. She is a walking billboard for what she teaches, a high-vibration being. I thank her for the work she is doing in the world. I love it, and she's right about the two hemispheres of the brain working together through her Affirmation Power Music Songs. Everything moving in harmony. Beautiful."Michele has appeared in many hundreds of podcasts, radio/tv shows, and magazines globally. After many years of meditation Michele's Kundalini awakened and transformed her consciousness. Michele now teaches others how to live a Successful Life and experience Divine Oneness. Her Mystical Experience webinars and live streams have assisted people globally to transform their lives to the positive. Through her Teachings and Light Transmissions people awaken and experience what they say is the impossible. They awaken to their true purpose and begin their path to Enlightenment. She has shared the stage and worked with Bob Proctor, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Jack Canfield, and many other transformational Authors and Teachers. Her latest book is The Magic Of Affirmation Power and her latest album is Create Miracles: Positive Affirmation Songs To Harmonize your Mind and Life. And her new Magnet To Money App will uplift millions

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Calificación: 4.545454545454546 de 5 estrellas

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  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    Muy recomendado. Tiene un lenguaje muy simple y apropiado para entender con más claridad ciertos conceptos difíciles de explicar. Mil gracias.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    muy buen libro ★★★★★★★★★★♥